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zing's office tank


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I feel for you bro. One of my Nemo just died too :cry2:

Aptasias should just DIE!

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Another one died! :cry2:

Aptasias should just DIE!

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  • SRC Member
Is that turtle weed?  how long has you been keeping it??

very hard to keep!!!  :(

Oh that 4 legged starfish looks familiar!  jalan kayu??  :D

iwarna also have. and saw a 6 legs too. Victor has no idea what kind of star and laughing. He also laughed why has 4, 5 and 6 legs starfishes which all of them have the same colour.

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  • SRC Member
sigh....damn sad liao...came in to office to see my fishes all DEAD. :cry: :cry: :cry:

it all started with the death of the mimic tang... and the rescape....

"if it ain't broke, don't fix it"....its true..so true... :cry: :cry: :cry:

From my experience, dont touch DSB if the LR are not seasoned for many years. I noticed in the old days many times I touched the DSB and next day all immigrated. Nowadays it never happened anymore. For your case, I dont think itch because itch will only be gone with nothing to attach after 1 month. I think mostly is the ammonia surged after you had disturbed the LR and detritus.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

dear all...here's the latest update....this was before 26th oct

did some minor rescape. shifted the "turtle weed" to the middle.it's bottom was partially hidden by the surrounding rocks.

bad move... :pinch:

went to office on 27th oct and saw the bottom half was.....colourless :blink:

haiz...lack of light caused this.grr....threw it away. cant save liao


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Bro,

Any new updates?


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:o omg..u could be rite! i picked it up the other day and...its just turns into "ashes" !!! shid..there are crab in my tank!


anyway...all the fishes doing pretty well at the moment..

but seems like kena algae bloom. green algae especially. tink i need to get a tang to eat them :heh:

How about a bi-color blenny or algae blenny?

They don't grow too big.

I have a bi-color in my 14"x9"x12" office tank. It did a pretty good job on my LR. Plus I put some Seachem PhosGuard into a little bag in my HOB filter too.

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  • SRC Member

How about a bi-color blenny or algae blenny?

They don't grow too big.

I have a bi-color in my 14"x9"x12" office tank. It did a pretty good job on my LR. Plus I put some Seachem PhosGuard into a little bag in my HOB filter too.

yeah...i just got myself an algae blenny today from irwana...but....my algae problem has been solved quite long ago actually..hehe

here's an updated pix...

bought a red sponge from ahbeng ;)


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yeah...i just got myself an algae blenny today from irwana...but....my algae problem has been solved quite long ago actually..hehe

here's an updated pix...

bought a red sponge from ahbeng ;)


I was also at Iwarna to pick up some salt, but didn't see you.

BTW, my office building security guards have a habit to pop-in after office hours to turn off all the air-cons. (including weekends) :angry:

Any suggestions how I might counter that move without having to return to office ? :fear:


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