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Which brand chiller is best??


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Artica =) i know many who switch from resun to artica.

cost effective in term of electrical consumption. it is quiet and accurate. The thermostat reading is always inline with my pinpoint thermometer, sometime, 0.1 dc difference.

2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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  • SRC Member

My own way of saving energy but can't afford a Artica chiller --> don't set the temp overly too low. With global warming, temp rises very fast.

l set my max temp to 29'C (my corals are still doing ok even at 30'C), my chiller only kicks in 2 or 3 times a day. A huge saving in energy while not sacrificing my corals.

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go for artica...teco are lousy nowadays... ;)

view my 2ft tank thread update here!!


Tank Dimension: 24'x15'x19' with black silicon. All round 8mm.


Return Pump : Hailea HX6540

Skimmer/Chiller : Sicce 2500lph

Skimmer : Weipro 2011

Lightings: 4xT5s HO..2 20,000k & 2 Blue Pro(Aquaz) Retrofits

Chiller : Resun CL280

Auto Water Top Up

Life Stock:

More then 35kg of figi rocks

Blue Tang, Powder Blue Tang, Bristletooth tang, Clown Tang, Yellow Tang, Purple Tang, Flame Angel, Six Line Wrasse, Sunrise Dottyback. 2 Cleaner Shrimp

Green Bubble, Orange Yuma, Hammer, True Octopus, Acans,

Frogspawn, Green/Orange Cyannaria, Red Prata, Red Open Brain, Star Polyp, Acan Enchinata

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might as well go for chilldown chillers :lol:

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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go for artica...teco are lousy nowadays... ;)

There are a few shops selling arctica....

And there was a mention that arctica comes with 2 free servicing (on top of the 2yrs warranty).

Point is where to claim these free servicing? Any authorized local agent to go to for the free servicing and warranty issue? :rolleyes:

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  • SRC Member

Hailea not bad. I sold my Teco and buy 2 hailea.

1/4 Hp need only 380+-W

whereby resun 650 1/4 need 650w

nearly half of the power. Used near 1 year didn't gave me problem

i also have Artica, it noise is just abit quite, BUT i like Artica because is smaller only.

Cheap and save energy, hailea. Smaller and abit quite = Artica.

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  • SRC Member
might as well go for chilldown chillers :lol:

Agree! Got mine changed from CL-650 to ChillDown chiller. Less hot than the CL-650 chiller. Completely different performance in term of hot air produced. Personally wanted to get a 1/3hp Arctica but went with this chiller instead. Best part is that there is not a need for a dedicated pump to use this chiller, save more electric!

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Quick question for underwater. When you say that your corals are still ok at 30 degrees celsius, may I know if you are keeping LPS, SPS or both :o .

If keeping SPS and they are okay, any visible signs of stress?

Cheers :lol: .

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  • SRC Member

Quick question for underwater. When you say that your corals are still ok at 30 degrees celsius, may I know if you are keeping LPS, SPS or both :o .

If keeping SPS and they are okay, any visible signs of stress?

Cheers :lol: .

Certainly not SPS for my kind of temp. B)

l'm keeping softies like leathers, mushrooms, starpolys and zoos. For LPS, l have the more hardy ones like bubble, brain & plates.

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From what I read Chilldown or Hailea seems to be the best in terms of electrical cost savings. Anyone knows where to get the Chilldown chiller? Is this one of those drop-in-sump coil units which does not require another pump and plumbing? :D

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Can anyone tell me by changing to arctica, how much will I save in my electrical bill per month?? Currently using CL450...

Currently my bill shot up about $80 for the past 2 months. :(

Just a rough guage....$40??? Or 50%??? Or more????

I do not want to spend so much $$$ by changing to Arctica and only manage to save $10 or even lesser per month you know...... :huh:

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Can anyone tell me by changing to arctica, how much will I save in my electrical bill per month?? Currently using CL450...

Currently my bill shot up about $80 for the past 2 months. :(

Just a rough guage....$40??? Or 50%??? Or more????

