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Recently, my 6-line wrasse did a long jump...out from the tank(hoodless) and onto the floor... a distance of 20cm away from the tank.

It eventually went to heaven.... :cry2:

Before getting any other fish to accompany my maroon clown, I would like to know what other types of fishes are long jumpers so that I can avoid them.


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  • SRC Member

hahaha... :lol: think it was kena disturb by ur clownfish. or it think that it's a flying fish or bird...hahaha..

Sorry for the death.

Okay...these are the fishes which can fly... :D


all gobies...

all dartfishes....

all dottyback and pseudochromis...

for dragonets and wrasses...actually they are not often a problem...

there are ppl who encountered them flying out of their tank...

look for the cause of six-lin death...stress ? environment ? bully ? not properly acclimated ?

my tank is hoodless but dun seems to have a problem with six-line.

so look for the cause first before pointing the finger at six-line. :D

Once i did have my arowana jumping out and died on the floor because i forget to cover the lid...

:cry: that's a worse experience...my baby...my money....CRY...

. X-Nature . Something Xtravagant for everyone .

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Wah bro ... didnt know an arowana can jump... becoz it seems like a slow and heavy fish.

Is mandarinfish part of the dragonet family?

I used to have mandarinfish before and dont encountered them jumping.

For my 6-line, it was with me for more than 1 week... may be disturbed by clown or the algae blenny... saw them fighting once in a while.

When my maid told me she saw the 6-line on the floor, i couldnt believe her at first but then the facts came when I saw the frozen body...sigh

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  • SRC Member

hhahaha...mandarin is the same as dragonet but just another common name. :lol:

Oic...ya...normally they will jump out of tank if really cannot stand the stress and bullying going on in the tank... :lol:

yup...arowana can jump one..hahaha..they are slow but are strong fishes...hahaha..

dragonet actually wun really jump la...it's really very peaceful fish...it will swim on my palm during feeding. :lol: and i can carry it to another tank by placing it on my palm...

hahaha...but there are ppl who experienced it jumping...

that's why i suggested that u look into the problem and find out the source...

unless the fish is really super active or high on drugs, u wun have a problem of it flying...(unless it's a flying fish).

CHEERS. :P good luck.

. X-Nature . Something Xtravagant for everyone .

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Providing premium delicacies for marine fishes and corals.

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