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Everything Died!!!


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Being relatively new to marine fish tank, as and when I go to LFS and saw new thing or something that interest me, I go back empty handed . Then I will start to search for that new thing in the net and gather as much info as possible before I purchase it. Purchasing is done a little bit at one time.

I guess, when you go to a LFS, u must be "so happy" with what you have seen and then quickly purchased the fish or invertebrate of your choice. Maybe you bought as many as you could to fill up your 2 feet tank quickly at one time. On top of that, you feel bad going back empty handed.

Patient is the key to keeping a marine fish tank.

Before you buy any fish or invertebrate, it is wise if you could do some reading on what you intend to purchase.

Your tank parametres need to be as conducive as possible for the inhabitants. Food should not be given a plenty. Qty given at one time also plays. As left overs will pollute the tank and especially if you have a small tank.

Did u do any water change lately. How about the specific gravity(SG) of the water. Ideally SG should be around 1.022. Dont tell me that the SG of your tank is too low or too high.

I suggest you be patient a bit and slowly gather as much knowledge as possible before u start to re-introduce your favourite fish or invertebrate again.

Bye and have a nice day.

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Thanks for the concerns. I hope u ppl that responded are experienced with marine. Cos the answers are really not wat i haf read up on. feed once a day? if i say that, someone else will tell me that my fish is goin to starve. Really. im always confused at so many different comments. Anyway, i started the topic to ask ppl who had their tank's inhabitants die off like mine to share with their experiences. So i wont repeat the steps again.

Anyways, u mean blue sponge is poisonous? The scallop likes to go where it likes and it does not go into the cave. It even fixed itself near that area on the foto. The sand looks white cos of the contrast from the camera. And how do u know how much fish or livestock should a 2 ft tank keep?

And luckily, the mandarin and scooter still survived. And fire shrimp, scallop n tubeworm too... Phew!! bt think i better dump those bleaching corals and the damned liquifry marine! :cry:

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This one i must comment,

EXcuse me MNCL, when did i say i see smth very cute i must buy on the spot without finding out about it? Ur rubbing salt into my wounds without knowing whats goin on n just blabbering off like that. And i never buy 2 fish every week that will cause bioload explosions. Pls... These things did not happen....

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Sorry to hear that your tank crash......there are many reasons why it happen.

I know mine was due to too many fishes (adopted too many and too big fishes) and the filter just cannot cope.

I suspect that most of the time...it is ammonia that is the likely culprit.

It doesn't stay in the water long enough for you detect that there is something wrong but long enough to stressed your fishes and inverts.

Once stressed and weaken......dieases will follow.

Hope you find out the cause of your problem

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  Morgan said:

Sorry to hear that your tank crash......there are many reasons why it happen.

I know mine was due to too many fishes (adopted too many and too big fishes) and the filter just cannot cope.

I suspect that most of the time...it is ammonia that is the likely culprit.

It doesn't stay in the water long enough for you detect that there is something wrong but long enough to stressed your fishes and inverts.

Once stressed and weaken......dieases will follow.

Hope you find out the cause of your problem

i agree with Morgan. A sudden spike of ammonia is a sure-fire way of wiping out your fishes.

I once switch off the skimmer at night, and forgot to on it. the next morning, all dead, and when i measure the ammonia : zero. I guess the ammonia spiked sometime when i sleeping, and the filtration overcame it after some time, but that lull period is good enough to be potent.

as for the linkia...mine got 5 legs only le :unsure:

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  vdc said:
Thanks for the concerns. I hope u ppl that responded are experienced with marine. Cos the answers are really not wat i haf read up on. feed once a day? if i say that, someone else will tell me that my fish is goin to starve. Really. im always confused at so many different comments. Anyway, i started the topic to ask ppl who had their tank's inhabitants die off like mine to share with their experiences. So i wont repeat the steps again.

Anyways, u mean blue sponge is poisonous? The scallop likes to go where it likes and it does not go into the cave. It even fixed itself near that area on the foto. The sand looks white cos of the contrast from the camera. And how do u know how much fish or livestock should a 2 ft tank keep?

And luckily, the mandarin and scooter still survived. And fire shrimp, scallop n tubeworm too... Phew!! bt think i better dump those bleaching corals and the damned liquifry marine! :cry:

Sigh...this is a case of people who love marine aquaria and seek all they could to understand more about it and when some people who are still novices (including me... :P ) tried to help but yet stirred up more discomfort because of our lack of inexperience and tactlessness... :cry:

Dear fellow reefers...

I believe SRC is here to promote responsible reef-keeping but at the stage it is going, when are we going to become more mature and 'professional' and diplomatic? I believe we do love marine aquaria and that's why we are here. Yes, no doubt... some of us may be ignorant...but we try to read up more and ask more questions(but must scan for similar questions that have already been answered before posting... :P ), case here is that she is already upset with the loss and yes..indeed... some of you are rubbing salt into the wound...bear this in mind...she forked out money for the things she bought...she would feel the pinch...and even if she's loaded and can afford to replenish, dun you think she would also like to learn so as not to repeat the same mistake? Pls be tactless in your usage of words. We are one big family here...you know? Comraderie is what that should be promoted and not animosity...I am not trying to be noble by saying all this but dun you find that SRC need to reach the next paradigm? With AT's speech and our entry into Aquarama...let's strive to make this a more conducive place to be in ....