I do not want to spend so much $$$ by changing to Arctica and only manage to save $10 or even lesser per month you know...... :huh:

Maybe you do some calculation :rolleyes:

X(Watt) * hours/1000 = Y (KwH)

Y (KwH) * $0.2052(rates) = cost per day

Cost per day * 30 /31 day = Total Cost.

Hopefully can know how much it cost.

Correct me if I am wrong :D

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Artica is not 200watt.....i know because i use to owe one of those....in terms of power saving, its not that it has a much smaller power consumption, but rather a more effect design that would allow it to cool faster and more effective then resun (which i had also before)...i don't know the techincial part, but it actually cool down my tank faster then a resun.....

Frankly for me, i notice only about a 10-20% saving when i switch to artica...but the reason for me switching is because of relablitiy and the abilitiy to put down my tank temperature in really really hot weather.

I have now (recently) switch to those external air con rotatory compressor type. immediate benefits are:

- that as the compressor is piped outside the house, the whole room is about 1-2 degree cooler.

- Compare to the artical, its noiseless (if you think Arctica or teco is quite, you having seen nothing yet!)

- It definately half the time of cool when compared to my old chiller

- according to the aircon man, my compressor while 1 HP consume the same amp as the artica 1/3 compressor!

so seriously, if you are going to come out the $$$ to get an artica, you might want to consider customized air-con unit instead as they cost about the same....some air con man even have lobang to get you used air-con compressor with their own local warranty....;)

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Hi, Bro,

If my calculation correct:

Your Chiller kick in for 40 min every hour.

40min/hr x 24hr = 960 min/day = 16 hr/day

your monthly usage = 16 x 30 = 480 hr.

Assume CL450 =450W

your monthly wattage used = 450 x 480 = 216KW

monthly bill = 216 * 0.20cents = 43 SGD.

If this is the case, each time kick in 40min/hr is rather heavy. How big is your tank and wat temperature are you targeting?

I have a 2 ft x 1.5ft x 1.8 ft with 2ft sump tank. My monthly bill is about 20 SGD.

this is for your guide line and my self. your tank size is rather important to me for changing the chiller.


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Hi, Bro,

If my calculation correct:

Your Chiller kick in for 40 min every hour.

40min/hr x 24hr = 960 min/day = 16 hr/day

your monthly usage = 16 x 30 = 480 hr.

Assume CL450 =450W

your monthly wattage used = 450 x 480 = 216KW

monthly bill = 216 * 0.20cents = 43 SGD.

If this is the case, each time kick in 40min/hr is rather heavy. How big is your tank and wat temperature are you targeting?

I have a 2 ft x 1.5ft x 1.8 ft with 2ft sump tank. My monthly bill is about 20 SGD.

this is for your guide line and my self. your tank size is rather important to me for changing the chiller.



Ur 2ft tank is keeping fish and coral?

Wat are the equipment you have now.

I am starting a new tank and with Chiller, Protein Skimmer, etc. Bills get additional of $20/-. It will be great. :D

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Can anyone tell me by changing to arctica, how much will I save in my electrical bill per month?? Currently using CL450...

Currently my bill shot up about $80 for the past 2 months. :(

Just a rough guage....$40??? Or 50%??? Or more????

I do not want to spend so much $$$ by changing to Arctica and only manage to save $10 or even lesser per month you know...... :huh:

I really hate Resun, I bought CL200 for my 24 gallon nano (95l) it ran non-stop for 2 days and temprature only drop 2-3 degree ( was set at 26 C) so I change the setting to 29 C still kitting abour 45 minuts with 15 minutes interval :pirate: and the sound is HORIBBLE...since I put my nano near my main sofa. After 3 days I ask the shop to take it back (7dyas 1-to-1 exchange) and buy Artica 1/10 HP on the first impression probem solved sound is very smooth like fan and able to cool 5 C within half hour GREAT! :peace: money well spend never regret it at all.

Now I set my chiller at 26 C and only kicking about 10-15 minutes every 4 hours.

Another to notice is CL 200 for 200 l tank consume 200 W/h and my artice 1/10 HP for 500 l water is only rate at 75 W/h

I think the shop also giving adivce nothing can go wrong with artice and getting oversized chiller.


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