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Burner's 3.8ft x 2.5ft .2.5ft


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  • SRC Member

I like your mushroom heaven! I am trying to create one each for my mushroom and zoas. You got good equipment too.

My only concern for you is the fishes you keep, clown trigger is a beautiful fish and an agressive one too once it is settled in. Damsels are generally territorial, domino damsel is one of them and the other lightning blue and black damsel will change colour when it becomes an adult, less attractive if I remembered correctly. Once they are in your tank, it is very difficult to take them out.

You keeping abalone? Hmm....not sure if they can survive in captivity as they are cold water animals. Anyone who have experience in keeping them?

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  • SRC Member
I like your mushroom heaven! I am trying to create one each for my mushroom and zoas. You got good equipment too.

My only concern for you is the fishes you keep, clown trigger is a beautiful fish and an agressive one too once it is settled in. Damsels are generally territorial, domino damsel is one of them and the other lightning blue and black damsel will change colour when it becomes an adult, less attractive if I remembered correctly. Once they are in your tank, it is very difficult to take them out.

You keeping abalone? Hmm....not sure if they can survive in captivity as they are cold water animals. Anyone who have experience in keeping them?

So far they are not as territorial as it looks, only inital part when i introduce new fish in but then after few days it is back to normal. Now the skunk is defending it's territory ard the anemone and they are living in harmony when feeding.

For abolone wise they are surviving in the tank quite well and comes out in the night especially when the lights are off... they move really fast though.

For the mushroom heaven... i didn't created bro... it comes originally like that and i loves it this way.



3.8ft x 2.5ft x 2.5ft - 12mm(Main) Ñ„ 3ft x 2ft x 2ft - 8mm (Sump)


Chiller - 3/4hp Pacific Coo Ñ„ FR - Resun FR Ñ„ Skimmer - ATI Bubble Master 250 - Reef Maniac 30" Beckeet Ñ„ Filter - Schuran Trickle filter Ñ„ Controllers - Aquatronica Advance Controller System


Return Pump - Rio 24 HF Ñ„ Beckeet Pump - Resun MD55 Ñ„ Equipment Pump - Aquabee 3000 Ñ„ Wavemaker - Tunze 6060, 2 x Seio 1500

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  • SRC Member
Suns must be placed at dark areas bro, they dont like strong light. Love the height of ur tank, scaping perfect for placing some hammer corals at the top for them to grow and expand. Have fun.

Thanks soul. Will take note of that and shift it to some "shady"+ good flow area.



3.8ft x 2.5ft x 2.5ft - 12mm(Main) Ñ„ 3ft x 2ft x 2ft - 8mm (Sump)


Chiller - 3/4hp Pacific Coo Ñ„ FR - Resun FR Ñ„ Skimmer - ATI Bubble Master 250 - Reef Maniac 30" Beckeet Ñ„ Filter - Schuran Trickle filter Ñ„ Controllers - Aquatronica Advance Controller System


Return Pump - Rio 24 HF Ñ„ Beckeet Pump - Resun MD55 Ñ„ Equipment Pump - Aquabee 3000 Ñ„ Wavemaker - Tunze 6060, 2 x Seio 1500

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  • SRC Member

Did a water parameter tests. I does this every month but this month i think due to heavy stocking up of corals and LS some parameters went very very very WRONG. I have start dosing SEACHEM reef advance calcium for the past 1 week and bring it up from a low of 320 to 480, but henry from ML did warn me and told me to becareful of KH and PH imbalance due to dosing of calcium and i did a test. Before when i the clacium was @ 320 my KH was @ 11dkH, as days goes by i slowly drop and now to a low end of 8dkH. Those in Green are what i think NORMAL ZONE, ORANGE are in BORDERLINE ZONE and RED is DANGER ZONE

Calcium -------------- 480 ppm :rolleyes:

Mg -------------------- 1170 ppm :unsure:

No2 (Nitrite) --------- 0.25 ppm :rolleyes:

NH4 (Ammonia) ----- Less than 0.25 ppm :rolleyes:

KH -------------------- 8 dkH :unsure:

PO -------------------- 0.25 ppm :rolleyes:

No3 (Nitrate)--------- 80 ppm :ooh:

I'm going to perform a 5% water change then monitor the NITRATE level to see if it drops. Wish me all the best before any LSs or corals dies on me



3.8ft x 2.5ft x 2.5ft - 12mm(Main) Ñ„ 3ft x 2ft x 2ft - 8mm (Sump)


