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  • SRC Member

hi guys......i want to know besides driping kalkwasser in what otherways are there to dose kalk...can i simply just add a few small cups a day......and can i make and store kalkwasser......been asking around and some say can store and some say cant ????.....i just want to know the truth...

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hi guys......i want to know besides driping kalkwasser in what otherways are there to dose kalk...can i simply just add a few small cups a day......and can i make and store kalkwasser......been asking around and some say can store and some say cant ????.....i just want to know the truth...

it is ok to store kalk solutions...but prob not for too long like 3 days?? keeping kalk solution for too long will cause some chemical reaction with air(forgot the chemical reaction name) and make the kalk solution less effective in a sense. izzit precipitation??? can somebody help me fill up the reaction part?? haha... yup, that's the reason why it's not advisable to store kalk solution for too long...

in additon to ph spike if u add the kalk solution all at once into the tank, u'll also cause some form of precipitation which will precipitate the (???..forget about that too. somebody please fill up the chemical reaction process)..in other words, no good lah. heh...

but i've read some articles somewhere about the flushing method (prob came up by julian sprung) on how to add kalk solution directly to tank..can try to search for it....

hope that helps

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  • SRC Member


it say add 1 tea spoon to 2 litre of water...

so powerful huh...

then if i add 1/4 of tea spoon to 500 ml of water every 2 days like that should be good enough right and you should be able to pour the soultion directly into the tank or at least into the over flow?

Any advise?

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  • SRC Member
can i make and store kalkwasser......been asking around and some say can store and some say cant ????.....i just want to know the truth...

In the article below, the author store his limewater for 2-3 weeks without much degradation.


Below is a cut-out from the above :-

I make up limewater in a 44-gallon Rubbermaid Brute trashcan by putting the CaO in the bottom, and pouring in water by 5-gallon buckets. That process takes about 5 minutes once every 2-3 weeks. The trashcan is closed by simply putting on its lid.

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  • SRC Member

When pouring kalk in large quantity, becareful to only pour the clear solution and not everything in.... the white residue powder after mixing the kalkwasser in the solution, when get into your tank, will be a source for calcium carbonate precipitation... it might cause sand bed clumping... so beware... however some ppl in rc prefers this method number 1 is because they have very large tanks.. so pouring even 2 liters of kalk soln in doesnt really affect their pH, number2, pouring kalk in a high flow sump can precipitate phosphates in your water which is good... so it realy depends on how u use it... storing of limewater is alright so long it is air tight. As lime water absorbs carbon dioxide over time, it makes the soln less and less useful. Hence to fully optimize your money, best is to prepare fresh..

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  • SRC Member

In the article below, the author store his limewater for 2-3 weeks without much degradation.


Below is a cut-out from the above :-

I make up limewater in a 44-gallon Rubbermaid Brute trashcan by putting the CaO in the bottom, and pouring in water by 5-gallon buckets. That process takes about 5 minutes once every 2-3 weeks. The trashcan is closed by simply putting on its lid.

i make mine in a toyogo pail - then put everything in 1gal bottles(mango/apple/orange juice from cold storage) or 2 ltr bottles (NTUC).

cap tight. open bottle and drip as needed. Made every 1-2wks.

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