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DSB bubbling


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  • SRC Member

1)Started my FOWLR 4x2x2 tank app a month ago with 5" dsb. Realise that my dsb is giving out bubbles. Can anyone explain wat happen?

2)Also since my tank is so new, I tried adding market prawn to kickstart cycling. I used all the ceramic substrate in my old 2feet setup and dump them all in the 2.5" sump. Since the market prawn is added, I expect the NH4 and NO2 to peak and go thru another cycling process. However, when I measure the NH4 and NO2 every three four days, it is always at zero. I am not sure why also. Could it be that the old substrate help to "stablise" my new tank. Thanks

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  • SRC Member
1)Started my FOWLR 4x2x2 tank app a month ago with 5" dsb. Realise that my dsb is giving out bubbles. Can anyone explain wat happen?

Did you add sand then water.... maybe its just air trap inside the sand....

2)Also since my tank is so new, I tried adding market prawn to kickstart cycling. I used all the ceramic substrate in my old 2feet setup and dump them all in the 2.5" sump. Since the market prawn is added, I expect the NH4 and NO2 to peak and go thru another cycling process. However, when I measure the NH4 and NO2 every three four days, it is always at zero. I am not sure why also. Could it be that the old substrate help to "stablise" my new tank. Thanks

Your volume of water IMHO is too big and also the fact that u use "mature" filtration might cause the NH4 produced to be quickly converted to NO3... IMHO, I think you should introduce a bigger NH4 source.... Just my suggestion... Wait for someone to confirm it...


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  • SRC Member

1) U are right. Added sand then water. Infact can see small pockets of trap air(2-5mm diameter) btw sand. But the bubbles produce are not those big bubbles. Its very fine ones.

2) I have the same thinking also. That's why I keep monitoring NH4 and NO2 reading every 2-3 days (Afraid NH4 spike!) so that I could do some emergency water changes if need be.

All advise welcome. Thanks

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  • SRC Member
2) I have the same thinking also. That's why I keep monitoring NH4 and NO2 reading every 2-3 days (Afraid NH4 spike!) so that I could do some emergency water changes if need be.

I dun understand... if u want to start a cycle... then why worry abt the NH4 spike???


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My old live stock r inside too. With me more than a year mah, got feelings dont wan them to die!

Got no choice but to introduce them into new tank cos by order of wife, she wans the old tank to be removed so bobian lor. hope u understand wat I m talking abt.

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1) U are right. Added sand then water. Infact can see small pockets of trap air(2-5mm diameter) btw sand. But the bubbles produce are not those big bubbles. Its very fine ones.

2) I have the same thinking also. That's why I keep monitoring NH4 and NO2 reading every 2-3 days (Afraid NH4 spike!) so that I could do some emergency water changes if need be.

All advise welcome. Thanks

trigger if u see very fine bubbles coming out from yr dsb then those are not air but nitrogrn ..... it is an indication that yr dsb is functioning ..... ;)

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  • SRC Member

I still think those are mini air bubbles. Due to the age of your tank... try to test it for NO3.... if any sign of it being stable or going down then congrats... you have completed the circle.....!!!


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The best indication of whether it is nitrogen or not is to notice where this bubbles come from. It would be more oftenly nitrogen bubbles if at the front panel of your glass, you can see pockets of air trapped at about 1 inch below the surface sand. Usu these are the N2 bubbles, whereas those bubbles at the very surface are quite usually co2/o2 bubbles released by ammonia or nitrite reducing bacteria or simply microscopic algaes and thrives on the sand...

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