Chiller - 3/4hp Pacific Coo Ñ„ FR - Resun FR Ñ„ Skimmer - ATI Bubble Master 250 - Reef Maniac 30" Beckeet Ñ„ Filter - Schuran Trickle filter Ñ„ Controllers - Aquatronica Advance Controller System


Return Pump - Rio 24 HF Ñ„ Beckeet Pump - Resun MD55 Ñ„ Equipment Pump - Aquabee 3000 Ñ„ Wavemaker - Tunze 6060, 2 x Seio 1500

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  • SRC Member
Did a water parameter tests. I does this every month but this month i think due to heavy stocking up of corals and LS some parameters went very very very WRONG. I have start dosing SEACHEM reef advance calcium for the past 1 week and bring it up from a low of 320 to 480, but henry from ML did warn me and told me to becareful of KH and PH imbalance due to dosing of calcium and i did a test. Before when i the clacium was @ 320 my KH was @ 11dkH, as days goes by i slowly drop and now to a low end of 8dkH. Those in Green are what i think NORMAL ZONE, ORANGE are in BORDERLINE ZONE and RED is DANGER ZONE

Calcium -------------- 480 ppm :rolleyes:

Mg -------------------- 1170 ppm :unsure:

No2 (Nitrite) --------- 0.25 ppm :rolleyes:

NH4 (Ammonia) ----- Less than 0.25 ppm :rolleyes:

KH -------------------- 8 dkH :unsure:

PO -------------------- 0.25 ppm :rolleyes:

No3 (Nitrate)--------- 80 ppm :ooh:

I'm going to perform a 5% water change then monitor the NITRATE level to see if it drops. Wish me all the best before any LSs or corals dies on me

If u can, wait till the NO2 and NH4 gets to zero. Give some time for ur bacteria to break them down and wait for the reading to drop further before adding more LS.

When u add LS, u are introducing more animal that produces waste and if ur bacteria is unable to break them down quickly, it will cause the NO2 and NH4 to rise. Then, if u dun fix this crux, changing water will only bring the levels lower but will still eventually rise. Thus ppl stock slowly during the initial phase.

Next, the issue on changing water. IMO, doing a 5% water change is not going to help much.

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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  • SRC Member


What a way to start off my 2008... when i found my RBTA got coiled into my Tunze 6060. That irritating RBTA just can't keep still in 1 position, i let it shift to an area where it is comfortable and opens up then few days later it shift to another position again... I'm just afrait that it'll sting my other corals.

While my Purple tenticals anemone stays in the area where i initially left it and not it's glued to the base glass and my LRs opening up big and wide...

Any reefers have simmilar cases where it's just too difficult to site an anemone??

The MINCE ANEMONE had clouded my tank and i'm very worried that my fishes and corals might not be able to take it... should a do a major water change?? 20% then let the skimmer do the job ??



3.8ft x 2.5ft x 2.5ft - 12mm(Main) Ñ„ 3ft x 2ft x 2ft - 8mm (Sump)


Chiller - 3/4hp Pacific Coo Ñ„ FR - Resun FR Ñ„ Skimmer - ATI Bubble Master 250 - Reef Maniac 30" Beckeet Ñ„ Filter - Schuran Trickle filter Ñ„ Controllers - Aquatronica Advance Controller System


Return Pump - Rio 24 HF Ñ„ Beckeet Pump - Resun MD55 Ñ„ Equipment Pump - Aquabee 3000 Ñ„ Wavemaker - Tunze 6060, 2 x Seio 1500

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  • SRC Member

What a way to start off my 2008... when i found my RBTA got coiled into my Tunze 6060. That irritating RBTA just can't keep still in 1 position, i let it shift to an area where it is comfortable and opens up then few days later it shift to another position again... I'm just afrait that it'll sting my other corals.

While my Purple tenticals anemone stays in the area where i initially left it and not it's glued to the base glass and my LRs opening up big and wide...

Any reefers have simmilar cases where it's just too difficult to site an anemone??

The MINCE ANEMONE had clouded my tank and i'm very worried that my fishes and corals might not be able to take it... should a do a major water change?? 20% then let the skimmer do the job ??

Do a massive water change immediately and i would say 50% to be on the safe side.. then let ur skimmer do the rest... otherwise, ur tank inhibitants might not survive the ordeal.

anemone will tend to move to the locations where they can find their ideal spots.. esp BTA... i had the same problem 6 yrs back when my RBTA stuck to my Tunze

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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  • SRC Member

Did a 50% water change but my ATI skimmer doesn't kicks in... hmm already waited for 2hrs but still it gives our big bubbles. I did tune to the level that i always skim but not it doesn't even reach the neck...

