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sohal tang not eating

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any advise for sohal tang not eating.

Bought it 3 weeks back from lfs.

Was eating like a "pig" until i let it out of quarantine tank.

It was "attacked" by my other tangs.

Put the sohal back to the qurantine tank & isn't eating now.

any advise


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Likely cos of the new environment and being "attacked" by the older residents. But sohal shd be tough enough against those "attacks". When i introduced my sohal, none of the older tang residents dare to touch him and now he's the king.

Think it wld be more stressful to put it back to the QT and then put it in the main tank again later cos the "attack" wld start all over again and sohal wld need to readjust to the new tank too.

Since it is back to the QT, there are many ways to minimise the aggression from the older tangs...below are not the complete list...can combine a few

- release sohal at night when the lights are out

- rearrange the rockscape

- put sohal in a betta box in the main tank

- introduce food when introducing sohal

- take out the chief "attacker or attackers" and introduce back later

- let them fight it out but monitor closely

- use mirror method to let "attackers" fight their own image to cool it

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