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I need help on advise


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Its a sad week :cry2: ....most fishes died and now I left only the Naso and Blue Tang going thru Hypo treatment.

I would like to ask:

1. If I suspect my main tank is having toxic water (suspect caused by dead fishes and jelly fish), with lowering the salnity (maybe to 1020 or 1010) in the tank helps? What other things should I do to recover the tank water or should I just removed the water? If removing the water, how about the sand?

2. I have removed some water into another 2 feet tank which is housing the Corals and shrimp. If the above mentioned is true, when I put back the corals and shrimp, will it again bring the toxic over to the main tank? Will the ich parasites also follow corals and shrimp over? How long must I put the corals and shrimp away from the main tank, 1 month?

3. from point 2, will Cleaner & Boxer shrimp or corals catch ich parasites?

4. does hawk fish catch ich too?

please kindly advise and appreciate in advance. :cry:

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hi bro,i guess they might haf ammonia spike since deadfishes are in there.. 2ndly jellyfish,do they gif off toxic when they die like the seacuke? if yes.. i think u needa do lots of water change and dump in lots of active carbon.

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Hi Bro ReDDeviLs & royal gramma,


I think I will change the entire water as i deem it is really dirty. But do I have to take out the sand to wash?

Does the Rocks in the tank and water column needs to have fresh water washed?

I think I will have a long weekend of works to do :cry2:

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Don't think you need to wash the sand, too much hassle.

If you wash your rocks with fresh water, you have to cycle your tank again.

Adjust your skimmer to wet skimming.

Noted Bro royal gramma,

I have heard about Wet Skimming, how to do it? Open more air or tighten the air intake?

Can I continue to use the current water, i was thinking of putting back the LR, corals and shrimps. Also buy some Active Carbon and place at the sump where the water from the IOS.

I will let it runs for 1 to 2 months before thinking of adding fishes.

Do you think it is feasible?

Any other Bro/Sis expert have any comments.

thank you. :)

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