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Week 2 - 10th Nov - 16th Nov 2003

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me probably going there in the afternoon...go there make IC then maybe will go to r****n and if got time will go PR and SL but dunno where is T95..........anyone has an idea how to get there!


Going T95? Report status hor... :P

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my house got 103! just outside at Sim Lim there... eh, correct direction? how long it takes from town?

Very long i should say.... 1/2hrs to 45mins

Oh yah 103 only drop you outside, you still have to walk the stretch of road in yourself

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ML as of today 1 pm, as far as i can rem:

1). White Boxfishes (regular sized to large sized)

2). lotsa LR

3). red starfishes - 1 type pure red another type with yellow patches ( dun noe their names )

4). lotsa fire shrimps

5). yellow tangs

6). some buttons

7). lionfish

8). previous batch ricordias

9). some unusual looking shrimps.... marbled shrimp? :huh:

10). sand sifting goby

11). gramma look-alike fish

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my house got 103! just outside at Sim Lim there... eh, correct direction? how long it takes from town?

it is very far from town.....and all the way there and walk in somemore..not worth it....today stocks low, ah pek says next week wed/thur then got new shipment...

or worse come to worse...get your bf to send you there to take a look after work, ahpek close around 6plus...7

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ML as of today 1 pm, as far as i can rem:

1). White Boxfishes (regular sized to large sized)

2). lotsa LR

3). red starfishes - 1 type pure red another type with yellow patches ( dun noe their names )

4). lotsa fire shrimps

5). yellow tangs

6). some buttons

7). lionfish

8). previous batch ricordias

9). some unusual looking shrimps.... marbled shrimp? :huh:

10). sand sifting goby

11). gramma look-alike fish

You forgot about the batch of really nice looking Moorish idols....

small and look healthy.....

also a batch of small Powder Blues and large emperor angels...

Also some dragonets and sri lanka dottybacks.....

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ML as of today 1 pm, as far as i can rem:

1). White Boxfishes (regular sized to large sized)

2). lotsa LR

3). red starfishes - 1 type pure red another type with yellow patches ( dun noe their names )

4). lotsa fire shrimps

5). yellow tangs

6). some buttons

7). lionfish

8). previous batch ricordias

9). some unusual looking shrimps.... marbled shrimp? :huh:

10). sand sifting goby

11). gramma look-alike fish

How many box fish are there... any idea of the price... woah... will rush down tml... :lol::lol::lol:

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When i reach OP, notice that there was a power failure, thomas can't seem to get the power to start so no choice have to see the fishes in the tdark with little light from my hp...... Dun expect much cos i really cannot see :lol::lol::lol:

1)tiger anthias

2)sqaure anthias

3)truncate fairy

4)female squaminpinnis

5)colourful tube worms

6)purple tip octo

7)open brain

8)reef lobster

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