ANY ATI BM 250 users...



3.8ft x 2.5ft x 2.5ft - 12mm(Main) Ñ„ 3ft x 2ft x 2ft - 8mm (Sump)


Chiller - 3/4hp Pacific Coo Ñ„ FR - Resun FR Ñ„ Skimmer - ATI Bubble Master 250 - Reef Maniac 30" Beckeet Ñ„ Filter - Schuran Trickle filter Ñ„ Controllers - Aquatronica Advance Controller System


Return Pump - Rio 24 HF Ñ„ Beckeet Pump - Resun MD55 Ñ„ Equipment Pump - Aquabee 3000 Ñ„ Wavemaker - Tunze 6060, 2 x Seio 1500

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  • SRC Member

Here are the latest readings after a anemone disaster and a 50% change of water. All readings are done with either salifert or API test kits

Mg (Magnesium) ------------------------ 1080 ppm ------------------------ Salifert

NH4 (Ammonia) ------------------------- Less than 0.25 ppm ------------- Salifert

NO2 (Nitrite) ----------------------------- 0.5 ppm -------------------------- Salifert

NO3 (Nitrate) ---------------------------- 20 ppm -------------------------- API Reef Master

KH (Carbonate Hardeness) ------------ 7 dkH ----------------------------- API Reef Master

Calcium --------------------------------- 420 ppm -------------------------- API Reef Master

Po4 (Phosphate) ----------------------- Undectable ------------------------ API Reef Master

I think i'll monitor again tml once come back from work. Hope everything settle down.



3.8ft x 2.5ft x 2.5ft - 12mm(Main) Ñ„ 3ft x 2ft x 2ft - 8mm (Sump)


Chiller - 3/4hp Pacific Coo Ñ„ FR - Resun FR Ñ„ Skimmer - ATI Bubble Master 250 - Reef Maniac 30" Beckeet Ñ„ Filter - Schuran Trickle filter Ñ„ Controllers - Aquatronica Advance Controller System


Return Pump - Rio 24 HF Ñ„ Beckeet Pump - Resun MD55 Ñ„ Equipment Pump - Aquabee 3000 Ñ„ Wavemaker - Tunze 6060, 2 x Seio 1500

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  • SRC Member
Calcium -------------- 480 ppm :rolleyes:

Mg -------------------- 1170 ppm :unsure:

No2 (Nitrite) --------- 0.25 ppm :rolleyes:

NH4 (Ammonia) ----- Less than 0.25 ppm :rolleyes:

KH -------------------- 8 dkH :unsure:

PO -------------------- 0.25 ppm :rolleyes:

No3 (Nitrate)--------- 80 ppm :ooh:

Test Correct as at 1/1/2008 1700hrs

Mg (Magnesium) ------------------------ 1080 ppm ------------------------ Salifert

NH4 (Ammonia) ------------------------- Less than 0.25 ppm ------------- Salifert

NO2 (Nitrite) ----------------------------- 0.5 ppm -------------------------- Salifert

NO3 (Nitrate) ---------------------------- 20 ppm -------------------------- API Reef Master

KH (Carbonate Hardeness) ------------ 7 dkH ----------------------------- API Reef Master

Calcium --------------------------------- 420 ppm -------------------------- API Reef Master

Po4 (Phosphate) ----------------------- Undectable ------------------------ API Reef Master



3.8ft x 2.5ft x 2.5ft - 12mm(Main) Ñ„ 3ft x 2ft x 2ft - 8mm (Sump)


Chiller - 3/4hp Pacific Coo Ñ„ FR - Resun FR Ñ„ Skimmer - ATI Bubble Master 250 - Reef Maniac 30" Beckeet Ñ„ Filter - Schuran Trickle filter Ñ„ Controllers - Aquatronica Advance Controller System


Return Pump - Rio 24 HF Ñ„ Beckeet Pump - Resun MD55 Ñ„ Equipment Pump - Aquabee 3000 Ñ„ Wavemaker - Tunze 6060, 2 x Seio 1500

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  • SRC Member
Test Correct as at 1/1/2008 1700hrs

Mg (Magnesium) ------------------------ 1080 ppm ------------------------ Salifert

NH4 (Ammonia) ------------------------- Less than 0.25 ppm ------------- Salifert

NO2 (Nitrite) ----------------------------- 0.5 ppm -------------------------- Salifert

NO3 (Nitrate) ---------------------------- 20 ppm -------------------------- API Reef Master

KH (Carbonate Hardeness) ------------ 7 dkH ----------------------------- API Reef Master

Calcium --------------------------------- 420 ppm -------------------------- API Reef Master

Po4 (Phosphate) ----------------------- Undectable ------------------------ API Reef Master

Test Correct as at 2/1/2008 2000hrs. Have been emptying and washing my skimmer around every 8hrs, thick and SMELLY collection waste observed for the past 2 day. Had tuned my skimmer to be semi-wet but still very fast 1/2 full.

