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  • SRC Member
mine is a 3ft feet tank, inside only left with 5 demsel, 1 pdt, 2 sand star, 1 cleaner shrimp & majestic. i had not been adding any fish liao. skimmer is skimming dark water, temp is 29. afraid my bro in law feed them in the afternoon or evening after my dad had feed them, had told them to feed only twice a day.

if budget allows go get more good quality live rocks. can try getting from bazzar. live rocks is also part of the filtration process and provide good hiding spots for fish as well. powder

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if budget allows go get more good quality live rocks. can try getting from bazzar. live rocks is also part of the filtration process and provide good hiding spots for fish as well. powder

erm.. will not buy any LS till i test the water condition. will be buying LS to make my tank more nice.

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erm.. will not buy any LS till i test the water condition. will be buying LS to make my tank more nice.

Bro, just a piece of my experience for the past one year. I was like you, keep adding new fishes but end up RIP. Almost gave-up the hobby because fishes kept dying. Until I learnt from others that we need to stick to a lot of criteria in order for our fishes to be able to live longer. I believe in good skimmer, water parameter, water temperature, live rock and other factors. Ideally for a good kick-off, good water cycle is important. I got the bacteria from Henry(one month cycle). Now I dun see itch when I introduced my Powder Blue Tang. Main key for keeping marine fish is "Patient".

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  • SRC Member

A good skimmer is always recommended.

I have tried weipro and macro skimmer, I find their strength limited.

Try to get bekett[typo] , HnS, Deltec or octopus. A better skimmer improves the water quality greatly.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member
power... then still letting go?? :whistle

I will wait awhile see if he will contact me... At first i thought my tank will be overcrowded after i put in all my balance angels.. but looking at it i feel it's quite empty.. :ph34r:

4x1.5x2.3 home tank

6x2x2.3 office tank

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  • SRC Member
I will wait awhile see if he will contact me... At first i thought my tank will be overcrowded after i put in all my balance angels.. but looking at it i feel it's quite empty.. :ph34r:


lets go for angel hunting soon..

i think hawaii side like netting more and more baby bandit liao leh.. go hoot 1 pair la.. :eyebrow::whistle

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  • SRC Member
think its more like 4-5inches

bro earth, your hybrid black tang color fading ar? the front half like greyish leh..

That's special about a hybrid.. :eyebrow: , not faded lah. Or else it will be called a real blck tang liao. It has got lines on its face, that's why it's not as black as a real black tang... :rolleyes:

4x1.5x2.3 home tank

6x2x2.3 office tank

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  • SRC Member

I think the price i hav paid is ok lah... i honestly havn't seen any hybrid ever since i bought that baby. I think it's damn rare now... :eyebrow:

Btw, I don't dare to try a bandit lah, too expensive for that type of risk... :pirate: Let me try for a successful flame angel first :upsidedown:

4x1.5x2.3 home tank

6x2x2.3 office tank

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  • SRC Member
I think the price i hav paid is ok lah... i honestly havn't seen any hybrid ever since i bought that baby. I think it's damn rare now... :eyebrow:

Btw, I don't dare to try a bandit lah, too expensive for that type of risk... :pirate: Let me try for a successful flame angel first :upsidedown:

hmm ya, its like 1 year plus never see hybrid liao, in fact, nowdays also rarely see blackie already

baby one is hardy leh unlike the adult one..

flame angel? someone selling a pair of flame leh.. go hoot it then i can stop thinking should i get it already not..

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  • SRC Member
hmm ya, its like 1 year plus never see hybrid liao, in fact, nowdays also rarely see blackie already

baby one is hardy leh unlike the adult one..

flame angel? someone selling a pair of flame leh.. go hoot it then i can stop thinking should i get it already not..

U go get them quick :yeah: ... i have been spending too much lately.. abit broke liao.. :cry2:

4x1.5x2.3 home tank

6x2x2.3 office tank

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