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Peppermint shrimps & Aiptasia

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  • SRC Member

Does anyone know how long does it take for the peppermint shrimps to react to the aiptasia?

I left a small rock with an aiptasia on it with 4 peppermint I just bought from Irwarna in a betta box. Stood there for a good 30 mins, nothing happening leh...

Anyway, keeping fingers crossed, that when I go back in the evening, it'll be gone.

Anyone with experience with the peppermints, pls advise.

Thanks!! :bow::bow:

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  • SRC Member

You must wait till dark and they will eat those aiptasia. Last time, I didnt see mine eating, but next morning those aiptasia were gone one by one.

Now just bought new ones, hope they will eat them like the last time i had.


Thanks! :)

I hope they ate the aiptasai too. Didn't see the thing on the rock anymore, so I release all the shrimps into the main tank. 2 on each sides which I saw the aiptasia.

Hope by the end of the week when I come back from biz trip, there'll be no more aiptasia. :evil:

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  • SRC Member

It really depends on the livestock itself. It can be very un-predictable.

I had aiptasia gone the next day after introducing peppermint shrimp'

and also 1 aiptapsia was not eradicated till months later..

guess in your case, chances are quite high since you've put 4 in.

Be patient, before you know it, they'll all be gone.

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  • SRC Member
It really depends on the livestock itself. It can be very un-predictable.

I had aiptasia gone the next day after introducing peppermint shrimp'

and also 1 aiptapsia was not eradicated till months later..

guess in your case, chances are quite high since you've put 4 in.

Be patient, before you know it, they'll all be gone.

They're still there!! I think I spotted another 2!!

Wonder wat happened to all the shrimps. :cry2::cry2:

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  • SRC Member

They're still there!! I think I spotted another 2!!

Wonder wat happened to all the shrimps. :cry2::cry2:

It's normal that they sometimes go into hiding for weeks when introduced.,

until just when you've forgotten about them, they make a surprise appearance.

They are usually more active at night.

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  • SRC Member

Usually peppermint shrimp are not hardy. Coral banded shrimp will kill them too. They are the enemies of most shrimps. It happened to most reefers that these shrimps when introduced to your tank will dissappear and didnt eat the aipstasia. Most reefers dont see them anymore when they dissappear. Hope they still alive. I have a coral banded shrimp which is damn shy. Sometimes I dont see it for half to one year and suddenly it came out before dissapearing again. It never comes out even feeding time.

Peppermint shrimp will not eat an aipstasia which had grown quite big

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  • SRC Member
Peppermint shrimp will not eat an aipstasia which had grown quite big

Guys, I am wrong here, thought all the articles I have read are correct. I have been to a LFF at 2 weeks ago. They have bout 6-7 peppermints. The boss want me to buy so he put in one big aips bout thumb size into a tank with 3 peppermints. Altough the aips is double size bigger, all the 3 peppermints wallop it damn fast. So I was happy to see the show and paiseh when the boss purposely give me a free show, I then bought 2 peppermints. Havent seen them since I place them into the tank. I hope they will be peace with my 2 purple coral banded and 1 golden coral banded shrimps. BTW I only see my coral banded shrimps once in a blue moon. Why these shrimps like to hide? They dont even come out to feed like both of my moon gobies

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  • SRC Member

hi! Do peppermint shrimp come out only at night to eat??

i bought a peppermint shrimp many many months ago but have never seen it again! Yet recently i notice my tank has no more aipstasia.

What is killing the aipstasia?

Confirmed not eaten by fishes, unless foxface?? nay.....

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  • SRC Member

they are noctural . yes they only come out in the night .

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  • SRC Member

its the pepermint which ate those aips or those aips shifted house. U have to monitor closely.

peppermints, coral banded and some others shrimps likes to venture at nite. Normal cleaner shrimp are very brave so you can see them whenever and wherever. But when these shrimps are acclimated, they will tends to come out in the day.

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  • SRC Member

confirm gone. at one stage i have well over 10 10cents size aips in my tank + many small small one! really a headache!

okie so peppermint shrimps are like Batman!

hahaha gash but untill i see him alive, i really don't know whether should i credit him for the job well done! :P

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thats why I no longer keep these cleaner shrimps. I only keep peppermint and coral banded. Yesterday I noticed bothe the purple coral banded had start to come out for feeding. I dont like this as Iwant them to find worms and eat. best find some fish shit to eat, LOL. I am becoming to afraid that they will steal the corals food. I already have a bad time with both of percula. Although they are full full till stomach too big, they still like to harass me by stealing the coral food and throw away.

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