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SPS keep dying .. :(

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  • SRC Member
hmmm i read it on reef central under advanced topics, i will try to find... i just want to restate that to get awsome colours, keep SPS with >5ppm NO3. To keep SPS, NO3 >50ppm is alright WITH water changes. Yup.

I guess that could be the reason, that you are prepared to have the SPS survive but without the vivid colour that comes from having low nitrates in the water.

But then I would have to say, what's the point of keeping SPS if they are all dull in colour? Seems like a waste of money. :blink:

Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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actually my sps did colour up from brown to green... so.. i guess still can la... i wish i can get a denitrator but those equiptment are expensive or very dangerous..

other than it turn from brown to green ...

did most of ur other SPS turn to brown ?

2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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  • SRC Member

bro, why don't you just keep the sps for sometime then, since you are sure about SPS being able to be kept in high NO3????

Main part of our maintainence is in ensure that the water remains clean and as low a No3 level as possible....if you were sure of your original assertation, then doesn't it sound logicial that even when you have not enough time, it is still possible to keep SPS??? given that high NO3 does not make a difference????

But seriously (i might be wrong). some of the pictures you posted in july shows signification STN and TN at the base and tips....given that those pieces were not there in the June posting, i would assume that they were in your tank Max - 1 month???? isn't already a good enough indication that something is not right in the first place?

Finally, i know of people who had SPS turned green went it is in the dying phase (yeah la...me la)...so mind showing us how green is your green??? You seriously still sure that you can keep SPS under this type of condition for at least 1 year (to be consider at least as a little successful)??? It would certainly be interesting if you could pull it off, so that you can challange some of the commonly acknowledge information.....:) :)

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  • SRC Member

No3 - 50-75ppm T_T ?..

Picture is 5weeks apart.

Dun agree with HIGH NO3 ever. . but , just weird :P a few reefer came with their Test kit and test thinkin my test kit is spoil apparently not .

Heres 2 colony that show best coloring effort the rest are just alittle .

But i always do wat i can to reduce NO3 . but still stuck at 50ppm lowest . with

Denitrator + Mangrove + Every week Water change :(


6x2x2.5 FOWLR

Skimmer - Recirculating Custom Beckett Fr - Skimz Fr Return - OR6500/1262 Wavemaker - Tunze 6060 x 2 Light - 2x5ft FL Blue+White

Chiller - CL650

4x4x2 SPS

Skimmer - DeltecAP851 Fr - Skimz FR Return - OR6500 Wavemaker - 2xTunze wavebox +Ts24 Light - 3x250w MH + 8 ATi t5

CR - Deltec pF601s Chiller - Arctica Titanium Commercial Chiller

3.5x2x2 REEF

Skimmer - HnS150-2001 Fr - Skimz Fr Wavemaker - Tunze Ts 24 Return - 1262 Lights - Solite 2x150W MH + 4 Ati T5 CR - Skimz CR NR - Nr1000 Chiller - Arctica Titanium 1/5

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  • SRC Member

Another piece from KennethK Bro

Brown when purchase with green poly

Now after 1 mth in my tank

Purple tip . Can compare surrounding .


6x2x2.5 FOWLR

Skimmer - Recirculating Custom Beckett Fr - Skimz Fr Return - OR6500/1262 Wavemaker - Tunze 6060 x 2 Light - 2x5ft FL Blue+White

Chiller - CL650

4x4x2 SPS

Skimmer - DeltecAP851 Fr - Skimz FR Return - OR6500 Wavemaker - 2xTunze wavebox +Ts24 Light - 3x250w MH + 8 ATi t5

CR - Deltec pF601s Chiller - Arctica Titanium Commercial Chiller

3.5x2x2 REEF

Skimmer - HnS150-2001 Fr - Skimz Fr Wavemaker - Tunze Ts 24 Return - 1262 Lights - Solite 2x150W MH + 4 Ati T5 CR - Skimz CR NR - Nr1000 Chiller - Arctica Titanium 1/5

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  • SRC Member
No3 - 50-75ppm T_T ?..

Picture is 5weeks apart.

Dun agree with HIGH NO3 ever. . but , just weird :P a few reefer came with their Test kit and test thinkin my test kit is spoil apparently not .

Heres 2 colony that show best coloring effort the rest are just alittle .

But i always do wat i can to reduce NO3 . but still stuck at 50ppm lowest . with

Denitrator + Mangrove + Every week Water change :(

Its always good to look at the bigger picture rather than a single instant of a parameter to tell the story.

So what does 50ppm of NO3 tells us.? That they will die, that they'll brown or they'll thrive...? Conventional theories hv simply state that when it comes to keeping SPS to, keep ur nutrients low. They also tell of temps, flow and lighting needs for SPS. All of them can play a part in the overall look of ur corals... which if you happen to like then so be it... its your corals after all not mine.

