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heres the post....

I had a bad experience in this Forum & wanted to warn others about this person Ng (Also goes by the name John) that goes by the nick of Natural…

I got him to sell a chiller for me $420 in Dec 06 & I’ve only received $200 in Mar!!! He still owes me $220 that has not been settled…

He also lurks in other Forums which I will also be posting…

Do not deal with this person as I think this guy is out to con people like in the case of the guy who was out cheating people in the Car Accessories Forum (Who was caught by the way)

I know I might not be getting my money back but just wanted to warn the members in this Forum just in case…

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here are some more post....swindle make me sick :sick:

Natural is a very cunning person...

i bought 2 set T5HO from him.

he told me only 2-3 months old.

but in fact, it's 1 year + 2-3 months old...

let me explain here...

i think if i'm not wrong. i bought he t5 from on April 2007, then he told me the light bought on feb or match 2007, ask me rest assured as anything can go back to the NA and ask for waranty.

in but in fact... the light was bought atfeb/march 2006 !!! meaning the tube is 1 years plus old...

and this guy also posted alot advertisement in petfrd, ebay sg, auction yahoo sg....

same person, using fake photo of item (the CL650) chiller..

and keep saying he got a few CL650 in hand as giving up hobby hence sell cheaper....

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Last year around nov06 I order a chiller from him & I gave a deposit of $150 but he always persuade me that he will not cheat my money and he ask me to pay him the rest of the amount which is $350. Guess what? I waited so long till this year mid of April than I recieve my lousy teco chiller with no digital thermosat! For $500 I can get a better brand. He have breach the trust of selling aquarium stuffs to us! Oh ya, He still owns me $8.80 for taxi fare as he told me that he will deliver the chiller to my house & out of a sudden he gave excuse that he is busy with aquarama. So I have no choice but to collect the chiller myself. Sorry for being long-winded but I guess we got to be aware of him in the future.

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  • SRC Member

Extract from AQ by hii;

I believe this is his post in sgreef forum.. (ID: natural769)


This one in arofanatic forum, selling the chiller CL450 at $240...(ID: natural769)


This one in petfrd.com, selling Resun CL450 again. (ID: natural)


Mod, please send a emergency alarm notice to all the forum moderator and ask them post the message in their forum too...

It might be suprise more people involved.

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Those posts are not posted by me from the other forum. since i hv registered and read the acticle i may as will just save the trouble of fellow reefer for registering to the other forum.

thanks bro "ultraoveride" for copy and paste the info here.

From the 1st link I posted (hii) I believe you all know what's his nick here. I just try to alert everyone so no extra victim added into this issue.

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  • SRC Member

lets report him to 999.

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  • 2 months later...
there are more posts.....

Last year around nov06 I order a chiller from him & I gave a deposit of $150 but he always persuade me that he will not cheat my money and he ask me to pay him the rest of the amount which is $350. Guess what? I waited so long till this year mid of April than I recieve my lousy teco chiller with no digital thermosat! For $500 I can get a better brand. He have breach the trust of selling aquarium stuffs to us! Oh ya, He still owns me $8.80 for taxi fare as he told me that he will deliver the chiller to my house & out of a sudden he gave excuse that he is busy with aquarama. So I have no choice but to collect the chiller myself. Sorry for being long-winded but I guess we got to be aware of him in the future.

I also transferred 150 to him in Jan 07 for a TECO chiller. till now nothing...

sms him many times.... also say will not cheat my money... say will transferred back the money .... again nothing

just sms him a final warning... i have kept all the sms and bank transaction...

hope you are hearing this natural769

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  • 4 months later...
  • SRC Member

haha maybe


3.5 X 2.5 X 2.5 Reef Coming up :))




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