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Shutting down sales


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Hi fellow reefers,

With a heavy heart, I am stopping my reefing days after 3yrs in the hobby. 3yrs is not a long time and I'm still learning the ropes to this hobby. This is a hard decision because I still enjoy looking at my fishes after all these years. Unfortunately, I have to shift to my new flat in a few months time, so everything goes. If time and money permits, perhaps I will come back stronger, better.

Here we go. Livestocks for sale are:

Achilles Tang (3 inches, > 1.5 years) $100

Clown Tang (4-5 inches, been keeping this since day 1) $30

Blue Tang (4-5 inches, been keeping this since day 1) $15

Chevron Tang (3-4 inch, > 2 years) $80

Carribean Royal Gramma (> 2yr old) $30

Purple Tilefish (> 2yr old) $25

Male Blue Throat Trigger (> 1yr old) $20

Leondrites (yellow stripes) $15

Boxer shrimp (resident bristleworm killer) $5

Abalone $10

Conch $5

Sand dollar x 3, $10 for all 3

Blue leg hermit, $8

Coraline encrusted live rocks/tongas are plentiful. Rocks going at $3/kg. I think I have over 50kg worth of rocks, inclusive of 1 large tonga-ish rock excellent as a base piece. Depending on quantity bought, I may just round down the figures or sell at a fixed price.


1) Deltec APF600, used ~ 2 yrs, $450 (first owner)

2) Aquamedic denitrator NR1000 with dosing pump, used ~ 1.5yr, $400 (first owner)

3) Tunze 6060, used ~ 1yrs, $120 (first owner)

4) DE Lightings 4xT5, ATI tubes, $100 (reflector clips had chipped. you need to replace them. Used for 2 yrs. First owner)

5) Pac Coo 1/2HP chiller, used for 1.5 yrs, $250 (last servicing 6 mths ago, second owner)

6) RM FR, $70

7) MD-55, $5

8) Various ATman powerheads 2000l/hr, $5 each

9) Aquaz Carbon, 4.5kg, $20 (only used once!)

10) Marine salt

Tank is 4x2x2. I'm giving this away for anybody who's interested.

Livestocks have to go first, so if you're interested in the equipments, you'd have to wait till I clear the fishes.

I don't know how I will be able to catch those fishes, but if you're interested in them, you'll need to give me a few days advance notice to catch/bait them.

Interested party pls PM me or reply directly to this thread.

Collection is at Toa Payoh (typically, weekdays are difficult unless 2100hrs and later).

Pictures coming up!

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Some updates.

Achilles Tang (3 inches, > 1.5 years) $100. Sold

Clown Tang (4-5 inches, been keeping this since day 1) $30. Sold

Blue Tang (4-5 inches, been keeping this since day 1) $15

Chevron Tang (3-4 inch, > 2 years) $80

Carribean Royal Gramma (> 2yr old) $30. Sold

Purple Tilefish (> 2yr old) $25. Sold

Male Blue Throat Trigger (> 1yr old) $20

Leondrites (yellow stripes) $15

Boxer shrimp (resident bristleworm killer) $5

Abalone $10

Conch $5

Sand dollar x 3, $10 for all 3

Blue leg hermit, $8. Sold


1) Deltec APF600, used ~ 2 yrs, $450 (first owner)

2) Aquamedic denitrator NR1000 with dosing pump, used ~ 1.5yr, $400 (first owner) Sold.

3) Tunze 6060, used ~ 1yrs, $120 (first owner)

4) DE Lightings 4xT5, ATI tubes, $100 (reflector clips had chipped. you need to replace them. Used for 2 yrs. First owner)

5) Pac Coo 1/2HP chiller, used for 1.5 yrs, $250 (last servicing 6 mths ago, second owner)

6) RM FR, $70. Sold

7) MD-55, $5

8) Various ATman powerheads 2000l/hr, $5 each

9) Aquaz Carbon, 4.5kg, $20 (only used once!)

10) Marine salt

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Achilles Tang (3 inches, > 1.5 years) $100. Sold

Clown Tang (4-5 inches, been keeping this since day 1) $30. Sold

Blue Tang (4-5 inches, been keeping this since day 1) $15

Chevron Tang (3-4 inch, > 2 years) $80

Carribean Royal Gramma (> 2yr old) $30. Sold

Purple Tilefish (> 2yr old) $25. Sold

Male Blue Throat Trigger (> 1yr old) $20

Leondrites (yellow stripes) $15

Boxer shrimp (resident bristleworm killer) $5

Abalone $10

Conch $5

Sand dollar x 3, $10 for all 3

Blue leg hermit, $8. Sold


1) Deltec APF600, used ~ 2 yrs, $450 (first owner)

2) Aquamedic denitrator NR1000 with dosing pump, used ~ 1.5yr, $400 (first owner) Sold.

3) Tunze 6060, used ~ 1yrs, $120 (first owner)

4) DE Lightings 4xT5, ATI tubes, $100 (reflector clips had chipped. you need to replace them. Used for 2 yrs. First owner) RESERVED.

5) Pac Coo 1/2HP chiller, used for 1.5 yrs, $250 (last servicing 6 mths ago, second owner)

6) RM FR, $70. Sold

7) MD-55, $5. RESERVED

8) Various ATman powerheads 2000l/hr, $5 each

9) Aquaz Carbon, 4.5kg, $20 (only used once!)

10) Marine salt

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  • SRC Member

missed this thread for the AT!!.... :cry::cry:

view my 2ft tank thread update here!!


Tank Dimension: 24'x15'x19' with black silicon. All round 8mm.


Return Pump : Hailea HX6540

Skimmer/Chiller : Sicce 2500lph

Skimmer : Weipro 2011

Lightings: 4xT5s HO..2 20,000k & 2 Blue Pro(Aquaz) Retrofits

Chiller : Resun CL280

Auto Water Top Up

Life Stock:

More then 35kg of figi rocks

Blue Tang, Powder Blue Tang, Bristletooth tang, Clown Tang, Yellow Tang, Purple Tang, Flame Angel, Six Line Wrasse, Sunrise Dottyback. 2 Cleaner Shrimp

Green Bubble, Orange Yuma, Hammer, True Octopus, Acans,

Frogspawn, Green/Orange Cyannaria, Red Prata, Red Open Brain, Star Polyp, Acan Enchinata

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To the guys who enquired about the

1) Chiller

This is a 1/2 horse copper coiled chiller from Pacific Coo. My settings is 27-29 and I have no issues with chilling my 4x2x2.

2) APF600

This is an ext needlewheel skimmer from Deltec, for the benefit of those who do not know. During my reefing days, it can only be gotten from eAquanature ("Edmund" for those who're here long enough). Not from Reefdepot.

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