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X's tank


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  • SRC Member

Okay...ppl have been asking me abt my tank...so maybe can show some pictures in the forum.

that's why created this thread. :lol:

basically my tank is rather small for now. becos mostly i use it to study and research.

got a few spare tanks hang around also.. so the place is kinda messy.

after 4 years of marine, get the hang of it so spend more time on studying and observing them.. :lol:

one of my favour activities is nursing the injured or dumb corals...

dumb corals mean those which are not opening or have something wrong with them..

hahaha...to me, my tank is like a hospital now..


one of my favourate coral is gonoipora. cos when they open up, they can be 4 times huger than before.

this one is actually just 2 inches big in size but open up to 6 inches... :lol: amzing.

i promote and encourage fragging of SPS and soft corals but not LPS cos they are too fraglie and many of them died in the process of fragging..

we are supposed to be conserving in this hobby and not throwing away corals..

so i encourage those who have corals or fishes which are not doing well to pass it to ur friends or someone more experienced. :yeah:

and also to promote the use of iodine dip for corals. I used them whether i sell or give away corals, so as not to give any bacterias or pathnogen to other ppl's tank. at the same time, when i received them, i will do iodine dip first.

and pls dun be selfish that "hey, that coral will affect the rest later." . i encourage more ppl to do the same as me. once u get used to looking after them, u can rest assured that when something happened to ur corals, u know wat's wrong. IT's a challenge. ain't that easy...


. X-Nature . Something Xtravagant for everyone .

our website: http://www.xnature.net.tc
sgreef forum: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showforum=83

Providing premium delicacies for marine fishes and corals.

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:lol: Story of Jewel.

this flowerpot goniopora or the tradename, Jewel, i get from a LFS in feb 2007.

Jewel is the local tradename so dun get mixed up.

and dun use Jewel in other country, cos ppl wun know wat u toking abt. :(


okay. when i get it, it's not even opening like now..just very small and fragile.

someone it's in a super small nano tank. maybe only 10 inches.

the tank is on a table with only one or two nemo fishes around..

it's look damn pathetic.so i decide to get it.

that's how everything started. :D

and before i came here in SRC, i always give away my fishes to ppl and LFS.

My trigger...lionfishes...blah blah blah...clownfishes...cos everytime when i'm damn busy, i can just dun feed them for one month. that's why i choose to give them away when i'm busy in the past.


and after a few weeks when i went back to the shop

guess wat ???? The tank is gone....

so....in the end i save the coral...so touched...hahaha..

the shop owner will nv guess tat i have been keeping it from them and it's still in a good condition. :lol:


. X-Nature . Something Xtravagant for everyone .

our website: http://www.xnature.net.tc
sgreef forum: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showforum=83

Providing premium delicacies for marine fishes and corals.

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somehow i believe that your gonio is bleached .

ba careful of the algae around . it will overun the gonio very soon if you dun take care of your algae.

i believe that the phosphate and nitrate u introduce through X-factor to your tank is the main cause of the algae boom. do solve your algae problem if u wanna take good care of the gonio.

any full tank shot :D

2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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  • SRC Member

:lol: hahaha...right now dun have algae in the tank...

and sorry...this picture is taken quite sometime before...so no problem now.

becos i using camera phone to take photo so not much photos.

just dig one of the photos out for my past gallery...

paiseh..and using a flash with brightness -2 (sony erricson's phone) so the background looks dark.maybe that's why it looks like algae to u...

hahha... :lol:

Water parameter is:

0 Ammonia

0 Nitrite

0 - 0.25 Nitrate *

0 - 0.25 PO4 *

pH 8.3 to 8.5 *

kH 12

calcium 380 to 400 *

Test kit very hard to read.... :( so i'm looking for a pH pen now...

I hope to get a digital camera or borrow one to take some pictures soon...slowly slowly..




. X-Nature . Something Xtravagant for everyone .

our website: http://www.xnature.net.tc
sgreef forum: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showforum=83

Providing premium delicacies for marine fishes and corals.

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The flash and the camera created the algae? I'm confused :erm:

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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:lol: hahaha...right now dun have algae in the tank...

and sorry...this picture is taken quite sometime before...so no problem now.

becos i using camera phone to take photo so not much photos.

just dig one of the photos out for my past gallery...

paiseh..and using a flash with brightness -2 (sony erricson's phone) so the background looks dark.maybe that's why it looks like algae to u...

hahha... :lol:

Water parameter is:

0 Ammonia

0 Nitrite

0 - 0.25 Nitrate *

0 - 0.25 PO4 *

pH 8.3 to 8.5 *

kH 12

calcium 380 to 400 *

Test kit very hard to read.... :( so i'm looking for a pH pen now...

