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I will be visiting your beautiful country on Wednesday on a business trip. I will be staying at the Four Seasons Hotel. While I am there, I would like to know if anyone can list some good reef stores for me to visit.

I am particularly interested in some Metal Halide bulbs. Can anyone please help out here. Also, can someone please let me know what prices to expect.



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Me again! I actually have been going through the forum sights a little more. I see there is quite a few sponsors, but only 1 or 2 have their websights shown. Can someone please post some wesights of the sponsors for me?


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  • SRC Member

hi there cobs00,

welcome to our mad little island!

do drop by Reef Depot, as its definitely one of the best, if not the best, local equipment retailer. you'll be spoilt for MH bulb choices; they even carry the Solaris LED lighting systems, and the latest Korallen-zucht T5 Tubes. sadly, they don't hold livestock though.

For fishes, try Coral Farm, our local MAC certified marinelife exporter. Golden Octopus is great for corals, and the cluster of LFS in Pasir Ris Farmway 2 provide variety and quantity for just about everything. the addresses should be available on this forum- try the LFS directory. If you cant find them, let me know and ill try to dig them up for you ya.

have a great stay!



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