So far no fatality on any corals, clams, inverts and fishes yet (Touchwood).

Mg (Magnesium) ------------------------ 1320 ppm ------------------------ Salifert

NH4 (Ammonia) ------------------------- Less than 0.25 ppm ------------- Salifert

NO2 (Nitrite) ----------------------------- 0.1 ppm -------------------------- Salifert

NO3 (Nitrate) ---------------------------- 10 ppm -------------------------- API Reef Master

KH (Carbonate Hardeness) ------------ 10 dkH ----------------------------- API Reef Master

Calcium --------------------------------- 460 ppm -------------------------- API Reef Master

Po4 (Phosphate) ----------------------- 0 ppm ------------------------ API Reef Master



3.8ft x 2.5ft x 2.5ft - 12mm(Main) Ñ„ 3ft x 2ft x 2ft - 8mm (Sump)


Chiller - 3/4hp Pacific Coo Ñ„ FR - Resun FR Ñ„ Skimmer - ATI Bubble Master 250 - Reef Maniac 30" Beckeet Ñ„ Filter - Schuran Trickle filter Ñ„ Controllers - Aquatronica Advance Controller System


Return Pump - Rio 24 HF Ñ„ Beckeet Pump - Resun MD55 Ñ„ Equipment Pump - Aquabee 3000 Ñ„ Wavemaker - Tunze 6060, 2 x Seio 1500

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  • SRC Member

hope so... still monitoring the nitrate level



3.8ft x 2.5ft x 2.5ft - 12mm(Main) Ñ„ 3ft x 2ft x 2ft - 8mm (Sump)


Chiller - 3/4hp Pacific Coo Ñ„ FR - Resun FR Ñ„ Skimmer - ATI Bubble Master 250 - Reef Maniac 30" Beckeet Ñ„ Filter - Schuran Trickle filter Ñ„ Controllers - Aquatronica Advance Controller System


Return Pump - Rio 24 HF Ñ„ Beckeet Pump - Resun MD55 Ñ„ Equipment Pump - Aquabee 3000 Ñ„ Wavemaker - Tunze 6060, 2 x Seio 1500

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Bro how did you manage to bring up 240ppm worth of Magnesium within a day? Just curious.

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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  • SRC Member
Bro how did you manage to bring up 240ppm worth of Magnesium within a day? Just curious.

Also dunno here are some rough timeline that i did for the disaster recovery

1) 1st Jan 2008 1000hrs - 1200hr ---- i just did a change of 50% of the water then i added 3/4 pack of Marine Environment Salt and 3/4 bottle of the "white bottle" provided in-pack.

2) 1st jan 2008 1400hrs ------- After the salt is throughly dissolved i added 9 capful of "AquaPharm" Magnesium. Then did a test shortly 30-45mins later that show 1080 ppm for Mg

3) 2nd Jan 2008 1700hrs ------- Added 9 capful of "AquaPharm" Magnesium. Then did a test shortly 2hr (as i was watching a show) later that show 1320 ppm for Mg

Then seeing that the Mg stable, i stopped adding the "AquaPharm" Magnesium. Could it be ME salt _ "white bottle' already contain high MG then i add some more of the addictive thus cause such high rise in the Mg. All test were done with same test kits of salifert. To confirm the rise i'll go back and do a test again tonight.

Let me know ur opinion Jervis.



3.8ft x 2.5ft x 2.5ft - 12mm(Main) Ñ„ 3ft x 2ft x 2ft - 8mm (Sump)


Chiller - 3/4hp Pacific Coo Ñ„ FR - Resun FR Ñ„ Skimmer - ATI Bubble Master 250 - Reef Maniac 30" Beckeet Ñ„ Filter - Schuran Trickle filter Ñ„ Controllers - Aquatronica Advance Controller System


Return Pump - Rio 24 HF Ñ„ Beckeet Pump - Resun MD55 Ñ„ Equipment Pump - Aquabee 3000 Ñ„ Wavemaker - Tunze 6060, 2 x Seio 1500

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  • SRC Member
Did a 50% water change but my ATI skimmer doesn't kicks in... hmm already waited for 2hrs but still it gives our big bubbles. I did tune to the level that i always skim but not it doesn't even reach the neck...

