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Clowns and Anemones Only


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Rock Beauty still surviving. Almost died a few weeks back. One morning found it like ganna stung by the anemones(not sure if it's by them) and colour faded like seen ghost like that. At first I thought it cannot make it and was going to leave it inside to died and feed it to the anemones but then since it's still breathing, I decided to put it in my main 2 footer sump tank for a try. It survived and recovered, now doing very very well in that sump tank with 2 blood shrimps. The shrimps are there for breeding so the broods will contribute as food source to the main tank :)

Exiled > I guessed Southpaw23 also meant well when he highlighted those points. Don't be so what lah... haha. Friendly friendly ok? But ya my lights are abit not enough so I'll do pay extra attention on the anemones conditions.

Southpaw23 > I really think the Blue Tang won't grow bigger liao cuz it might have been stunded on it's growth when I kept it in a much smaller tank before the upgrade :pinch:

Developed feelings already, so can't bear to give it away :wub:

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Apologies. I just re read all the posts and realised that i might sound a little, um... un-friendly. This was totally unintentional. The problem with forums et al is that you cant convery very much emotion through text. I was trying to be aggresive or anything :look: Sorry if that was how it looked.

Nitro, i dont think crispas or BTAs have that powerful a sting to affect other fish. Maybe it was one of the waratahs?

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Ah the waratahs... good thing all RIP liao... haha. Really dun know who harm him but it's a good thing it's well now.

Guessed that's why there are "Smilies" to use, in a way to express our emotions.

As of today, 1 of the Crispa and the H.Malu are still being swept ard by the big Maroon. Tried to placed them in a nice position but no use. Think I'll juz let them be for the time being.

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  • SRC Member

Ah the waratahs... good thing all RIP liao... haha. Really dun know who harm him but it's a good thing it's well now.

Guessed that's why there are "Smilies" to use, in a way to express our emotions.

As of today, 1 of the Crispa and the H.Malu are still being swept ard by the big Maroon. Tried to placed them in a nice position but no use. Think I'll juz let them be for the time being.

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Yes, i really dont use smilies nearly enough. Must try to remember :paiseh:

The H malu generally like being in the sand bed.

Having said that, i do hope someone confirms my ID or at least someone smarter gives a better opinion. Just in case im wrong.

Did the crispa manage to climb its way up the glass?

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southpaw23> Ya the pasar do have good stuffs from time to time. Aiya that time shd have bought the Solite 4x T5 from Littlebull lorz. Now juz got to wait.

Hey thanx for the "intention check-back" and reminders, appreciate that. Do let me know if next time u observer something is wrong on future pics updates.

yup i would agre that 4 x T5 would be better for ur anemones. 2 x 18w is definately not enough . :)

2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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The big Maroon keep sweeping it all over the place. Guessed that's why it can't get a chance to settle down in the tank and then RIP liao. Again if that is the reason than why is the other Crispa that is still on the sand bed being swept around didn't RIP... hmmm think the H. Malu death is not caused by the Maroon after all.

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The H malu i have had tend to root themselves very deeply into the sand (down to the bottom glass). Maybe if you try the species again bury them in the sand to get them attached (might sound harsh but tehyre pretty resilient)

To be honest, i thought the white crispas were near goners. Theyre much more sensitive than H malu (ive seen) and they seem to be especially delicate now that theyre bleached.

Good luck with it though.

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This cuke got stuck in one of the power head at the top corner of the tank. I plled it out, left only half the body. Thot it can't survive but now can see that it's recovering well. Good thing the cuke didn't contaminate the whole tank.


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Southpaw, i am somewhat confused as to what you were saying. In your first post you said:

" Your anemones look fairly bleached to me and i'm guessing it's due to the light (or lack of light in this case)."

But later you went on to say what seems to be the complete opposite:

"...i agree they look healthy ..."

The bubble tipped anemones do indeed look rather healthy. Plus, being the longer term inhabitants (anemone wise) of the tank, i think that they are a fair indication that they are at least not doing too badly so far. Although it is hard to argue that more lighting would not be appreciated, the fact that they have not moved around much (BTAs are notorious for moving around constantly until water, flow, lighting are in their favour) indicates their contentedness. Similarly, the fact that several are perched in areas which are not the brightest lit in the tank indicates that this isnt of immediate concern.

The crispa anemones were bleached on purchase and cannot be commented on with any capacity, although it does seem that they are (happily) making the effort to reach more light (or possibly flow) by climbing up the glass. More time will reveal what is happening in this case.

Although many will argue this, i feel that anemones need to be fed, period. Several people have kept anemones under (relatively high) lighting without feeding them at all, this is not representative of what would be found in nature. Under high lighting, naturally the anemones would not need to be fed as often but they still do need to be fed. Do keep this up Nitro.

In any case, if you upgrade to T5s, you shouldnt need to undergo too stringent an adjustment to the higher lighting. Usually these sort of 'burns' only occur when switching from Fluoros (of any sort) to halides.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Exiled infidel,

A word of advise to you, you might wanna hold off before jumping the gun, and if not, u might wanna consider your tone in your replies. Your past replies have been quite defensive in nature (some fairly offensive too). And odd considering that my comments were not even directed at you.

As for your accusation on my supposed contradiction...i beg to differ. A healthy looking anemone can still look bleached..it can be a product of recovery or gradual decline in health. In my first comment i speculated that it was due to the lack of light, which was later clarified that these anemones were bought in that color. I made that comment simply cos I've had GBTAs previously and they normally have a much darker tone to them and under the 36watts of light i had them under, their color gradually faded.

At the end of the day, you've got your experiences and knowledge and so do others like myself, just cos they vary slightly doesn't make either one of us right or wrong. So perhaps you might consider being a lil more open to other ppls input as opposed to challenging everything that may be different from your point of view.

Anyways...as i've stated previously, no offense meant on my replies...just sharing my own experience with these animals.

As for Nitro....nice shots....keep the pictures and updates coming ;)

Tank 66"x27"x28" - Return Pump Red Dragon 12m3 - Skimmer Deltec AP701 - Chiller Starmex - Wavemakers Wavysea - Lighting DE 6 x T5-HO

southpaw23's reef

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Apologies. I just re read all the posts and realised that i might sound a little, um... un-friendly. This was totally unintentional. The problem with forums et al is that you cant convery very much emotion through text. I was trying to be aggresive or anything :look: Sorry if that was how it looked.

Nitro, i dont think crispas or BTAs have that powerful a sting to affect other fish. Maybe it was one of the waratahs?

Southpaw23 > He already apologised liao lah. Can forgive :D Cheers cheers!

I juz bought a 4xT5 DYMAX lite set. Seems pretty cool but original tubes not as solid as those of D&D, ATI etc. Reason for changing lite set now is bcus I've noticed more colour fading from the anemones, although they're still feeding well but I'll not take any chances for them to detoriate further... must have good husbandry reposibilities too rite :P

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