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Fire gobie keep dying

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  • SRC Member

Once a while, i will buy fire gobie. but end up die from 2 days and not more then 2 weeks.

Some time, i buy either 1 gobie or a pair or even 6 school of gobie all cannot make it.

My tank got 3 tang fishes, a pair clown. 2 doctor shrimps, that all

Tank already 1 year old.

I wonder is it scare by those fast swimmer ( tang fishes?)

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  • SRC Member


It could be your more aggressive Tangs,

which i have learnt from this forum too.

It seems that those Flame and Fire gobies are extremely shy and timid,

and Flame should not be kept in a big numbers.

Suspect your Fire was spooked by the Tangs,

causing it to hide most of the time and dont even dare to come out to feed. :(

just my 2 cents worth,

browse through this forum and you'll discover gems of knowledge :yeah:

enjoy ! :lol:

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  • SRC Member

these gobies, once pair up, will chase the rest away.. i used to hv 10 in my tank but now only left a pair after 1 yr

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Happened to me as well. bought 3 gobies so far and 2 became kamikaze pilots. suspect they were spooked by my tangs in the 1st place to make them jump out of the tank...

lolzz...one actually hit my overhead lights and went back to the tank in one attempt. but otherwise they tend to only come out from hiding when feeding. :blink:

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  • SRC Member
look like is waste of money if i have tang fishes.

But i saw displayed tank from shop, look ok


the other precaution you want to look into is the sequence of addition to the tank.

The most docile being the first, a week later another batch of fishes,

being the most aggressive the last if you really want to do it. :lol:

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