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Clowns and Anemones Only


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Aftermath > U might want to go to "www.peteducation.com" to find out from their table for supplement type. But it's not very specific cuz the table lumped Anemones together with SPS, LPS, Clams, Mushrooms etc.

For me rite now, I dosing Essential, Coral-Vite and Iodine from Kent Marine. Dun think they need calcium that much as compared to SPS and hard corals.

Anybody wants to add on with rgds to supplement dosing?

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Exiled > Agreed with u on that also ^_^ Juz like our food intakes... cannot be too extreme on the other end too. Too much good food, we'll get too nourished and too much lousy food, we'll get fat and unhealthy...haha

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The brown film you have is cyanobacteria.

Its likely a result of high nutrients (generally nitrates and phosphates) in the water. To counteract this, try doing several large waterchanges, up the skimming, use chemical media etc. This may have been brought about by sudden increase in bioload without the tank being allowed to sufficiently mature beforehand.

It happens to most tanks and technically isnt harmful (just looks pretty ugly). Some things like stomatella snails and other snails eat it.

If you want, you could try antibiotics (small doses of amoxicillin worked well for me) but theyre a bit touch-n-go.

Good luck with getting rid of it.

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The brown film you have is cyanobacteria.

Its likely a result of high nutrients (generally nitrates and phosphates) in the water. To counteract this, try doing several large waterchanges, up the skimming, use chemical media etc. This may have been brought about by sudden increase in bioload without the tank being allowed to sufficiently mature beforehand.

It happens to most tanks and technically isnt harmful (just looks pretty ugly). Some things like stomatella snails and other snails eat it.

If you want, you could try antibiotics (small doses of amoxicillin worked well for me) but theyre a bit touch-n-go.

Good luck with getting rid of it.

bro nitro,

sorry to hijack your thread. as my tank is a anemone tank too. :P:P:P


as my tank is just 3weeks old, i dun think changing water will be appropriate rite?

does turbo snails eats those brown stuffs? hw abt sand dollar or sand star?

even the rocks r turning brown...... :fear::fear:

i'm currently running on Prizm skimmer wif cannister, issit okie?


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Aftermath > No prob, we are here to share and learn abt reefing @ home :lol:

U can try getting a snail to eat algae but dun think it'll eat this type however u can try getting a cuke or sandshifting starfish to shift the sand though.

What Exiled advised is rite but if u're afraid of suddenly shocking the LS inside maybe u wanna make small amt of water change on a weekly basis for the next 2-3 weeks and see how's the result.

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I hope you dont have an anemone in a three week old tank. Im not one of those people who thinks that the tank needs to be a year old for an anemone or it needs to have 50kg of LR to have a mandarin but three weeks is early by all accounts.

Additionally, if you havent been through the cyano or hair algae bloom yet, your tank is definitely not mature enough for an anemone. No doubt introducing one into an unmatured tank would only lead to a bigger bloom.

I would up skimming and do bigger water changes. Prizms are a bit underpowered (they say theyll do a 90gal tank but not really).

Not too sure if turbos do any good with cyano on the sand (they do a fair job for cyano on the glass though) but cucumbers are great for sand bed maintainence. Some people have had issues with them nuking the tank but i havent encountered that. Never had much exp with sand sifter stars (they do eat fish if they get hungry enough).

Hope this helps.

Nitro, your two big BTAs look really different from the two smaller ones you have (elongated tentacles and a concealed base). Have the newer additions reverted to the more typical BTA morphology yet? Interesting...

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Exiled > The two bigger ones are like rubber band, within a day, they can go from a "lump" to a "tube" haha, very elastic. Sometimes lump until like going to "melt" into the rocks, like dying like that but the next moment, all puff up again, like ganna stimulated like that :evil:

So far the rest are still under observation. All the best to me manz!

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The Maroons host all the anemones in the tank, making the rest "hostless" :lol: Been pumping the tank full of Henry's food mix, mysis, brine shrimp, daphnia every 2-3 days on top of feeding the clowns with pellets. Hope the 2 crispa will survive, so far they had been anchoring on the same spot for almost a week, looking good, keeping my fingers crossed.

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Its a good sign that the crispas are attached and not moving around all over the place. Hope the maroons arent molesting them too much.

Try feeding the anemones themselves. Try to get the tentacles to attach to small bits of shrimp, squid, mysis etc. This might be hard with the white crispas (bleached nems tend to have very weak nematocysts making it hard to stick to food). Ensure the fish dont steal the food and let tehm slowly feed themselves by placing hte food into their mouths using their tentacles. This would reduce nitrates and phosphates that youd get by feeding hte entire tank food (eg frozen/live etc) cos the clowns dont need to eat. All this excess would soon lead to nutrient problems (and possibly cyano).

Keep up with the waterchanges! :peace:

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