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Everything Died!!!


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  • SRC Member

My boyfriend tested. He said they were all good. But we do have uncontrollable damn algae, that we've been trying to remove. We bought snails but they died as soon as they were put into the water. We recently bought phosphate remover but wasnt that effective..... sigh... :cry:

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  • SRC Member

Sorry to hear about your loss.

One of the chief reasons that fishes die in new tanks is because they are added too fast and too much.

Best thing to do is to do a water change and let the tank sit there without any livestock for 2 weeks or more until the tank has matured.

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Is there a possiblity of spoilt food causing all this? The last thing he fed was liquifry marine...

IMO, liquidfy marine is not a suitable food for fishes as it is mainly used to feed corals and other invertebrate but even so IMo it is a useless product containing mostly yeast and egg which added in excess will easily pollute the tank.

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  • SRC Member

Hi... IMHO, I think you should add more details as in your water para. your tenants, how you aclimatise your LStock etc... This way there is a higher chance that we may render a more detail help....

Should we throw away the live rock oso? Is the live rock still useful? By the way, i noticed the corals were slowly dying before this happened.

The LR are cool.... dun throw them away unless they are uncured... course uncured LR and LIVE fishes dun go very well......


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  • SRC Member

about 4 months. its not overstocked. i only got 4 tiny fish, 2 bottom dwellers, 2 shrimps. 1 starfish, 1 tubeworm, 1 zoanthid, 1 green luminous polyp, 2 orange tree sponge, one sea fan. All small small one.

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  • SRC Member

Tank is 2 ft. I acclimatized the shrimps n fishes properly before releasing. One day feed twice brine shrimp to small fishes. And liquifry marine alternate days for the fat tubeworm n electric flaming scallop. My mandarin n scooter will snatch the brine shrimps with the rest of the fishes. Doin well. Except the corals started bleaching, and there is over growth of algae.

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  • SRC Member
My mandarin n scooter will snatch the brine shrimps with the rest of the fishes. Doin well. Except the corals started bleaching, and there is over growth of algae

Heeheee.... Mandarin is one of the toughest fishes to keep.... and scooter need to be fed quite often( I think...) Your corals are bleaching and algae blooming means its DOIN UNWELL..... :lol: maybe your cycle not complete... how long you cycle your tank? and wat you use to kick start... any spike? If cycle is completed.... then I might not be able to help... anyone? :huh:


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  • SRC Member

u feed your fishes twice daily? thats too much.. about once in 2 days is what i do.. marine fish do not need alot of food errrrm because of :huh: the metabolism rate that differs from freshwater fish..

feeding brine shrimp (thats most likely frozen) will contribute to phosphate and silicate levels... nitrates will also go up.. ;)

hmmm did u recently stir up the sandbed or anything?

u said u were having an algae prob.. what algae was that? cyano? hair? :peace:

The world is such a wicked place,war btween the human race. People work to earn their bread,while across the sea they're counting dead

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  • SRC Member

Your wooden air diffuser is smothered with algae in the picture. The goniopora was not a very good choice for a 2fter. the sand looks a bit white and new to me.

I think that its a bit useless to start a thread saying that your tank died and asking people to share their experiences. You should state the problem, what happened and tank dimensions and all and then we can more effectively help to to pinpoint the problem instead of having to ask you about this and that. Sorry about your loss. Maybe you should spend more time planning a tank properly before you start another one and find the reason for the crash first.

P.S. flame scallops should not be kept in a 2ft without much filtration as their feeding will cause pollution. Judging from your goniopora and the polyps (is this picture taken a few hours after the lights were on?) the sign that they aren't open much could be due to nitrates. and why is your scallop stuck in that weird position in the middle of the rock? Usually healthy scallops will run off and hide in the rockwork and die there.

Why are there chunks of blue sponge in your tank? Did you have a blue sponge that died or sth? they can cause a lot of pollution.

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Last weekend no new addition. The last fish was blue tang n fire shrimp n camel back 2 weeks ago n pink tubeworm. New addition was only the phosphate remover lor...

hi fren,

U have too many livestock in a 2 footer lar...A blue Tang is definitely not suitable in a small tank like that.

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