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Reef Haven


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I like his closing statement very much:

I consider that it is the people who set up 'death tanks,' or do things at a whim, who are a danger to the good name of the majority of reefkeepers. These are the people who set up tanks with little research, and see their set up as little more than a 'pretty thing at the edge of their living room.' It may start off looking attractive, but after replacing the dead and dying stock a few times due to incorrect equipment, inappropriate livestock, rushing ahead and not allowing things to mature properly, it soon becomes an expensive, and all too often, an algae infested mess. I feel that retailers should stress the responsibility their customers have to the creatures in their charge, and not see it as an opportunity to make a quick buck. Although saying that, there are many retailers working very hard to insure sound guidance for their customers and who have high ethical standards.

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On a side note: I am surprised he got voted as Tank of the Month... considering the number of the Tang Police in RC... who must be foaming at the mouth now at the number of tangs in his very crowded reef tank!!!

300 gallons with 5 yellow tangs, 1 powderblue, i purple, 1 chevron and 7 regal tangs.... *I can picture them foaming and rolling on the ground*


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