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Nudis attacking Monti

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you can try:

1. physical removal of nudi and use super glue gel to glue the eggs.

2. can try yellow coris (wrasse) saw some at iwarna today.

3. try spotted mandarin fish (read from RC (i think) it may help)

4. try 6 line wrasse

i tried all the above for the past 5 months and it seems to be under control. have not seen any yet.

if really bad then i advise you to throw it away.


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Hi bro Achillies,

Thanks for the advise. Will get a yellow and six line wrasse tomorrow.

I watched this colony grow from nothing special into a beauty and will not throw it away :cry2:

As my tank is big, I guess I have to get quite a few of these fishes so that at least one fish will spot them and make a meal out of them.

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Well, these suggestions are good but not always workable.

Physically remove the nudi, almost impossible. And glue those nudi eggs but most of the time they are hidden and new ones always appear and you dont know where they hide.

People always say yellow coris and 6 lines do the job, till now i have never witness it at all.

mandarin will be great but seems more interested in copepod than nudi.

The only way is to add lots of fishes.. which really effectively control those nudi.

But beware of bio load.

Dipping in the water will certainly kill the monti. :blink:

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Hi all,

Physically removed quite a lot of nudis from the monti with a very simple and effective tool ...... a soft bristle tooth brush!

There were too many and too small nudis to remove one by one with a sharp pincer so I use my trusty tooth brush. They all dropped out with each brush into a pail of tank water. The monti was quite stressed afterwards but is now recovering well in the main display tank.

Of course there are a few unreachable ones still tucked away and I hope the 6 line and yellow coris can do the job but they seem more interested in chasing one another around. Have 3 6-line and 1 yellow coris now not doing their job. :angry:

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