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Super TONGAN Nassarius Snails


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Have 10 Super Tongan Nassarius Snails and 1 Bumble Bee Snail for sale.

As some of you know, am decommissioning my tank, so these rarities in Singapore will only be up for sale up till tomorrow afternoon. Am going to my friend's place at 4pm, so I will be bringing them to him if no one wants them. Collection to be done b4 then, at Sembawang.

After that, the tank will be decommed, so I won't have a place for them, so I do have to get rid of them by then. They are currently in a container in the tank.

Links for reading:



Note: Although it says on Liveaquaria that the bumble bee snail likes a deep sand bed, I've never known it to burrow. It stays on the rockwork.

Both species are completely reefsafe.

I won't split up the sale. They will be sold as a group. I had them in my 4 ft and they've done a fantastic job on my sandbed over the past 2 years.

$50 for the group. Can't remember how much I paid for them, but I do know they were by far the most expensive snails I had ever bought.


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