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why my anemones not eating


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i got a purple tip anemoes hosting my pinksunk clown for 2month .

this anemones does since like to eat at all,

why? everytime i need to use stick to force the food into its mouth then it eat but sometime it spit the food out again ??? i feed it twice a week with market prawn

i have another tube anemoes does not this problem at all

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  • SRC Member

tube anemones are PIGS!!!

they'll eat anything ...

the bubble tips you dun not need to feed so much,

once every 1 or 2 weeks will do..

also, try not to force feed them,

use a stick to tickle the tentacles....

you will feel the stickiness of the stings....

then let the anemone close up and eat.

if it doesn't want it,

then dun feed it.

you dun really have to feed them much if you have strong ighting,

as they get most of their nutrients from the zooxanthelle

that resides in it.

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i just change my 3 feet normal light tube to a blue tube i brought from hardware shop. the packeting name narva germany that all it cost ard $8 for that tube

so i my tank i kept 3 anemones 1 purple tip , 1 tube , and 1 green carpet which i caught from the beach they does not move at all for 2 month cuming 3 month

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$8 ? I don't think you're using anything more than 25watts.

might as well use sunlight. You're killing them.

Read up more on these creatures. and metal halides.

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The most often causes of anemone death are

1)Lack of lighting

2)Inappropriate water conditions

3)Feeding them to death

Every species of anemones have their own requirements. Pls check up on the species you are keeping. Not all anemones have the same requirements.

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

anemones have symbiotic zooxanthelle

which provides them with food and colour.

they are organisms within the anemone

which convert light into food for the animal.

feeding narket prawn will keep the anemone alive but barely...

they might take anything from a week to a year to die.

have you noticed your anemones spewing brown substance from the mouth?

thats a sign that its expelling its zooxanthelle.

generally not a good sign....


it seems to me you generally want to keep your animals

alive and healthy...

thats good!

but it also seems that you are kinda new at this hobby?

no offence....k? :peace:

can i suggest that you do some research on them?

you might have better success in the long run

try this link ;)


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my anemoes doing fine they eat well and open big too  if u saying my light not enough y my anemones not moving ard and when i brought them hm 2mth ago they are small n now they grow bigger and bigger i feed them market prawn

anemones have very low metablolism. even it stop eating today, n water sucks from today onwards, it may die 3-4mths later. when negative things starts showing up, its usually too late to do anything.

wat i c is that u r not even using marine aquarium lights. i have 2 PL n 2 FL ligths for my tank, n its not enuff to maintain my anemone for more then 8 mths......

Your lights is definitely not enuff for your anemones. Pls do a tiny bit of research n reading first. seem like u have no idea of wat u r doing

u dont force food into the anemone mouth. u just place it at the side of its mouth on its tentacles. it will grab it n move food toward the mouth ITSELF.

if u claim that its eating well.......wats this post here for the first place.....

believe less then 50% of wat ppl tell u n bring it up tp 99% by confirming it urself

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