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how much does a powder blue tang cost?

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  • SRC Member

how small is small?

until now, i haven seen any small powder blues ard.... only blue tang do come in veri mini sizes.... if u r tokking bout those mini sizes like 3-4cm, then i think shld be okay....

for those normal size... they can easily outgrow n they dun realli like small n clamp environment :)

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  • SRC Member
the size of the pwder blue tang is a bout the size of a yellow tang that small is it okie?

yellow tangs can be big too...My Tangow, the yellow tang, is slightly bigger than a man's fist liao...

Moreover, they can grow very quickly and steadfastly in size... ;)

Thus, even if you keep the small ones now, it will take about half a year and you will have to post in the forum for swopping or adoption...

IMO...hope you dun mind me saying...shouldn't you think twice? :rolleyes:

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  • SRC Member
so that means it is okie to have it now but i m afraid that it will be easily be prone to dieases i mean is okie to have 1 in yr tank right is not like buy then the next day die right? advice pls thaks

:lol: you totally missed flubby's pt I think. anyhow, PBT are rather delicate cuz ich prone, need good quality water, and 2ft tank (if you don't count the small size) may not be easy to maintain good water due to small volume of water. plus they are very very active swimmers, zipping here and there all the time, so they need big tanks.

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:lol: you totally missed flubby's pt I think. anyhow, PBT are rather delicate cuz ich prone, need good quality water, and 2ft tank (if you don't count the small size) may not be easy to maintain good water due to small volume of water. plus they are very very active swimmers, zipping here and there all the time, so they need big tanks.

IMo for 2 feet, you should not keep any tangs...... They are huge fishes and produce tons of waste....... And BTW PBT are not easy fish to keeo thus i think you better look out for other fishes that are more suitable for you

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thanks for the advice i guess i have to settle for Koran like the colour too guess it is easier to keep right and for a two feet tank is okie right?

No no you still get it worng,thinky ou need to study and read up more on fishes and their need first ;);););) koran angel are big fish and will reach to a length of 40cm and i don't think it is good to restrict a fish of potential to reaching a length of 40cm into a tank of mere 2 feet long(60cm).......... And btw angel are not really that easy to keep too, they are prone to parasite and some of them are known to be picky feeder......... Hey read up more and you will know which fish is suitable for your tank. ;);););)

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