Vdc...sis...take it with a pinch of salt lah...dun be irked by what some have commented...We all love marine aquaria but people are just built differently...

Love ya all... :peace:


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wah...cant imagine feeding my tangs once every 2 days.....the books I read says multiple meals, but small meals each time. I feed them once a day, and I am already feeling guilty.....I hope my skimmer holds up the bioload... :lol:

vdc.....there are many advice given in the SRC, pick and choose, up to you,what I gain from SRC is looking at diff suggestions nd treat it as additional info. :) Sometimes , reef keeping is a trial and error thingy :lol:

Hope you are not too upset....we tend to assume/associate that when pple have this exp...thats what they had done....

Anyway....may wan to check tank ammonia level...I intend to invest on a test kit as well.....may reveal some info abt your tank :lol:

No matter wat...happy reefing....the challenge is the main reason why many has taken up this hobby

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Thanks so much. After a moment of calming myself i feel so much better now. Thanks to everyone that responded anyway. Cos i did figure out in one way or another from ur responds. I think morgan could be right. Mayb a sneaky ammonia did it. And what caused ammonia, i really suspect the liquifry marine very much. The last time i fed on sunday, The tank became very cloudy for a few hours. These could be the answers to my fishes' death. But why the corals bleached still remains an unsolved mystery. Anyone got any clues ???? :unsure:

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  flubberina13 said:
Pls be tactless in your usage of words. We are one big family

btw...she means Pls be tactful

I used to have a 2FT tank with Fl....my corals slowly bleached over time...not sure whether this is the reason

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yeah..i agree with both Flubberina and Deepblue.

Opinions do differ, but thats through different experiences. If they can be all standardized, we can actually sum it all up and paste it permanently somewhere in this forum, so that all no more questions will appear. But we all know its imposible. :)

btw...can someone enlighten me on the linkia? if not, tonight i'll keep thinking about the extra leg and cannot sleep :P

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  DeepBlue said:
wah...cant imagine feeding my tangs once every 2 days.....the books I read says multiple meals, but small meals each time. I feed them once a day, and I am already feeling guilty.....I hope my skimmer holds up the bioload... :lol:

vdc.....there are many advice given in the SRC, pick and choose, up to you,what I gain from SRC is looking at diff suggestions nd treat it as additional info. :) Sometimes , reef keeping is a trial and error thingy :lol:

Hope you are not too upset....we tend to assume/associate that when pple have this exp...thats what they had done....

Anyway....may wan to check tank ammonia level...I intend to invest on a test kit as well.....may reveal some info abt your tank :lol:

No matter wat...happy reefing....the challenge is the main reason why many has taken up this hobby

Yup...I feed my fishes at least twice a day. And even got self-prepared meals...recipe is courtesy of Henry of Marine Life. Those who have seen my fishes will agreed that they are well-fed and healthy... :P

Just make sure that there is sufficient means of getting rid of the waste in the form of a good skimmer... :)

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  euphoria said:
yeah..i agree with both Flubberina and Deepblue.

Opinions do differ, but thats through different experiences. If they can be all standardized, we can actually sum it all up and paste it permanently somewhere in this forum, so that all no more questions will appear. But we all know its imposible. :)

btw...can someone enlighten me on the linkia? if not, tonight i'll keep thinking about the extra leg and cannot sleep :P

dun worry lah...they have the ability to regenerate or generate limps.....my has one leg detached...now I have 2 running inmy tank...kind of like ADAM's FAMILY hand.... :lol:

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  DeepBlue said:

btw...she means Pls be tactful

I used to have a 2FT tank with Fl....my corals slowly bleached over time...not sure whether this is the reason


Thanks...DB...wouldn't want to cause an uproar... :)

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vdc, if its ammonia then it can also affect your corals. corals also require if not more stringent conditions than fish. that's why some corals are said to be indicators of water quality, when quality go down, the corals all commit kari kiri bit by bit. don't worry lah, clean up your tank and inhabitants, do huge water change and start all over again! this time don't use liquifry and don't feed so much! I also had fish wipeout from ich, suspect stock too quickly also heart pain, but now just started adding fish again and no prob.

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  DeepBlue said:

dun worry lah...they have the ability to regenerate or generate limps.....my has one leg detached...now I have 2 running inmy tank...kind of like ADAM's FAMILY hand.... :lol:

ha ha. i suaku la, never see before. just now i counted several times to be sure. i even thought that in that picture, there is another linkia, but can only see 1 leg of the other linkia...haha :P

those who have harlequin shrimps might want to pm Vdc about the location where she bought the 6 legged linkia. 1 extra leg may be food for 2 extra days? :rolleyes:

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But why the corals bleached still remains an unsolved mystery

Corals are sensistive to water pollutant......I have dose medication to rid the flatworms and some (not all) of my acros bleached. They are recovering now, fortunately no casualties :lol:

Your bleaching event could have been caused by the deaths of the fishes and whatever.

Maintain a stable enviroment and they will recover.....Oh yes change some of the water if you had not already done so.

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