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Dispar Anthias


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Hi Reefers,

Jus acquired 4 so called Dispars yesterday.... all males... with one that looks like it has the potential to be a alpha....

and BTW, was browsing through some books at borders and realised that there are other species of anthias that look very much like Dispars with very minor differences.....

eg...the so called Flame Anthias..... and also the Carberri Anthias...

question is how do I know whether what I have is a Dispar???

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Hi Reefers,

Jus acquired 4 so called Dispars yesterday.... all males... with one that looks like it has the potential to be a alpha....

and BTW, was browsing through some books at borders and realised that there are other species of anthias that look very much like Dispars with very minor differences.....

eg...the so called Flame Anthias..... and also the Carberri Anthias...

question is how do I know whether what I have is a Dispar???

ask DA....he'll be able to tell you....MOrgan is very good with anthias as well ;)

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u can't get Carberryi Anthias ($40+) at the price of Dispar ($6-8), bro :eyebrow: Carberryi got a yellow stripe/patch near its dorsal fins.. hard to c one ... ha .. my super-simple differentiation... :angel:

u sure carberryi cost so much? henry was selling them for $8/pc.

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u can't get Carberryi Anthias ($40+) at the price of Dispar ($6-8), bro  :eyebrow:  Carberryi got a yellow stripe/patch near its dorsal fins.. hard to c one ... ha .. my super-simple differentiation...  :angel:

I think you are referring to the Barletts....

Heres a extract from a article found in reef.org...

Bartlett's Anthias (Pseudanthias bartlettorum) - Beautiful and hardy anthias! This is one of the easiest anthias to keep in an aquarium. Although it is not a large species, it needs swimming room in the upper part of the aquarium. It will quickly acclimate to captivity as long as there are plenty of hiding places available and the aquarium dose not already contain aggressive fish species. This species is great for shallow and deep-water reef aquaria, but like all anthias it is important to feed it at least once a day. Unfortunately, like many of these fishes, it may lose its color...

Add the link for more information on Anthias...


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u sure carberryi cost so much? henry was selling them for $8/pc.

mua hahaha ... :yeah: i'm LOST

remember henry first batch of Carberryi were bery expensive...and he say he kana con by the supplier or some sort... which got some normal dispar in it... anyway, tat was long story...

:bow: sorry for the wrong info, bro :paiseh:

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Hey joe_p from my marine atlas, the pic of flame anthias doesn't look like this. yes from the pic, the front part of the body do look like dispar but the different part is that flame anthias has 2 dark red stripe running across the edge of its tail fin which dispar do not have........

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Hey joe_p from my marine atlas, the pic of flame anthias doesn't look like this. yes from the pic, the front part of the body do look like dispar but the different part is that flame anthias has 2 dark red stripe running across the edge of its tail fin which dispar do not have........

Yeah..... think I might have a Flame Anthias instead... noticed the red stripes along the edge of the caudal finnage.....

Bad news is these specimens are very hard to feed.....

Think they are not gonna make it...... :(

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