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Jervis' 6th Tank


Have you tried keeping Seahorse before?  

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Male Reidi curious over the Hydor Flo :lol::lol::lol:


Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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Bought a pack of Live Mysis today... and to my delight... they further enhance their nutritional level by eating Cyclopeeze :D:D:D


Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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For those reefers new to the idea of feeding Live Mysis... here's a pix which will give u a sense of scale :rolleyes:


Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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If only these are Tiger Prawns... can feed the entire village :lol::lol::lol:


Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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where u buy live mysis from

how much is it

Err... dun call me boss lah :lol::lol::lol: I bought it from LCK110... $2 a pack :P

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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wah reasonable price

sounds good

can feeding mysis be good enuff to sustain SH?

Bro I believe the mysis alone can more or less satisfy the nutritional need of the SH... however one should always find ways to enrich all SH food :)

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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Time to reveal my latest member... a female BRAzilian Reidi... :D


Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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Bro I believe the mysis alone can more or less satisfy the nutritional need of the SH... however one should always find ways to enrich all SH food :)

bro I be to differ...for me atleast..

It cost me some of my Sh sick nd eventually die...malnutrition.

well bro scs88 have apoint there...mysis alone ???

yeah u dunt eat rice only everyday right?

Bro dunt worry I am not saying u are wrong I might be wrong just a small

pointers from a newbie like me too..

Emmmm I am still drolling an your "brazilan babe"

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bro I be to differ...for me atleast..

It cost me some of my Sh sick nd eventually die...malnutrition.

well bro scs88 have apoint there...mysis alone ???

yeah u dunt eat rice only everyday right?

Bro dunt worry I am not saying u are wrong I might be wrong just a small

pointers from a newbie like me too..

Emmmm I am still drolling an your "brazilan babe"

Bro I did mention that we should try to enrich all SH food... for example feeding ur Live Mysis with Cyclopeeze is a form of enrichment indirectly... variety is always good... but comparing Live Brine Shrimp with Live Mysis... I will say Live Mysis can be a form of daily pellets for the Seahorse as recommended by www.seahorse.org :)

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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Bro I did mention that we should try to enrich all SH food... for example feeding ur Live Mysis with Cyclopeeze is a form of enrichment indirectly... variety is always good... but comparing Live Brine Shrimp with Live Mysis... I will say Live Mysis can be a form of daily pellets for the Seahorse as recommended by www.seahorse.org :)

Great...tkz for the sharing...

Anyway where does your "brazilian Babe" come from?..I mean the supply source?

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Bro Woverine

I have no idea where the Reidi originates... but according to LIVEAQUARIA their Reidis are tand bred in Sri Lanka :P

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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Bro ReDDeviLs..tkz

jervismun...tkz for the info...I mean where U buy the "beauty"...

Bro how many seahorse u have in the tank, any FTS?

Great effort and really hope some will pair up..

Anyway from my observations and some seahorse lovers...

my failure to pair up and have baby because I feed only frozen "grago" even it is soak with selcon..

Best if continue feeding live...Hope you succes..bro.. :D

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yo jervis

glad to see u got ur hands on the live mysis :lol:

ur seahorses must be very happy ;)

Hi sis... yeah I bought another batch of Live Mysis yesterday morning (this time 2 packets)... I am currently experimenting on ways to hold them in a separate area... hopefully I can find a way that will enable me to keep the LM alive for 3 to 4 days.

Looking at the way they feed now... I feel a bit guilty feeding them dead frozen stuff :lol:

My male Brazilian Reidi in a feeding action... about 1/2 sec before it attacks :yeah:


Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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  • SRC Member

I'm really drooling over ur last pic! :ooh::bow:

“Frogs have it easy, they can eat what bugs them”

"If you have no critics you'll likely have no success."

- Malcolm X

Glory Glory Man Utd!

DeZ aka Desmond

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Hahahaha... I Love this horses.......

My 1.5ft is empty now, think of using to keep SH...

Bro since your 1.5ft tank is quite low... perhaps you wanna avoid large SH species such as Brazilian Reidi... they can grow into pretty large specimens :unsure:

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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  • SRC Member

ya that's true 1.5ft is quite low they need at least 2ft height... that's y I'm planning my new sh tank liao hahaha... 3ft x 2ft x 2.5ft hehe :lol:

“Frogs have it easy, they can eat what bugs them”

"If you have no critics you'll likely have no success."

- Malcolm X

Glory Glory Man Utd!

DeZ aka Desmond

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ya that's true 1.5ft is quite low they need at least 2ft height... that's y I'm planning my new sh tank liao hahaha... 3ft x 2ft x 2.5ft hehe :lol:

Yes... 2.5ft is ideal height :) When will it happen bro?

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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