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WTS Florida Ric

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  • SRC Member

I am getting rid of one fat Florida Ric which is most outer red, 2nd outside bright orange and greenish blue inside. The mouth is luminous orange.

size is bit bigger than 50cent selling at $60. bought at $50 which at 60% size at 2 years ago.

will be outstation from mon to thursday. interest pls pm me


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  • SRC Member

Selling another 2 different colour Rics. This Ric most outer colour is red, second outer is Lime Green, near the mouth is luminous green and the mouth is red and luminous green

Pictures taken after MH light on for 5 minutes.

The first picture is size slightly bigger than 1.5 times of a 50cent coin. Selling at $70.

The second picture is the size slightly bigger than a 50cent coin. Selling at $50


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  • SRC Member

well, there is no $20 rics except something wrong ones. $30 for only size smaller than 20cent coin and only one dull colour. I bought them years ago from marine life. Its absolute florida rics. Yuma are so much different. You can judge from the pic and see the bubbles. Yuma dont have such big and close bubbles.

this hard core ric is tank cultivated. You can have different water parameters and they are still ok. the rics from shop are very fragile. Both the last two pics are the same species of rics and only size different. Both of these rics are cultivated since 5 years ago.

new nick because I dont simply post for nothing. had joined 9 mths here but in reefing for 6 years

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  • SRC Member

Homer, thx.

view at Jurong but I will be back only on Thursday nite. PM me ur hp number and I will get back to you as soon as I get back.

The orange one is reserved.

Believe me, the green ones are big bubbled and some reefers pm me that they are nice but only they need to discount the price. Well, I am not urgently selling them, just the mood.

For your infos, I dont take care much of my tank. The water had been 3 years and sometimes I just pour lots of calcium, strontium, ....... into the tank. And these corals are so hardy and still grown well.

I am thinking to sell off another orange ric but it is still on my big rock with the others same species. I have no time to break that rock now. Maybe weeks or months later.

Cant talk much now, have to sleep and get up at 5am to catch the flight.

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