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Reef lobster feeding

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i recently bought a debelius lobster from my LFS, now staing with my perc. clown in a 2ft tank, i read that it eats anything and everything, but i feed a perc. only flakes, most of which sinks, is this enough for the lobster or should i get somemore food for it?

anyway, the lobster won't eat the clown, the clown only swims @the surface while the lobster stays on the ground...it'll remain this way right?

i thought of keeping some corals too, maybe some anemones, but i only fave actnic blue lighting, its not sufficient right? what other lights do i need? what corals can i keep with actnic blue? what anemones can i keep with actnic blue?

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  • SRC Member

lobster will eat any uneaten food in the tank ...but i think feeding only flakes it not enough .... you should try feeding with brine shrimp or more meaty food ......i belive that reef lobster will eat fish if they are able to catch it .....i think you should feed more meaty food so that your reef lobster will be able to get .

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  • SRC Member

one actnic blue is not enough for a marine tank ..i would said that you should at least get 1 more daylight 10000k or get PL lighting .

most Anemones need strong lighting ...your lighing is not strong enough ... after you get your light ...you can try tube anemones or the green carpet anemones ,i find this anemones easy to keep compare to others.....but remember NO3 has to be the most not more than 20ppm or it will stress up the anemones.....

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If your enoplometopus debelius gets large enough and hungry it might eat your clown while it is asleep.

However, I did have one that slept with a maroon clown every day...they just stay next to each other.. :blink: They were about the same size.

Always something more important than fish.


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