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  • SRC Member

Good Evening Sirs & Mdms,

I am a new member here who is very keen in starting my first attempt in Marine Aquarium. I am planning to have a 2 x 1.5 x 1.5 feet Tank with Sump.

I know that reefers here have included Refugiums into their Sumps ,but, is it necessary to have a refugium for my tank size?

Thank you for reading.

Best Regards,


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  • SRC Member

It depends on what u want actually. Some reefers set-up with sump with equipments only while some set-up with refugium and using less equipments or some even have both. If ur budget allows, why not try having a sump holding equipments with an attached refugium.

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  • SRC Member

Good Evening Nitro,

I have an intention to setup a Fish + Invertebrate + Coral Aquarium for my tank size. If I were to include a refugium, can I just add about 3 inch thick of #0 sand + 2 Live Rocks ? (Without Lightings in sump)

Your response is very much appreciated. Thank you.

Best Regards,


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  • SRC Member

In short, it's a mixed reef tank :lol:

Usually for refugium, the DSB is abt 6 inches. More live rocks do help in breaking down of unwanted waste but included the live rocks are really "alive" and housing bacteria lorz. No lights... not too sure if it's good anot.

Any other reefers can commend on this?

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  • SRC Member

Good Afternoon Nitro,

Thank you for the above advice. I've seen threads stating to top-up freshwater into the sump due to evaporation. May I know how to obtain freshwater at home? Is it by boiling tap-water in the kettle followed by letting it cool down to normal temperature?

Do I need to circulate the air afterwards?

Best Regards,


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  • SRC Member

wow u really new to this fishy hobby eh :blink:

Fresh water from tap lorz, some reefers uses some other filtering gadget prior to the top up, to further purify the fresh water while some add chemical to remove compound like Chlorine etc.

For me... I juz top up direct from the tap bcuz I only top up in very small quantity.

Boiling not require.

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  • SRC Member

Good Evening Nitro,

Yes I am venturing into my very first fish hobby! What is the quantity of your tapwater topup? Is it half-a-cup ?

Is wrought iron stand = pure stainless steel ?

Best Regards,


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  • SRC Member

wrought iron is not stainless steel.

wrought iron will rust over time, even though you've actually painted it well and with good paint...

stainless steel may also rust...really depends on the quality of the stainless steel...

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  • SRC Member

U've got ur ans from Glim18 ;)

I do water top up weekly or once every 2 weeks, depends. Amt is abt 6 cups (those small plastic green mugs). Of cse I add supplements too on a weekly basis. Nowadays I tried to do a 2-3 pails of water change too, monthly.

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  • SRC Member

U meant the glass maker near to GO isit? There are two there but the one nearer to GO is the one that make tanks. Saw their workmanship and I've got a tank from them before too. I would said ok, worth it for the price. The lady boss who is also the tank maker is very friendly and like to chat too.

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  • SRC Member

Think u can find the location of GO from the "Sponsor" thread. Near to the junction of Bartley and Serangoon Rd, from Potong Pasir walk towards Hougang that direction, abt 5 to 10 mins slow walk.

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  • SRC Member
Think u can find the location of GO from the "Sponsor" thread. Near to the junction of Bartley and Serangoon Rd, from Potong Pasir walk towards Hougang that direction, abt 5 to 10 mins slow walk.

Some of our sponsors here also sell tanks. Anyway is to buy 2nd hand tanks from reefers who decomm or upgrade.

Or take to Serangoon MRT and a 5 mins slow walk down, heading towards potong pasir. Alternatively, take any bus heading that direction at the bus stop outside MRT exit (one of the exits, can't remember the alphabet) and dropped at the 2nd bus stop.

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