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  • SRC Member
Hey bro.... just read your thread. Haha seems like we are in the same situation huh regarding the chiller and cycling. :D

My tank is also about 31deg during the day when the lights are on and 29deg when off. I'll definitely need to get my chiller before any livestock goes in so this will be done hopefully by this week. For now, i've decided to switch off the lights to keep the temp low since there's not really a need for lights now.

Anyway, am surprised that your tank cycling is progressing quite fast.. considering its only 2 weeks old. My nitrate level was quite high last week when i tested it (25 mg/l) whereas yours is only 10 mg/l now. Any bros care to enlighten on why this is the case?

Anyway, keep up the good work bro. Everything looks good for now. However, maybe you might want to reconsider having the maroon clown in your tank. Its quite aggresive especially to new introductions and also esp territorial in my previous experience. True percs would be a good welcome change. :lol:

Which week ya cycling now?


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  • SRC Member
Hey bro.... just read your thread. Haha seems like we are in the same situation huh regarding the chiller and cycling. :D

My tank is also about 31deg during the day when the lights are on and 29deg when off. I'll definitely need to get my chiller before any livestock goes in so this will be done hopefully by this week. For now, i've decided to switch off the lights to keep the temp low since there's not really a need for lights now.

Anyway, am surprised that your tank cycling is progressing quite fast.. considering its only 2 weeks old. My nitrate level was quite high last week when i tested it (25 mg/l) whereas yours is only 10 mg/l now. Any bros care to enlighten on why this is the case?

Anyway, keep up the good work bro. Everything looks good for now. However, maybe you might want to reconsider having the maroon clown in your tank. Its quite aggresive especially to new introductions and also esp territorial in my previous experience. True percs would be a good welcome change. :lol:

hi redmushroom.

well in actual fact im still considering still cycling my tank despite good h20 parameter reading.

the reason why i put back my fishes into the tank was bcos i want to clear away the holding tank for the fishes cos need to go overseas and furthermore i need to pass my skimmer to buyer.

i intend to cycle the tank as long as i can say 1-2mths while waiting for the supply of scrool of yellow tangs to come in.

getting my chiller soon-artica 1/3hp. steve will come next week to do some correction and hopefully can install the chiller.

are you getting artica too? ill keep my finger cross that it doesnt make too much noise cos got to leave it outside the cabinet and inside the hse.

the rocks that steve used are basically cured/cleaned rocks and he only use 1-2pieces of my old rocks. also was told that the sand also can help speed up cycling process.

i only set my lights to on for few hrs. evaporation rate is so shocking high when i leave both cabinet door open so now boh pian got to get chiller.

hope you tank finish cycling period soon...

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  • SRC Member

Which week ya cycling now?


hi ah lim.

i started the cycling process on 1st aug. so by now its about 2weeks ++.

will cycle as long as i can tahan not to cheong lfs..need to monitor my h20 parameter 1st. want to really get it right b4 introducing any new fishes.

hows your tank doi now? did any h20 test?

did you get the polar h20?

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yo yo yo.

Tested for nitrite, amonia and nitrate. 0, 0 and 10.

Very tempted, since nearly 50% is old tank water, think shld be okay.

Btw, 7th month, less shipment? haha

Oh, I ordered the polar le, Should be coming in tml. Thanks to u and jojocube also. Hee.

Think this weekend shld be able to put my old LS back to tank.

Haha, so excited.

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tried removing the skimmer collection cup but abit tight. shall wait for steve to show me the technic to remove it. dont want to break anything.

so at the moment only use tissue to wipe the inside part-just like the cotton thick and muddy residue..

is the water level ok-at the collection cup? izit too high or should i tune it lower?

my skimmate is smelly and not much thou. quick diluted too. wonder isit bcos nothing much to skim or wrong tuning of water level. pls advise!!


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  • SRC Member

To identify where your water level is at, turn off the skimmer pump and leave the feeding pump on.

