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Skimmer recommendation needed


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Dear reefers,

Need your advise on a suitable skimmer to upgrade to. Am currently only using an inexpensive Weipro ($65) venturi skimmer hooked up to an ozonizer.

Am keeping mix reef 50% SPS / 50% LPS

Some system specs:

1 main tank + 1 sump tank + 1 refugium (same system)

About 245 US gallons of system water before deducting water displacemnt by LR

Main tank is bare bottom

Refugium has a mix of Natures Ocean sugar sized sand and Kent Marine Sediment

24/7 use of carbon, phosphate and nitrate removing media

Dupla CR

UV Sterilizer


What kind of skimmer capacity do I have to look at? Any recommendations on a brand and place to get it? Heard that Beckett skimmers are good but am a bit shaken that an average one costs around $1,000 (aquabee driven)

Any advise from fellow reefers will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks. :thanks:

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  • SRC Member

Hi there,

Maybe you can advise if you have any budget for the skimmer. There are many different make and model of skimmers out there that can cater to your need. The only difference is the $$$.

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  • SRC Member


245 US gallons is about 900++ litres...big tank you have. $500~700 to buy a skimmer capable to support such a volume is abit thin. Here are some reference.

Hydor 1000DP skimmer - $968

ATI BubbleMaster 250 - $998

Skimz Sidea M200 - $788

You can also check out product reviews in the forum for reliable skimmer brands.

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Thanks for the reply (sap and iceman) :thanks:

Thought that I can get away with a lower capacity skimmer since I have low fish stocking levels but quite a number of live rock, LPS and now some SPS (which aren't colouring too well... :cry:

Looks like I will have to cough out around 1 grand then .... :(

I understand that the recommended skimmers here are all available from AM. Am considering external Beckett skimmers (dun really have space in my sump) if I have to spend this kind of money. I heard that AM customises external Beckett skimmers.

Is it true that the customised external skimmers should be as tall as possible? I see some bros in the forum having tower-like skimmers driven by high power consuming Iwakis and such. Is a tall tower skimmer really necessary for my setup? Am also worried that the external pumps used also consume alot of power :o Besides a pump like this is going to cost another bomb right? :blink:

Do you know of any other LFS that sells customised Becketts? Just to make a cost comparison you know...

Many thanks for the advise again.

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