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Matrix trilogy


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  • SRC Member

watched it...

and i must say the 3rd episode was GOOD!

it answered any questions from reloaded....

looks like there is a possibility for extentions if the

W. brothers decide they want it.

it tied in very nicely with the Animatrix too.

guess i'll stop here till later lest i spoil it for

those who have yet to watch it ;)

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watched it...

and i must say the 3rd episode was GOOD!

it answered any questions from reloaded....

looks like there is a possibility for extentions if the

W. brothers decide they want it.

it tied in very nicely with the Animatrix too.

guess i'll stop here till later lest i spoil it for

those who have yet to watch it ;)

Watched it , but still have some ??????????

I'll let you guys see it, then I'll ask my question.

Though I got the answers for reloaded, but there seems to be more ??? as well....

I agree there are possibilities for further spin offs and extended tv series.......

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  • SRC Member

i loved the whole triology on the whole. thanks to the ingenious wachowski brother. i mean, how in the world does someone come up with a storyline like this? the flying fight scenes weren't my cup of tea though. but then again, monica bellucci was in the movie. :D

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i loved the whole triology on the whole. thanks to the ingenious wachowski brother. i mean, how in the world does someone come up with a storyline like this? the flying fight scenes weren't my cup of tea though. but then again, monica bellucci was in the movie. :D

Agree...abit 'down to earth' CG is better....they tend to over do it at times :lol:

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  • SRC Member

nah, i disagree

thats the beauty of it...

they can fly cos the have deciphered the matrix,

thats why they can fly instead of super jump like in part 1.

i hated the fact Neo could fly in Reloaded but once the

whole pic came together... :P

they're not just jacked in anymore,

they,re become progrmas themselves

its like a virus/anti virus thing....

wonder if Norton will call its next program NEO.

more likey there will be a Smith virus soon....


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I gave up trying to understand the movie, obviously its beyond my intellect ^_^ ... anyone wondered what is in the briefcase from Pulp Fiction? Or what does the plaster on Marsellus' neck symbolises?

In any case, regarding the trilogy, to milk it a little more, I'd consider doing a prequel.

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  • SRC Member
The ending was sad.... to have *** and ******* die. :)

I enjoyed the show. Still have many many questions but I won't melt my brain trying to express them. :D

umm...actually hor...it could be just me...but it wasn't explicitly apparent that *** had died. ;)

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  • SRC Member
watched it...

and i must say the 3rd episode was GOOD!

it answered any questions from reloaded....

looks like there is a possibility for extentions if the

W. brothers decide they want it.

it tied in very nicely with the Animatrix too.

guess i'll stop here till later lest i spoil it for

those who have yet to watch it ;)

Last I read, the brothers aren't doing anymore movies regarding the matrix.

The story will continue in an MMORPG. B)

Generally, I thought revolutions was better than reloaded, which SUCKED big time. So many characters introduced, but don't really mean/do anything to advance the storyline. Twins/Persephone/Architect...they're just there, well, because the brothers could put them there for the heck of it cos they're 'cool'. :erm:

my 2cts

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  • SRC Member
Generally, I thought revolutions was better than reloaded, which SUCKED big time. So many characters introduced, but don't really mean/do anything to advance the storyline. Twins/Persephone/Architect...they're just there, well, because the brothers could put them there for the heck of it cos they're 'cool'.

If you view part 2 and 3 as one movie then you would feel better about part 2 :upsidedown:

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Since I'm in the mood, can anyone decipher (*hint: unscramble) 'Mobil Ave' in the beginning of Matrix Revolutions?

*** its so boring out in the other threads now that I've become a sump dweller... :D

Limbo Ave - Neo's in a place of limbo. :)

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  • SRC Member

Just watched the movie with my wife. Not bad this time. But is kinda sad to learn that N** would died.

Well, just as the fortune lady had said, "Everything has a beginning, has an end".

For those who haven't watch it, don't read it!

N** is the mirror image of Agent S*. The difference is that one is good and the other one is bad. But in fact, both are actually one itself. So either one of them is dead, both will perish.

How to do it?!

In the screen, the fortune lady had hinted him. But would depend on his own decision, whether he would sacrifice or not.

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  • SRC Member
technically, we don't really know if Neo is dead. who knows. he may be jump started again by the Matrix to kick butt again. (=

but its good that they kill him off. allows the story line to either

a) end there altogether


B) start of with a new messiah of sorts.

That would depend on the W. Brothers,..

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Rumor, feeling board - go to this website and knock yourself out!

Yeah man.... gotta have a change of scene from reading nothing but articles on the hobby catch up on my life.... :D

I have a parody script of the Matrix Revolutions which is HILARIOUS!!!! Had half the office giggling during lunch time... if I'm bored enough, I'll post it up (with the proper credits to Tony).

Meanwhile, I'll go start another thread on Pet Peeves... just for kicks..... :D

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