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Hi Experts,

I wonder has anyone tried their systems before, they have claimed in their web site they are very low maintenance and needs to change water every 2 -3 mths at only 10% each time? Sounds attractive but I'm rather sceptical, so I wonder if there have been any testimonials here?

Many Thanks,


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I used to own one of their tanks. Beware of sales promises that are lies. :ph34r:

Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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  • SRC Member
Hi Experts,

I wonder has anyone tried their systems before, they have claimed in their web site they are very low maintenance and needs to change water every 2 -3 mths at only 10% each time? Sounds attractive but I'm rather sceptical, so I wonder if there have been any testimonials here?

Many Thanks,


:D i am a proud owner of one of those.

a six feet lenght "picture" wall mounted tank.

Yes, only WC every 2 months with 20 % each time.

Low maintenance, yes.

Thats what got me buying it.

But after few months,

i started being serious about Reefing,

and thats where i realised,

such set up was only meant for the former me,

the me, that was only attracted to the physical appeal of the tank,

rather than the essence of reefing.

And thats where i started reading up more and decided to invest in my RSM tank.

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There's another reefer who owns one... ended up almost redoing the entire tank after he got more serious into the hobby... you can search for a reefer called ALTANTIS :)

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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My uncle got not only the tank set from them , but also got tat company to do up the whole hse renovation... For the tank, they kept replacing the fishes with damsels and chromis and claimed tat fishes live span are unpredictable :evil::fear: In the end, my uncle took them to CASE and managed to get some justice back :nuke::evil:

A person, himself can be his own Lawyer, but he can never be his own Judge ........

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  • SRC Member
My uncle got not only the tank set from them , but also got tat company to do up the whole hse renovation... For the tank, they kept replacing the fishes with damsels and chromis and claimed tat fishes live span are unpredictable :evil::fear: In the end, my uncle took them to CASE and managed to get some justice back :nuke::evil:

Bro F.T looking at their website its really facinating n 1 could tell tt they really do mean biznesslook vry professional.

tel me coz i'm not fimiliar with them wat could have gone wrong with the system

tt it doesn't work well.

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  • SRC Member
Bro F.T looking at their website its really facinating n 1 could tell tt they really do mean biznesslook vry professional.

tel me coz i'm not fimiliar with them wat could have gone wrong with the system

tt it doesn't work well.

don't be fooled by the slick marketing. That's all it is. The short version of why the tank doesn't work for marine is that it emphasizes NO MAINTENANCE EXCEPT WATER TOP UP. That is total bollocks. If you believe that, I have an old bath tub for sale to you.

I used to own a tank and the fish kept dying. Salesperson kept giving me crap like "fish came with cyanide poisoning" etc etc. Finally sick of their nonsense, I went to change the tank and now my fish and corals are living happily.

The key problems with an Atlantis tank:

(1) No proper waste removal mechanism. There is no provision for skimmers, which are generally held to be the single most important piece of equipment for marine tanks. The Atlantis tanks only have filter wool and coral chips, which build up nitrate in the tanks and eventually lead to fatality for livestock. However, BY THE TIME IT HAPPENS, you would have had the tank for a few weeks, and the Atlantis guy can then say that it is not their fault, and blame you for the problem.

(2) No chiller or temperature control mechanism. Unless you intend to keep fish only (and hardy ones like damsels and chromis), your livestock will suffer inside an Atlantis tank which will generally be around 29-31 deg because of Singapore room temperatures. Corals will not survive at such temperatures.

(3) Insufficient lighting. Atlantis generally gives rubbish PL lighting, mine came with 1xwhite PL and 1xblue (not actinic) PL. This is nonsense for keeping corals. You will probably have more luck trying to grow plants using your handphone light than growing corals with those rip-off light fixtures.

(4) Insufficient flow. The tiny return pump for Atlantis tanks hardly generate any flow in the tank. Detritus remains firmly stuck to the bottom and there are many dead spot areas in the tank that contribute to algae growth and coral death.

(5) Most importantly, NON-EXISTENT AFTER SALES SERVICE. When your fish die, just try to contact Atlantis. You will get nothing but excuses.


Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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wat ever it is tt u don put onto me with d sale of ur bath tub to me, you get tt!

u don work up bcoz u r con by them bfor n don put up ur bath tub sale onto me coz i don buy tt, u get tt!

nor did i said anything tt i believe them tt u need to put up ur bath tub sale onto me, u get tt!

n d other thing is tt i ask the questioned Bro F.T n not u coz i believed i did tt n u don need to put up ur bath tub sale to me, u get tt!


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  • SRC Member

chill dude. "I have an old bath tub for sale" is just an expression. I don't really have an old bath tub for sale and even if I did I wouldn't sell it for keeping fish. Lighten up. Nobody's attacking you personally. :D

Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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  • SRC Member
chill dude. "I have an old bath tub for sale" is just an expression. I don't really have an old bath tub for sale and even if I did I wouldn't sell it for keeping fish. Lighten up. Nobody's attacking you personally. :D

U chill urself n lighten up urself dude not me u r the dude.

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Storm Tropper...i believe you should be the one that needs to chill. You obviously took the bathtub statement the wrong way. And i believe Xperiment has clarified that it's just a figure of speech.

So don't get so worked up.... ;)

Tank 66"x27"x28" - Return Pump Red Dragon 12m3 - Skimmer Deltec AP701 - Chiller Starmex - Wavemakers Wavysea - Lighting DE 6 x T5-HO

southpaw23's reef

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Chill down guys. The topic of this thread has already made make "Atlantis" tank owner very frustrated and at lost too.

Wat we want to learnt from here is tat there's no such thing as a tank set up with jus a mere simple rtn pump, no skimmer, with jus FL lights and sump tank and no chiller :blink::evil::fear: And tat ur corals and fishes will live a ripe old age with their systems :evil: Wat a miracle tank !!! :angry:

My uncle paid a whopping sum of $4800 for the 4 ft tank with cabinet and fish has been dying non stop ;) Instead of enjoying the marvels of a marine tank, it has become a graveyard for fishes and corals in the tank. My Uncle has been cursing non stop. But wat to do, he chose the company for the setup :ph34r: So do ur homework if u are deciding to get a tank setup, best recommended to get reputatable LFS to do. Those renovation contractor, to me knows nothing abt reefing accept their hammers and nails :erm:

A person, himself can be his own Lawyer, but he can never be his own Judge ........

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Hmmm... Anyway to salvage those tanks that are already sitting in some of our reefers' home?

I'm just thinking out aloud. With all the new gadgets around for the marine hobbiest, I think don't really have to replace the Alantis tank unless one is talking abt upgrading to a bigger or down grading to a smaller one. Can just add a sump tank with marine equipments or with a DSB etc, and run some piping work with chiller or fan, right? If DIY, I'm sure can save money, then can use it to buy more corals/fishes :lol:

Any other thoughts to share?

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