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Clearing Store Items - start bidding

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Hi Bro,

Clearing these used items from my store. Can't remember the buying price so giving an estimated start bid for each item. Collection in the east. Thanks :)

1. TECO Chiller TW6. Condition 4/10. Bid start at $300.


2. Giesemann NOVA II 150W MH with hanging kit. Bid start $150


3. Two CO2 cylinders, one 2ft with regulator (Start bid $40) and one 1ft (Start bid $10).


4. Jebo 13W UV light. Start bid $10


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Hi Bro,

Clearing these used items from my store. Can't remember the buying price so giving an estimated start bid for each item. Collection in the east. Thanks :)

1. TECO Chiller TW6. Condition 4/10. Bid start at $300.


2. Giesemann NOVA II 150W MH with hanging kit. Bid start $150


3. Two CO2 cylinders, one 2ft with regulator (Start bid $40) and one 1ft (Start bid $10).


4. Jebo 13W UV light. Start bid $10


4. Jebo 13W UV light. Start bid $10

i start bid this item at $11.

contact-8268 6265

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Hi Bro,

Both CO2 tanks are empty. Received thru PM a bid price of $45 for bigger CO2 tank.

Hope all items will be received bid so that can close on 1st June. Otherwise bidding will remain open.

Collection in the east. Will PM the actual location to successful bidder. Price for chiller and MH can be negotiated. Thanks :)

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Hi Bro,

Thanks for the bids received so far.

Bidding will stop on 1/6/07 so that items can be collected on 2/6/07 (hopefully).

Chiller, MH and UV still working. Can't remember age of chiller and MH but UV less than 2 yrs. Check out this website for info on chiller, http://www.aquatechnic.net/program.html

Collection in the east, not far from Bedok. Will sms successful bidder on actual location when bidding close.

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Hi Bro,

So far here are the bidding received:

(1) Geisemann MH $138 from wlchew

(2) Jebo UV $20 from limsteel

(3) Co2 tank (large) $45 from SunnySin

Anyone keen in the chiller, still available.

Today is the last day to enter your bid.

Thanks :)

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