So I'll tell u wat 50ppm NO3 tells me...

it tells me that based on the Redfield Ratio(RR) of N:P, i.e. 16:1, and I'm assuming that ur tank is balanced, ur PO4 is 3.125 ppm, that ur stoney corals will be growth limiited due to elevated phosphate levels which limits calcification; that you'll need to have very strong lighting, kept on for an extented time to work down and burn down the excess 'fat' produced by the excess zooanthellae for ur corals. It tells me ur corals will have thick skin tissue and dark, because the zooanthellae wouldn't need the use the waste produce animal in the coral, it can use the 'waste' from the water for its food... and before long, the animal in the coral will either expel the excess zoos because its there isn't enough "space" or jus suddenly RTN. You'll hv to keep things to a fine balance too.

You hv a high load on these corals, its not to say they can't adapt and will die, but they wont thrive as what they were made out to be as symbiotic animals dependent on mainly light only to produce the energy for growth.

Whether u test often or not, it wont effect how ur corals will 'perform', but a measure of 0.03 ppm of PO4, wud give on RR a N of 0.48 or 0.5 ppm NO3. Thats where these 'conventional' wisdom is derive from.. from scientist who have tested it and proven by years and years of hobbyist keeping them.

:) So keep them where you'll like or how you like it... they'r ur corals after all....but when u say 50ppm and OK still... pls qualify ur statements.

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  • SRC Member
Another piece from KennethK Bro

Brown when purchase with green poly

Now after 1 mth in my tank

Purple tip . Can compare surrounding .

it would be interesting if you could keep it up for another 6-10 months (you might got something there)....success has to be qualified by time and when i see color change without growth...i get worried (notice in RC, most color sequence ARE accopanied by growth sequence and is normally conducted over a period of months not weeks)...

What happened to your other surrounding corals anyway....2 pieces isn't enough to prove anything yet hor....

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  • SRC Member

don't get me wrong, i am not trying to put anyone down over here....but my view is that if you make an assertion, you got to proof it. If you are able to show that it is indeed possible to keep SPS in high NO3 enviroment over a extended period with a good percentage of survial rate you might just have hit the holy grail who knows, based on your knowledge, we might be even able to create our own 'great barrier reef' in Singapore water!!!!

so mind updating us over the next few months to see what happened

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  • SRC Member

BTW, those sps in my view and experience. They are not in a healthy stage. Just look at the profile of the formation and also the polyps.

Although its still surviving, it is becos you have stable kH and also given the fact that the zooxanthelae is thick because of high nirate. Any fluctuation of this kH then RTN will kill in.

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  • SRC Member
don't get me wrong, i am not trying to put anyone down over here....but my view is that if you make an assertion, you got to proof it. If you are able to show that it is indeed possible to keep SPS in high NO3 enviroment over a extended period with a good percentage of survial rate you might just have hit the holy grail who knows, based on your knowledge, we might be even able to create our own 'great barrier reef' in Singapore water!!!!

so mind updating us over the next few months to see what happened

we have a reef in singapore right? used to be more but cuz of reclamation many reefs died.. only one on mainland is at labrador park, the rest are on our islands.

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  • SRC Member

Look at the pictures closely... they are taken with different angle...the first pic is that it was more of a frontal shot.... the below picture is more of an angled shot... slightly higher the camera i believe is placed 45 degree ... in theory sps looked from the top tends to have better colour...

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  • SRC Member

we have a reef in singapore right? used to be more but cuz of reclamation many reefs died.. only one on mainland is at labrador park, the rest are on our islands.

yeap....used to have brown and green SPS in the remotes island, mostly gone now...:(....labrador parks ones are mainly softies and algaes....most can't survive from the high nurtient water....

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  • SRC Member

The only surviving hard corals here are mostly LPS.We have Euphyllias at Sentosa.But very soon buried under the sand cause make IR.Most LPS here are brains and Euphyllias.We still have carpet anemones.Now i noe why LPS are so hardy.

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  • SRC Member
don't get me wrong, i am not trying to put anyone down over here....but my view is that if you make an assertion, you got to proof it. If you are able to show that it is indeed possible to keep SPS in high NO3 enviroment over a extended period with a good percentage of survial rate you might just have hit the holy grail who knows, based on your knowledge, we might be even able to create our own 'great barrier reef' in Singapore water!!!!

so mind updating us over the next few months to see what happened

Tineng trying to be polite ;)

I think this goes beyond just the possibility of stumbling upon some secret new way of keeping SPS. To me, assertions like this which are not backed by proper and careful observation could have the unfortunate and unintented effect of encouraging other people to try to keep SPS in such conditions, thereby leading to coral death and more damage to the environment.

I am not saying that conventional wisdom cannot be challenged, I am saying that to do so requires careful work, not just random observations from largely guesswork practices. The length of time of observing the corals in such water conditions is not sufficient to draw firm conclusions that the corals are indeed thriving.

Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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  • SRC Member
Another piece from KennethK Bro

Brown when purchase with green poly

Now after 1 mth in my tank

Purple tip . Can compare surrounding .

Great effort, Kenny! Can see from picture that there is vast improvement from the span of time.. even to me, a sps nobie..... Keep up the good work and hope to see more nice pictures in all your various tanks.

Remember that good things happen slowly and bad things fast..... :lol:

:) Greeting :)

Tank: 4' by 2' by 2' (CR antique)

Sump: 3' include 1' refuigm

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