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Is this normal?

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  • SRC Member

"Clams feed on microscopic plant and animal matter which is suspended in the water column just above the bottom. Through the beating of small hairlike cilia, a current is created which draws water through the incurrent siphon. Up to 54 L of water may be filtered per day by each clam. The microscopic food, such as filamentous algae, diatoms, algal fragments and ###### flagellates floating in the water, are then trapped within the body and passed to the mouth, again with the aid of cilia. After digestion, fecal material is released at the anus and is flushed out of the body through the exhalent siphon."


The Organ-System of a Clam:

Digestion System: The mantle and gills secretes mucus which traps food particles from the water that flowed into the incurrent siphon. The cilia on the gills and mantle moves the food particle forward to the mouth area where it will enter the digestive tract. The food particle will make its way to the stomach through the esophagus. The stomach's is composed of a digestive gland and the liver. The absorption of food takes place in the intestine. The waste is passed out through the anus and exists the excurrent siphon with the excess water.

This should be the ans...i answered myself in the end. :rolleyes:

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