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  • SRC Member

Hi to all fellow reefers,

I have seen some guys here using cyclop-ezze. So far, I only heard the positive side. Is there any minus pt? If its good, whats the + pts?

From wat I know, this product is used mostly for aquaculture of fish & prawn. How does it fare in feeding our livestock?

I do know that seahorses, fishes, LPS(corals), jellyfish(wat the Ang Moh told me), shrimps....anymore??

Anyone tried it on dendro???

which is better? Frozen or freeze dried? How you rate it???

Heehee, I dunno to use the frozen or freeze dried first?


Wei :)


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The downside to Cyclop-eze is the potential increase in phosphate levels.

Heard this from my HK marine friend. Have yet to actually verify this with tests!

The freeze-dried form actually smells better compared to the frozen form. I have been very tempted to taste the freeze-dried one...maybe I will do so later in the night when no one is awake.. ahaha...I also tasted dried cat food before..smells nice..but yuck..tasteless one. Just hope cyclopeeze got some taste. :evil:

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

Hi AT,

All food that we feed into our tank contributes PO4 to our tank. Maybe it contains more??

How does yr friend test it???

As i was reading the catalog now, it says that it contain 40X more HUFA(Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acids-particularly those of Omega 3 family). Could it be the reason why it contributes to PO4 cos its more oily???

What do u think?? :huh:

Hi Fuel,

maybe you can stir fried cyclop-ezze & post a review on how its taste. :pinch:

Wei :yeah:

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  • SRC Member

Hi AT,

have u tried those frozen plankton, ex red plankton, fish eggs, etc?? Which do better? Cyclop-ezze or the frozen plankton?

Does yr Sps takes them????

I hope to cut dwn the types of zooplankton food to 1. Save money & fridge space. Now, both freezer compartment is fill with frozen fish food. Going to get nagging soon!!

Wei :)

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  • SRC Member
Does yr Sps takes them????

I hope to cut dwn the types of zooplankton food to 1. Save money & fridge space. Now, both freezer compartment is fill with frozen fish food. Going to get nagging soon!!

cyclops is 800micron in size. too big for sps ;)

used in aquaculture for fish fry. but as an additional food item for your tank - sure why not. You can feed anything from 2 microns to 1000microns and it will benefit something along the food chain.

Cutting down the types of zooplankton may have some side effects on the animals/corals but that is for you to monitor.

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Actually it is my understanding that SPS does not even take phytoplankton. It has been found within SPS, but as far as I know, it has yet to be proven, or disproven if its being ingested.

In any case, Cyclops-eeze can be used to wean picky eaters such as Anthiases off live food, and thereafter if you wish, small sized pellets. I also use them as appetisers to whet the fishes appetite, it sends them into a frenzy entertaining my guests.

It can certainly be used as a supplement, but as Bawater mentioned, it may not serve well by itself. A variety of feed is still better.

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Hiya Guys, how do you all feed the Cyclops-eeze? What kinda binder do you use? so you mix it all up in a blender and blend away?

Why do you need to blend them?! Are'nt they small enough? :blink:

Always something more important than fish.


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is there anyplace in singapore have a tank set up just like that??

Maybe Sentosa Underwater World.......they have the money and the resources.

Look at the amount of fishes........tank full of bartlett anthias @ $40 each.....count the cost.

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  • SRC Member
Anyone tried it on non-photsynthetic gorgorians or sun coral???

My sun coral never fails to open up whenever this stuff went into the tank.

By the way, i am using the frozen slab.

And juz a tiny little bit would do.

I normally do that to "seduce" the coral to open before i start target feeding them with brine/mysis shrimps :P

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Hi all, just to add my two cents worth, I have come across and used Cyclop-eeze two years ago at the previous Aquarama when they came... it is really an excellent product, in fact, it was rated a top product feed in a recent issue of FAMA.

Cyclops constitute a major component of the growth food found in fish larvae and will actually be a natural feed. After the egg yolk gets used up, the larvae require large amounts of HUFA and other essential biochemicals to survive. The HUFA are actually long chains of hydrocarbons and contain no phosphates. Phosphates added to good quality food actually help the fish to grow as phosphates constitute an important part of each individual cell (as phospholipids of the plasma membrane and of course as part of DNA)

Cyclops are readily accepted by shy fishes like anthias and fire gobies and for those into sea horses, their babies should grow on Cyclops-eeze....saw people from Tropical Marine Science Insitute ordering lots of cartons at the Aquarama fair recently.

Excuse me for the longwindeness, fishnerd, can't help it... :P

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  • SRC Member
Hi all, just to add my two cents worth, I have come across and used Cyclop-eeze two years ago at the previous Aquarama when they came... it is really an excellent product, in fact, it was rated a top product feed in a recent issue of FAMA.

Cyclops constitute a major component of the growth food found in fish larvae and will actually be a natural feed. After the egg yolk gets used up, the larvae require large amounts of HUFA and other essential biochemicals to survive. The HUFA are actually long chains of hydrocarbons and contain no phosphates. Phosphates added to good quality food actually help the fish to grow as phosphates constitute an important part of each individual cell (as phospholipids of the plasma membrane and of course as part of DNA)

Cyclops are readily accepted by shy fishes like anthias and fire gobies and for those into sea horses, their babies should grow on Cyclops-eeze....saw people from Tropical Marine Science Insitute ordering lots of cartons at the Aquarama fair recently.

Excuse me for the longwindeness, fishnerd, can't help it... :P

Wow..very interesting fact!

THanks for sharing!

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  • SRC Member
The downside to Cyclop-eze is the potential increase in phosphate levels.

Heard this from my HK marine friend. Have yet to actually verify this with tests!

tt means red slime might appear rite? cos i think i'm getting red slime in my tank.. bought new filter media, air stone and chemi pure... hope will help control them... newaes juz gotten the dried cyclops...

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