I hope to get a digital camera or borrow one to take some pictures soon...slowly slowly..




those on the sandbed is definately algae ya ? :P


ur prameter are in check . in fact reaching optimal. care to share what's in your tank and your equipment list and maintainence regime? :)

2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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:lol: algae... <_< got a friend visited my tank...no algae in tank at all...

maybe find him to speak up for me... :(

this picture is quite some time ago de. i think that time did have some algae problem..

maybe i should update the pic...but very lazy and busy also...

sorry abt that.

okay...forget abt that until i update some photos..

wat i use ar...

i dun use a sump...my tank is very experimental so my way for filtration is very funny or weird so u said...i show more photos in the future on that.

but literally, i tried to explain...

first is that i employ barebottom tank with a very little portion of sand at the bottom for inverts like sandsifting star to survive.

two corner each with a powerhead that swept out all debris and dirt to the filter system..

down to my hangon box full of cotton wool for mechanical filter..

down to my 2ft refugium of 7" to 8" DSB of chaeto and red bamboo with lights...

biohouse...big tube...4 of them bury into the sand.(see picture)

with denitrating pellets bury under the sand..sand is of super fine grade.

with powerhead circution to provide good husbandry of DSB and enough aeration or else DSB will crash.

inside the tank has another smaller tank. skimmer skim in the water into the smaller tank.

smaller tank of cottom wool and coral chips to trap in anything solid.

canister draws in water form smaller tank to main tank. and another sponge is fixed to the outlet to main tank.

canister using Purigen to remove nitrate. very good but very expensive.

with activated carbon and phosguard.

Matrix with denitrating pellets to remove nitrite and nitrate.

and also with cotton pad at the top of canister.

water changes every once per 2 weeks or whenever i am free.



. X-Nature . Something Xtravagant for everyone .

our website: http://www.xnature.net.tc
sgreef forum: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showforum=83

Providing premium delicacies for marine fishes and corals.

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regarding keep No3 and po4 in check...i use a very huge priority on biological filter.

but the danger is to take good care of it cos once it crashes, things will get out of hand.

and i just use a weipro skimmer so skimming is not that effective.

but employing alot on anaerobic and aerobic bacteria to breakdown no3 and macroalgae to breakdown no2 and no3 :D

regarding feeding, this is not a sales thread so i dun wanna make this thread commerciallised too. :lol: to keep the parameters at check and feeding at the same time is my answer to the question. full dot to here. pls dun highlight anything commercial here or my products here becos JUST GIMME A BREAk...:S this is a small corner for me to chill out and reef for leisure only.

anything business pls pm me or speak in the other thread... :lol: just wanna take a break here.that's why i nv mention anything abt my products here. And the picture is taken before the release of X-factor too. I don't use it in my main tank during the experimental stage of it until it's finally done. that's the most i can explain for that. :>

Purigen is wat prevents me from having a breakdown as it's really effective in removing nitrate at a fast rate. DSB and macroalgae with denitrate pellets plus MATRIX are biological filtration which CONTROLS and BALANCE the no3 and po4 level with phosguard...

I'm giving denitrate from seachem a try soon.

regarding the denitrate pellets...it's a white pellets which is buried into the sandbed.very interesting...

and for DSB, u dun have to use it in main tank to enjoy the same effect.it can be anywhere as long as the water is link up to the main tank..it's kinda important to maintain care for DSB cos i did experience a crash before. :( Experience do help me now.

So then i change the sandbed to the super fine grade to allow aeration and water flow thru it.

i use to have 6 turbo snails as cleaning crew but sold off 5 to a fellow reefer as i dun have algae for it to chew on...certainly use a sand goby to sift the sand for my refugium too. everything is biological in my system... :idea:

. X-Nature . Something Xtravagant for everyone .

our website: http://www.xnature.net.tc
sgreef forum: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showforum=83

Providing premium delicacies for marine fishes and corals.

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  • SRC Member

regarding feeding, this is not a sales thread so i dun wanna make this thread commerciallised too. :lol: to keep the parameters at check and feeding at the same time is my answer to the question. full dot to here. pls dun highlight anything commercial here or my products here becos JUST GIMME A BREAk...:S

this is a small corner for me to chill out and reef for leisure only.

anything business-related pls pm me or speak in the other thread... :lol: j

ust wanna take a break here.that's why i nv mention anything abt my products here.

And the picture is taken before the release of X-factor too.

I don't use it in my main tank during the experimental stage of it until it's finally done.:>

if everything is to be commercialised, i wun post a pic with algae to hurt my own product and when i post that picture, the coral in the picture was the main focus there.

Really sad to see the first reply to be on my product based on some assumptions. :(

feeding brineshrimp, overfeeding pellets, too much of bioload and other stuffs

can also caused algae bloom so it's not fair to me when the finger is pointing at my product.

and i dun wanna go into details to explain my product cos it's not a sales thread here.

I dun answer questions and stuffs in a commercialised manner in all of the thread

and dun employ other nicks for separating commercial and recreational issue

cos i dun find it necessary.

u wun find me promoting it any other threads too except my own designated thread.

I believed that i'm already professional enough by doing so.

So i hope that anything commercialised can be posted in that thread or pm me abt it.

All along my help to others have been on the terms of fellow reefer not as a salesperson.

those who know and deal with me will know abt that.

When it's business, it's business and right now it's recreation and leisure here.

