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Electrical current in water

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:shock: mt set-up actually does not have any pumps submerged in the water using cannister filters and hang-on skimmer. I have just put a cooling fan on the back glass panel to cool the water tem which I must say works really welll. But when I immerse my hands in the water get a electricity shock. Thin dis due to the addition of fan cos b4 dat no shocks experienced?

can someone tell me how come there is a current in the water and izit bcos there is no grounding or earth wire (is the term correct?) for the fan? How can I overcome this problem would appreciate some advice. :thanks:

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stray current can leap boundaries. from fan to water. of course it must have a medium to leap through lah. since the fan is in indirect contact with the tank, it is highly possible to have a leap in this electrical energy field. (=

as for grounding wire. well. certain electrical gurus here told me that its useless to change it to those three pin plug types, as the original wire doesn't have the grounding wire attached to it in the first place. I don't know, I may have misquoted them by typing this. best to let them answer your question directly. (=

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