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Effective Denitrator?


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I am now using the AM 400 denitrator for my 4ft tank. The tank is now abt 5 mth old and my nitrates level is SKY HIGH :o -abt 50ppm!!! I've been monitoring my nitrates. It is always on the high side. It was abot 30-40ppm in Jan. Strangely all the corals are doing fine all this while. I've also used products like PÛRA NitrateLock, AZ-NO3 but still I cant bring down the NO3. Rather disappointed with the AM 400 denitrator. I've adjusted the flow rate to 1 drop/sec but still a measurement of the water that comes out shows high nitrate level. Am I missing something? Pls advise.



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  • SRC Member

You didn't mention how long has the AquaMedic Nitratereductor has been installed in your 5 month tank setup.

If it is less than 8 weeks old then keep on waiting as the process of this unit kick-in depends on the condition of the tank ie depending on the existing NO3 level.

You will know when the unit is "kick-in" or not by visually inspecting the white deniballs inside the unit.

Don't know where does the 1 drop/sec drip comes from ie adjusting the input feed to the Nitratereductor or at the output of the unit?

If it is then inlet side then you're on the right track but if it's from the outlet of the the unit then you're on the wrong track.

During the initial stage of installation for your tank, did you stop the flow of water to the denitrator after filling it up? If not, then you are on the wrong track.

You should switch off the feed to the denitrator and feed the unit with the denimar for about two weeks before allowing water to feed into the unit.

The outflow from the unit should be drip-like rate ie 1 drop per sec and to be checked with the necessary adjustment, if needed, on a weekly basis.

Fyi, there is a possibility that this unit is undersized for your 4' tank if assumption is based on a tank dimension of 4'x2'x2' excluding a sump.

Hope this info helps.


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Thanks for sharing bro. :D .

The denitrator is in my sump tank for 5 mth. I've dose it with the denimar tablet according to the instruction given.

I've adjusted the inlet pump such that i get a 1 drop/sec second at the outlet.

I did forced an anerobic environment for about 1 week ie no flow such that the anerobic bacteria is developed in the denitrator. I did a check on the water at the outlet and was satisfied that the NO3 is zero. The smell of SO2 was unbearable :wacko: . I then adjusted the outlet flow to 1 drop/sec.

Technically according to the claim, the 400 model should be good for a 4 footer. Of course it also depends on the bioload.

However, I did not do the stop flow when i was feeding the denimar. should I do that now?


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If you stop the flow and feed the unit with denimar for a week then you are re-starting the cycle again, do you want to do this?

Btw, did you have any deniballs in the denitrator and do they look like this?



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Got those white balls.

I did not stop the flow while adding denimar tablet for the first 20 days. I only stop the flow after all the tablet was added. Is that the missing link? I really don't mind repeating that to get the system right.

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If you stop the flow and feed the unit with denimar for a week then you are re-starting the cycle again, do you want to do this?

Btw, did you have any deniballs in the denitrator and do they look like this?

Last time I use to run a NR1000 and the dissolve Deniballs look something like that... although yours look really really horrible :cry::cry::cry:

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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That couldn't be the broken link ...

Do you have deniball inside the unit?

yup, got deniballs in it, came as a package upon purchase. i was told by the lfs that the bacteria which be cultured by the time all the denimar is fed in.

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Have you check the presence of NO3 at the output of your denitrator? If it is 0, it is working perfectly. If it is not, I suggest your invest in a ORP controller to control the whole operation. Meddling the drip rate can be a nightmare.

Frankly, if you depend solely on the denitrator to control your NO3 level at 1 drop second, it is a waste of time.

An example, if your bioload of tank is 10 mg/l per week, 400 liters of water, 1 drop per second which is about 0.5 l/hr...12 l/per day, the denitrator will take 33.33 days to turnover your tank volume once. This means that your tank bioload will produce NO3 much faster than your denitrator can get rid off.

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Frankly, if you depend solely on the denitrator to control your NO3 level at 1 drop second, it is a waste of time.

Yupe :lol::lol::lol:

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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ok if that's a waste of time, any advise to bring down the NO3 lvl. :( I've got no room to set up a macro algae refugium(hope the spelling is right ;) ). i've tried AZ NO3 and pura lock but not effective for my system. Please share...

thanks :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

u can always add in sulphur media and have the unit really kick ######.

i was using SR 400 which the AM agent don't bring in.

they can handle 4-5 ft tank without any problems. although maintaining the right ORP within the reactor, is a real pain in the ###### if u don't use a orp controllers with solenoid valve.(using "T" off water from the main supply pump)

i leave with the daily tuning for years.

i've got mixed sulphur beads with hydro carbonate from AM for sale if u really need them. PM me

this days, NO3 is never a problem/concern for me... it's those them evil PO4 that will put a big hole in your pocket.


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oh!!! GUYS

pls DON'T kid yourself..... protein skimmers will never get those NO3 down to the desired levels. (only if the bioload is really low and the water ratio to fish is much more)

WC is more likely the way but it's not going to be easy and u need lots of discipline to manage those parameters.


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