I'm trying my best here to help newbies and to share my stuffs and experience

with everyone so pls gimme a break. THANKS.

I will truely appreciate that if u guys can understnad as I have already tried my best in explaining. Hope that everyone can understand here. :>

anyone who has any questions, i will be more than willing to help as a

fellow reefer contributing to part of SRC community.

I am also willing to help anyone out selflessly. It's not business-related so even if u dun buy anything from me, i will still be willing to help u.

I hope everyone can understand how i'm feeling and my passion in this hobby.

THANKS. :peace:

PS just wanna make my stand clear right from the start.

. X-Nature . Something Xtravagant for everyone .

our website: http://www.xnature.net.tc
sgreef forum: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showforum=83

Providing premium delicacies for marine fishes and corals.

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  • SRC Member

dun be discouraged, reef on manz!

U've got a very different method in filteration ah, hey quickly shoot some pics of ur filtering system and post it leh, wanna learn from each other.

U saw my thread in Member's Tank? The latest photos are shot on the K800i also. This cam phone can gives very sharp and clear close ups, juz have to figure it out lar ^_^

Try the macro without flash and set the White Balance to other settings.

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  • SRC Member

dun take it too personally bro...

the reefers here juz mean well... =)

i had my fair share of overly-concerned reefers coming to put fire to my tank in the past too, den i realised they are juz meaning welll.

reef onz!

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  • SRC Member

yep, no need to be so sensitive bro. no one is mentioning your product (other than hammy's post) except yourself. i have to say that newer pics will really help us see your tank better. the two pics just seem show a bleached gonio and algae infested background.

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  • SRC Member

peace.. :peace:

no offense.just stating my stand at the start. :lol:

sorry if i do sound abit harsh..sorry abt that. :bow:

sorry to hammy bro if i sound harsh abt his remark. paiseh. :bow:

. X-Nature . Something Xtravagant for everyone .

our website: http://www.xnature.net.tc
sgreef forum: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showforum=83

Providing premium delicacies for marine fishes and corals.

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  • SRC Member

:lol: this is the water-leveling tube...works just like an overflow box.

but i dun have an overflow box in my tank...

it's located at the bottom...DIY style :lol:


. X-Nature . Something Xtravagant for everyone .

our website: http://www.xnature.net.tc
sgreef forum: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showforum=83

Providing premium delicacies for marine fishes and corals.

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  • SRC Member

this is my refugium with another tank inside. canister filter is right behind this tank. :lol:

the biohouse and stuffs are bury inside so u cannot see them in the pic..

i'm adding another 10kg of sand to the DSB soon.

recently i lost 2 powerhead becos it can't stand the weight of the rocks on it...

so must get another one before anything happened to DSB. and those are organ pipe skeletons...

like the red color so kept them in refugium..


. X-Nature . Something Xtravagant for everyone .

our website: http://www.xnature.net.tc
sgreef forum: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showforum=83

Providing premium delicacies for marine fishes and corals.

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  • SRC Member

not much corals to show becoe still constructing at the moment.

the theme is gonna be "LPS in Florida".

coral list right now:


-red zoas

-yellow suns

-orange suns

-pink suns

-slipper coral

-Octo coral

-fox coral

-green star polyps

-button polyps

-green mushroom

-brown mushroom

-ricordea yuma

-white bubbles

that's all...adding in one hammer soon.

and also looking for suns corals...wanna make the whole tank full of suns and florida..with branching lps like hammer, fox, octo...still looking for torch(small),galaxy, trumpet, candy cane,

elegance and frogspawn. and getting more suns and green suns...did i miss anything out ?


that's my theme.

at first it was a shrimps tank:

got 2 peppermint, 4 cleaner shrimps, 1 saron, 1 fire and 1 boxer

looking to get camel, ###### and maybe glass shrimps to complete the collection.



. X-Nature . Something Xtravagant for everyone .

our website: http://www.xnature.net.tc
sgreef forum: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showforum=83

Providing premium delicacies for marine fishes and corals.

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peace.. :peace:

no offense.just stating my stand at the start. :lol:

sorry if i do sound abit harsh..sorry abt that. :bow:

sorry to hammy bro if i sound harsh abt his remark. paiseh. :bow:

no lah ... i dun feel offended . :peace:

2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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  • SRC Member

:lol: thanks. really sorry abt that. :bow:

will leave it like that for now. need to do some other stuffs. so will stop for one or two weeks.

cannot keep on reefing 24/7 la.hahaahaha...still have other things to do.

if anyone have any questions, i will try my best to answer. :lol:

cheers. have a nice day. i wanna keep the front tank view secretive for now...cos i will be adding in corals every now and then until i have complete the theme. BOOM...then u will see the finalised picture. maybe will continue to show picture of corals i get to share with everyone. maybe can exchange frag or watsoever la...hahaha.

. X-Nature . Something Xtravagant for everyone .

our website: http://www.xnature.net.tc
sgreef forum: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showforum=83

Providing premium delicacies for marine fishes and corals.

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