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Fish for Sale

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Hey all,

im selling off all my live stock and rocks!

All the live stock which im selling have been with me for 4 months plus! very plump and peaceful (with the exception of the maroon clown who will tear apart any other clownfish) further more they all eat pellet food!

i need to clear my stuff before sat, so today and tmr will be the first and last chance to buy my fish!

i have for sale:


2 X Firefish (very cute as they swim together) <$8 for both>


1 X Marine Betta (the prize of my tank!) <$15>


1 X Maroon clown fish (very big and very fat) <$6>

1X tomatoe clown (much smaller than the maroon one) <$2>

1X Koran Angel (still in juvenile stage with very pretty circles) <$8>


1X Pajama Cardinal <$4>

1X Bangai Cardinal<$4>

1X goatfish ( i actually dont know what fish this is, but its red and white with a yellow stripe, very greedy fellow) <$4>

1X coral beauty <$6>

1X Zebra eel (this eel will not eat fish, it only feeds on shell fish, very very beautiful as it will sometimes come out and swim arouind the tank!) <$10>


- Large white one with purple tips <$6>

- 2X Small maroon one <$6 each>

- 2X Med sized white ones <$6 each>


Sea apple <$8> ((red and purple, very pretty)

large yellow starfish with spikes <$10>

small star fish (red and blue) <$ 4 each>

scarlett skunk cleaner shrimp <$3> (i have never seen him clean anything before, but he is rather big compared to the ones in the shops)


i have quite a large amount of rocks, as my tank is 5feet long.

but most of the rocks are "dead".

large pieces go for $15 - $20

small pieces go for $20 a bucket

wish i could post pics, but my dad took the camera overseas!

pls call or sms me at 81989340.


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oh, i found a pic of the sea apple:


but mine is purple on the body and not white.

it just sits there and waves his "arms" around, pretty cool.

Fire goby and Shrimp reverved for matt.

COLLECTION POINT: i live near Yio Chu Kang MRT (one bus stop away)

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2 X Firefish (very cute as they swim together) <Reserved for matt>>

1 X Marine Betta (the prize of my tank!) <$15>

1 X Maroon clown fish (very big and very fat) <$6>

1X tomatoe clown (much smaller than the maroon one) <$2>

1X Koran Angel (still in juvenile stage with very pretty circles) <$8>

1X Pajama Cardinal <$4>

1X Bangai Cardinal<$4>

1X goatfish ( i actually dont know what fish this is, but its red and white with a yellow stripe, very greedy fellow) <$4>

1X coral beauty <$6>

1X Zebra eel (this eel will not eat fish, it only feeds on shell fish, very very beautiful as it will sometimes come out and swim arouind the tank!) <$10>


- Large white one with purple tips <$6>

- 2X Small maroon one <Reserved>

- 2X Med sized white ones <$6 each>


Sea apple <$8> ((red and purple, very pretty)

large yellow starfish with spikes <$10>

small star fish (red and blue) <$ 4 each>

scarlett skunk cleaner shrimp <reserved>


i have quite a large amount of rocks, as my tank is 5feet long.

but most of the rocks are "dead".

large pieces go for $15 - $20

small pieces go for $20 a bucket

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2 X Firefish (very cute as they swim together) <Reserved for matt>>

1 X Marine Betta (the prize of my tank!) <Reserved>

1 X Maroon clown fish (very big and very fat) <$6>

1X tomatoe clown (much smaller than the maroon one) <$2>

1X Koran Angel (still in juvenile stage with very pretty circles) <$8>

1X Pajama Cardinal <$4>

1X Bangai Cardinal<$4>

1X goatfish ( i actually dont know what fish this is, but its red and white with a yellow stripe, very greedy fellow) <$4>

1X coral beauty <$6>

1X Zebra eel (this eel will not eat fish, it only feeds on shell fish, very very beautiful as it will sometimes come out and swim arouind the tank!) <$10>


- Large white one with purple tips <$6>

- 2X Small maroon one <Reserved>

- 2X Med sized white ones <$6 each>


Sea apple <$8> ((red and purple, very pretty)

large yellow starfish with spikes <$10>

small star fish (red and blue) <$ 4 each>

scarlett skunk cleaner shrimp <reserved>


i have quite a large amount of rocks, as my tank is 5feet long.

but most of the rocks are "dead".

large pieces go for $15 - $20

small pieces go for $20 a bucket

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my two small red anemones are SOLD.

but i have two more red anemoes (med size) for sale.

$6 each also.

where is the collection place?


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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1 X Maroon clown fish (very big and very fat) <$6>

1X tomatoe clown (much smaller than the maroon one) <$1>

1X Koran Angel (still in juvenile stage with very pretty circles) <$8>

1X Pajama Cardinal <$1>

1X Bangai Cardinal<$1>

1X Zebra eel (this eel will not eat fish, it only feeds on shell fish, very very beautiful as it will sometimes come out and swim arouind the tank!) <$10>


- Large white one with purple tips <$6>

- 1X med maroon one <$5>

- 2X Med sized white ones <$5 each>


Sea apple <$8> ((red and purple, very pretty)

large yellow starfish with spikes <$10>

Med blue starfish <$5>


i have quite a large amount of rocks, as my tank is 5feet long.

large pieces go for $15 - $20

small/med pieces go for $10 a bucket (including the bucket!!!)

sorry, but due to some experiences with pilots, all reservations are off, i'll be home most of today, so it'll e a first come first serve basis. =)

just gemme a buzz at 81989340.

also, COLLECTION POINT : castle green condo. one bust stop away from YIO CHU KANG MRT.



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i know there's not alot of stuff left, but the eel is still up for grabs.

its very long n fat, around 2ft long. sleeps alot but will always come out during feeding time, damn good party trick to feed it! the chicks love it! lol

my clown is a good "house keeper", he is landlord of all my anemones and regularly visits them to check on them. he will even steal food from other fishes to feed his fav anemone. if u buy clown + anemoe, im selling for $10 together.

oh, and alot of ppl dont know what a sea apple is, or think its very dangerous. well, i;ve had mine for about 6 months and i have to say it adds alot of colour to the tank. it's a no-fuss animal as no feeding is required at all! it just finds itself a nice spot in the tank, and never moves from it! oh, and ive never experienced it poisioning the tank before, even though my tank has a koran n goatfish who love to pick on anything that looks edible.


1 X Maroon clown fish (very big and very fat) <$6>

1X Zebra eel (this eel will not eat fish, it only feeds on shell fish, very very beautiful as it will sometimes come out and swim arouind the tank!) <$10>


- Large white one with purple tips <$6>

- 2X Med sized white ones <$5 each>


Sea apple <$8> ((red and purple, very pretty)

Med blue starfish <$5>

sea cucumber, med PINK one <$2>

sea cucumber, large black one <$2>


i have quite a large amount of rocks, as my tank is 5feet long.

large pieces go for $10

small/med pieces go for $5 a bucket (including the bucket!!!)


transparent cage (good for observing new fish or agreesive fish) <$5>

buckets - $2 each

jerry cans - $3 each

sorry, but due to some experiences with pilots, all reservations are off, i'll be home most of today, so it'll e a first come first serve basis. =)

just gemme a buzz at 81989340.

also, COLLECTION POINT : castle green condo. one bust stop away from YIO CHU KANG MRT.



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Dear all,

Thanks once again for finding my fishes, anemones, starfishes and eel a new home!

The sale of my items is now over! =)

moderators: sorry for being a pain, but i dont know how to delete this topic and the help section doesnt mention it either, so please help me delete this topic asap. thanks!

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