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WTS: 5 foot tank + 4 foot sump

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  • SRC Member

For sale:

12mm tank - 59"x22"x28" H

8mm sump - 47"x18"x20" H

1.5 yrs old. Reason for sale: home renovations, need to shut down tank.

Will include an old (2yrs) Pac Coo 1/2 HP chiller for free. Doesn't work very well, has trouble cooling below 27 deg. If using for FOWLR should be ok. Maintenance could solve the problem, but too lazy to do it now as tank is decommissioned.

Total package: $200.

Location: Serangoon Gardens area

Pls arrange your own transport to collect.

Interested pls PM me or SMS - 97901711.

Picture of tank when it was running:


Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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For sale:

12mm tank - 59"x22"x28" H

8mm sump - 47"x18"x20" H

1.5 yrs old. Reason for sale: home renovations, need to shut down tank.

Will include an old (2yrs) Pac Coo 1/2 HP chiller for free. Doesn't work very well, has trouble cooling below 27 deg. If using for FOWLR should be ok. Maintenance could solve the problem, but too lazy to do it now as tank is decommissioned.

Total package: $200.

Location: Serangoon Gardens area

Pls arrange your own transport to collect.

Interested pls PM me or SMS - 97901711.

Picture of tank when it was running:

Bro, is yr tank with cabinet?? Me interested in both the tanks and FOC Chiller.. Can Collect from you?? Sms Me your place of collection... @ 91157881. Thanks

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  • SRC Member

Latest update: chiller sold separately.

Since nothing to throw in as freebie, I am reducing the price to $150 for the tank and sump.

Just to clarify, all there is can be found in the pictures. No cabinet as my tank used to be inside a built-in cabinet in my house.

Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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  • SRC Member

Anybody wants a free tank? Just come and collect. It's sitting there not being used, seems like a total waste. SMS me at 97901711 if you want it or know anybody that wants it.

Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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  • SRC Member

bro there's no stand rite?

“Frogs have it easy, they can eat what bugs them”

"If you have no critics you'll likely have no success."

- Malcolm X

Glory Glory Man Utd!

DeZ aka Desmond

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  • SRC Member

Sorri for the late reply. No stand. Just tank and sump. As per the photos. WYSIWYG. :)

Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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  • SRC Member

yeah....tell me about it....last time i give tank, sump, cabinet and hood free.....Then that guy asked for the cabinet (which i am using) next to the tank to be throw in.......

wasted time entertianing him, should have just dispose of the tank instead of letting it stay and smell the house.... :rolleyes:

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  • SRC Member

Yah, nowadays free also not good enough, ppl want all sorts of other things thrown in... dispose is also an option, either way I get nothing, but seems a bit "sayang" to waste it, thought I'd see if anyone can make use of it.

Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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  • SRC Member
yeah....tell me about it....last time i give tank, sump, cabinet and hood free.....Then that guy asked for the cabinet (which i am using) next to the tank to be throw in.......

wasted time entertianing him, should have just dispose of the tank instead of letting it stay and smell the house.... :rolleyes:

well some are too demanding. Most humans didnt know how to care others feelings. Well, I am very afraid when one day I want to dispose this hobby, I will have nightmare too. Asking people to help disposing the 5 feet tank is hard, too heavy. Thats why I cannot upgrade my house because of this hobby.

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