ANY ATI BM 250 users...

Skimmer problem solved... took the ATI BM 8hrs after mixing new salt to kick in. Working very hard skimming all waste and thick black stuff.



3.8ft x 2.5ft x 2.5ft - 12mm(Main) Ñ„ 3ft x 2ft x 2ft - 8mm (Sump)


Chiller - 3/4hp Pacific Coo Ñ„ FR - Resun FR Ñ„ Skimmer - ATI Bubble Master 250 - Reef Maniac 30" Beckeet Ñ„ Filter - Schuran Trickle filter Ñ„ Controllers - Aquatronica Advance Controller System


Return Pump - Rio 24 HF Ñ„ Beckeet Pump - Resun MD55 Ñ„ Equipment Pump - Aquabee 3000 Ñ„ Wavemaker - Tunze 6060, 2 x Seio 1500

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I have just mixed a full tank using Marine Environment Salt. At 1.025 the Mg is 1420ppm. Just wonder how come yours are so low. I am using Salifert test kit. 1 possibility is, when you first tested the salt, it has not fully dissolved yet.

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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  • SRC Member

My tank is filled up 3/4 with RED SEA salt 1/4 with ME salt



3.8ft x 2.5ft x 2.5ft - 12mm(Main) Ñ„ 3ft x 2ft x 2ft - 8mm (Sump)


Chiller - 3/4hp Pacific Coo Ñ„ FR - Resun FR Ñ„ Skimmer - ATI Bubble Master 250 - Reef Maniac 30" Beckeet Ñ„ Filter - Schuran Trickle filter Ñ„ Controllers - Aquatronica Advance Controller System


Return Pump - Rio 24 HF Ñ„ Beckeet Pump - Resun MD55 Ñ„ Equipment Pump - Aquabee 3000 Ñ„ Wavemaker - Tunze 6060, 2 x Seio 1500

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

My Greem Suns and Orange Suns opening up for feeding ...


Yellow SUns


Thanks Vandeam... the suns are super great and starting to have sammer polyps coming out.



3.8ft x 2.5ft x 2.5ft - 12mm(Main) Ñ„ 3ft x 2ft x 2ft - 8mm (Sump)


Chiller - 3/4hp Pacific Coo Ñ„ FR - Resun FR Ñ„ Skimmer - ATI Bubble Master 250 - Reef Maniac 30" Beckeet Ñ„ Filter - Schuran Trickle filter Ñ„ Controllers - Aquatronica Advance Controller System


Return Pump - Rio 24 HF Ñ„ Beckeet Pump - Resun MD55 Ñ„ Equipment Pump - Aquabee 3000 Ñ„ Wavemaker - Tunze 6060, 2 x Seio 1500

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How often do you feed them? Any full tank shot? :thanks:

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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  • SRC Member

Normally i throw small dice of henry's food in first. let is dissolve in the tank first. then the sun will start opening up to grab food, only then around 10mins later i will cover them up with round container and dedicate a cube if henry's food to them... this way they get most of the food rather than opening up without any left...



3.8ft x 2.5ft x 2.5ft - 12mm(Main) Ñ„ 3ft x 2ft x 2ft - 8mm (Sump)


Chiller - 3/4hp Pacific Coo Ñ„ FR - Resun FR Ñ„ Skimmer - ATI Bubble Master 250 - Reef Maniac 30" Beckeet Ñ„ Filter - Schuran Trickle filter Ñ„ Controllers - Aquatronica Advance Controller System


Return Pump - Rio 24 HF Ñ„ Beckeet Pump - Resun MD55 Ñ„ Equipment Pump - Aquabee 3000 Ñ„ Wavemaker - Tunze 6060, 2 x Seio 1500

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member




3.8ft x 2.5ft x 2.5ft - 12mm(Main) Ñ„ 3ft x 2ft x 2ft - 8mm (Sump)


Chiller - 3/4hp Pacific Coo Ñ„ FR - Resun FR Ñ„ Skimmer - ATI Bubble Master 250 - Reef Maniac 30" Beckeet Ñ„ Filter - Schuran Trickle filter Ñ„ Controllers - Aquatronica Advance Controller System


Return Pump - Rio 24 HF Ñ„ Beckeet Pump - Resun MD55 Ñ„ Equipment Pump - Aquabee 3000 Ñ„ Wavemaker - Tunze 6060, 2 x Seio 1500

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