You can then access where the water level is at and adjust it accordingly. :)

Tank 66"x27"x28" - Return Pump Red Dragon 12m3 - Skimmer Deltec AP701 - Chiller Starmex - Wavemakers Wavysea - Lighting DE 6 x T5-HO

southpaw23's reef

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To identify where your water level is at, turn off the skimmer pump and leave the feeding pump on.

You can then access where the water level is at and adjust it accordingly. :)

hi southpaw.

well i did what you told me. the water level after i off the skimmer pumps and keep the feeding pump on is at the neck of the collection cup.

pic attached. is that ok?


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which is better dry skimming or wet skimming? and how to achieve either one of them?

anpther pic to show the water level after i off the skimmer pumps.


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  • SRC Member

That should be about right....IMO, i wouldn't sweat the lack of skimate seeing that you're still in the midst of your cycling stage.

I noticed that your air intake is throttled down a lil too which is fine and the water level appears fine as well. For wetter skimate you can raise the waterlevel while drier skimate the level would be lowered. It'll take u some time to come to terms as far as what kinda skimate you would prefer.

But generally, with wetter skimate, you would be required to top up with salt water more often while drier skimate would require you to clean the collection cup more often as scum tends to accumulate at the neck.

Tank 66"x27"x28" - Return Pump Red Dragon 12m3 - Skimmer Deltec AP701 - Chiller Starmex - Wavemakers Wavysea - Lighting DE 6 x T5-HO

southpaw23's reef

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I like your idea of the vent hole

hi moron_clown.

well thx for the compliment. there is a set back on the ventilation holes thou...

just got my chiller and noticed when the air blowing out fr the back of chiller it will be blown into the lower cabinet-where the sump is.

that means hot air blown into the sump area. bcos of that i got to leave one of the door open to ventilate the inside part.

but the good thing is when chiller not kick in cold wind will also blow into the ventilation.

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also whats the name of this coral?

most probably all the corals will be temporary cos i still prefer fowlr..cannot resist when i see mahestic, emperor, blue face...


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hand itchy after adding chiller straight away i let go 2corals..

It's understandable bro... you can try to dry some Mango slices at the back of your Arctica :lol:

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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  • SRC Member
wa wa wa....

chiller up , coral in liao...

yr 6ft tank need alots more to fill up... hahaha

hi joe well decided to sell away my prata cos still prefer to hv angels and lots lots of fishes heehee..

so now only put in stuff that my koran will not attack. the moment i saw koran nip on prata i placed it in floating plastic container in main tank. lucky got buyer.

combination of corals + fishes are so nice but too bad cannot hv angels with corals. my all time favourite are majestic + emperor + blue face + king&queen...and list will go on...

any kind of colourful hardy corals that i can add with the type of angels that i mentioned?

any recommendation?any one....?????

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the green coral. i think is moon coral right?

yah i think its call moon. how abo this one with lots of flowers..are there anymore of this type that i can put in with angels? eg xenia or turtle weed??do you think will kena whack by angels?

there so so nice to look at with fishes swimming all over them.


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It's understandable bro... you can try to dry some Mango slices at the back of your Arctica :lol:

hi jervis well if i hang mango there most probably my wife will hang me there too heehee.. btw you have so many tanks with chiller wont it be warm around the surronding area?

cannot imagine your electrical bill??

but again i guess after long hectic working hours when we look at the end product of our beautiful tank or tankssss its prizeless rite...

im still looking/asking around for any recommendation on type of colourful corals that i can add together with angels?

love xenia, turtle weed, or those when blown by the wave makers will be dancing left right type-sorry not sure the name...

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  • SRC Member

Bro, you going fowlr or mixed reef?

Since you have gotten a very good chiller, i guess shd be mixed reef. For angels, l do know there are some softies and LPS tt they do not touch...like mushrooms, leathers, bubble, hammer, frogsprawn. But no-no for prata, brains, cynarina and other meaty corals etc. Maybe other bros here can advise as i only kept angels for a short while.

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