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can i use over-powered chiller?


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  • SRC Member

The only thing I can think of is that the return from the chiller will be very cold water in a large volume, which could cause your tank temperature to drop very rapidly and may not be good if it happens all the time. A more gradual reduction of temperature is better.

Another possible issue would be that your power bill will be excessively high as the chiller takes a lot of power during startup ("kick in"). Although it may run for a short amount of time each time it turns on, you will get a lot of power used every time it kicks in, which will still happen fairly frequently due to Singapore room temperature being generally higher than marine tank temperatures.

Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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wanna ask all bout topic on top.. if i use a big power chiller and a small tank, will it cause any problem to my tank or chiller or anything else??

thx :thanks:

U can do that but use a External Controller :lol: so u do not need to use a bigger pump ;)

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