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Clowns and Anemones Only


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Hi Exiled > Thanks for the id, ya did a searched again by the scientific name u gave and found a matching pic. U know much at clowns? Cuz u gave a scientific name instead of the common name.

Care to share more of ur knowledge with me?

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Just some comments about your tank:

I really like the rockwork. Its nice how you juxtaposed the nice plating monti looking slab in the centre with nice branchy side walls. Should be really good for anemone attachment.

I do think, however, that the anemones should have been put in for at least a couple of weeks before any fish were added. Ive had lotsa BTAs over-abused by maroon clowns especially.

Another thing you might try is adding a few massive BTAs. Maroons in the wild live in the large solitary (deep water) BTAs, as compared to the small clonal ones most commonly collected (i think i remember seeing very very large BTAs eons ago when reborn was still in paya lebah - mind you this was 8+years ago and my memory is hazy). They really do look much better, i think, than hovering over a house too small (think HDB flat, lol).

Just as an aside, i found BTAs more sensitive than LTAs (M. doreensis) and haddoni carpets (S. haddoni). The polymnus would host the latter while ive had many maroons host the former (as have some percs ive seen). Both species live on the sand bed in nature though, and tend not to move around much.

Purely my 2pence worth. Hope this helps. So far looks very nice though. Your maroon pair is gorgeous!!! (how big is the big female?)

Are the maroons giving the other clowns trouble?

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Exiled > Thanx for ur compliments and advice.

So Maroons in the wild are solitary paired and not near to the surface shores. Rite? But I guessed I've got no choice now cuz this pair was with me for almost 5yrs. Bought them as single from Reborn, Golden Striped Maroon abt 1 inch and 0.5 inch each. Paired them myself back then. Now female (Yen Yen in cantonese) is abt 4-5 inches and male (Weng Weng in cantonese) abt 2 inches. My eldest daughter doesn't allow me to sell them away.

So far the Maroons have not been giving much prob to the rest, less some chasing once in a while. I guess they are friendly cuz in the old tank, they'll kept with the Regal Blue Tang and the Humu Humu. Now these four are good friends :D

I'm thinking of adding another pair of Black Percula from CF. The very good quality ones :wub:

I've got some small anemones from SL on Sunday, will post some photos once I shoot them. Do continue to give me ur advice and opinion, much appreciated.

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Most clown species interact very little with other clown species in the wild. Exceptions would include in large anemones (or patches of clonal species), more than one species may share the anemone (eg A periderion and A occelaris are often seen in H crispa or H magnifica together in the wild).

If the maroons arent giving anyone else trouble i would keep them (they really are quite a nice pair). Maroons are generally alright with most other fish (save other clowns) unless they venture too near their home. I have heard bad stuff about maroons and less agro species of clowns (say, percs for example). Guess you should see how it goes.

What anemone species did you manage to get hold of at 'CF'? If you got more anemones or more species, you might be able to create the 'anemone field' look that Waikiki aquarium has (they have several BTAs and S mertensii - possibly H magnifica too - in the one tank with loads of clowns).

Another interesting habitat to recreate would be the large fields of BTA clones often seen in the GBR area. These clones are often cover a large area (10s of square metres) and basically carpet the rock bommie to look like one very large anemone. On the GBR, theyre mostly utilised by A melanopus but im sure youll be able to recreate it in the tank with the maroons.

PS, what size is your tank? Was thinking of setting up a nice 2 x 1.5 x 1.5 with a large H crispa, M doreensis or S haddoni and have some clowns in it when i get back.

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Exiled > Anemones bought from SeaLife, not Coral Farm ;) Was thinking of getting another Black Perc from Coral Farm though. Will post some pics of the new anemones I bought. They are small cuz I've got a few big ones initially, one by one all start dying, getting stuck into the powerhead and overflow... pianz! So now buy small ones, at least they are more forgiving.

Haha, my tank is the size u're thinking of 2x1.5x1.5, 10mm thick. Which part of the world are u staying at now? U must have been reefing eon years based on the experience u've shared :lol:

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Thats somewhat true, the bigger BTAs tend to be a bit more sensitive (but if you dont have any exposed inlets to anything it should be fine). They can get really pretty too (look like magnificas sometimes). However, i think youre judgment of them is unfair as they died due to your fault (poke poke).

Smaller BTAs that come in on LR are amazingly hardy (the ones about an inch or two across). They seem to grow incredibly fast too but arent generally too colourful, unfortunately.

Crispas (from what i remember) in singapore came in very bleached (this species generally doesnt ship well and often goes a very 'nice' white with purple tips which encourages people to buy the nem thats already on the decline). Healthy crispas are really nice things though, about a foot across, nice long, tapered tentacles and they dont move nearly as much as BTAs do (ive basically sworn off them).

Im studying in Oz now, but ill be back next year for NS (how fun).

Heres a link to this cool pic i found of the type of anemone field you get on the GBR.


The fish are arguably A. Melanopus though.

Hope this helps. More pics soon?

PS, im not some old time reefer, just a kid here :angel:

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The 'normal' anemones you bought were Entacmaea quadricolor (BTAs) These split by division and are hosts of maroon clowns. The ones you got are only slightly bleached. Feed them with fish or prawn or mysis to increase growth although (arguably) food is not strictly necessary.

The 'strawberries' are Actinia tenebrosa Waratah anemones. Native of cooler water australian coast. They are aphotosynthetic (dont need light to live) but must be fed. They can and will take quite large food. When fed regularly, the mother will throw out several large baby polyps. Do beware, i took one from the coast and it ate my small occelaris clown. Very stickly little devils too.

The white anemone is (probably) Heteractis crispa A better shot showing the column of the anemone would confirm this. It is extremely bleached. Ensure that they are fed at least twice weekly until they regain colour. If they are not fed and do not regain colour, they will almost certainly perish. They host A. percula and A. occelaris in the wild. These can be found on sandbed or attached to rockwork in nature.

The heliofungia plates shouldnt be placed on the rock IMO cos a fall would damage their tissue (and they do move on their own). They are found on sandbed in nature.

When you go shopping you really buy the whole store. :upsidedown:

Out of curiosity, how much do BTAs, crispas, carpets and waratahs cost in singapore?

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Exiled > Haha ya almost buy up all the anemone... baby ones. Price range from $5 to $8 for BTAs and Carpet depends on size and colouration. Waratah is between $15 to $20.

Thanx for the informative updates, will take note of the Waratahs. Hope to keep them well.

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Carpet prices are almost the same as BTAs lor. But they've got expensive BTAs here too, the ones that LFS called them neon or luminace coloured type, can be ard $30 to $50 I think.

Crispa are between $10 to $20 if I have not rem wrongly.

Why I placed the Haliofungias up on the rock is bcuz the maroons keep disturbing the sandbed, end up the Haliofungias are covered with sand, think like that will die even faster ^_^

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Thats awesome!!! Anemones and stuff seems so cheap there! (the last pair of harlequin shrimp was $250 on wholesale here, that means my LFS would sell it for $1000!!!! and thats aussie dollars!)

You are right, i think helios dont like sand dumped on them. Just hope they dont topple off the rockwork.

Have the other clowns started hosting in the anemones?

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