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nano tank with more than 1 invert

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ok, recently, ever since keeping a delibius lobster, i have been quite fascinated by inverts, more specifically, crabs, shrimps and lobaster, i plan to open another nano tank, 1 1/2 ft. and want to put as many inverts in it as possible, but i heard that inverts fight a lot, so what species do i put such that all do not fight and can put as much as possible?

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Normally you will have to buy boxing shrimps as a pair. They will usually come as a pair. Normally females are bigger in physique. You can try pairing females with males..but chances are there will be alot of failures before you find a pair which match.

If you want to keep lots of crustaceans, stick to those with small pincers and small in size. Even if they do fight, no serious damage would be done. I would avoid reef lobsters like E.debelius and E.occidentalis. Those type with long feelers (Eg blue spiny lobster) that can be eaten when adult are rather safe. Boxing shrimps can be rather aggressive...maybe you might want to consider the dwarf boxing shrimp? They have more yellow around the thorax region and are much more peaceful.

Always something more important than fish.


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