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Once bitten twice shy. 
So I'm very sensitive to it.:huh:
Hard to kill them all once they spread to all the other rocks. They r damn hardy. Hide inside small small holes in ur LR.

So far they are on two rocks only. Should I throw away those two rocks just to be safe or is there any other way to remove it?

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Other option is copperband butterfly fish or file fish(damn ugly fish). 

But again after they finish eating it they will die unless u get one that feed on pellet or other fish food. But again if they eat pellet or fish fish, they might not eat the apista.:P

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  • SRC Member
Other option is copperband butterfly fish or file fish(damn ugly fish). 
But again after they finish eating it they will die unless u get one that feed on pellet or other fish food. But again if they eat pellet or fish fish, they might not eat the apista.

Haha. I took it out. Both rocks.
Basically it's that or I'll have to buy the fish, let it do its job and sell it off or give it away. Lol.

Now I have to find two more nice rocks to replace those two. Time to wait and see if anyone is selling/giving away two pieces of nice live rocks. Cause the rest of my rocks technically ain't that live yet. No Color. Haha.

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  • SRC Member
2 hours ago, Jianpuu said:

Will salinity drop ?? For the Tank

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Salinity will be different after water evaporate. Its a norm for all the sys. I didn't notice my Salinity drop so much that time. 

Just check ur water level daily and top up as and when needed. There is a few diy cheap auto top up sys using mineral water bottle. Just make a holder and invert the water bottle. It will auto top up the water after e water lvl falls below the inverted mineral water bottle top.

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  • SRC Member
Salinity will be different after water evaporate. Its a norm for all the sys. I didn't notice my Salinity drop so much that time. 
Just check ur water level daily and top up as and when needed. There is a few diy cheap auto top up sys using mineral water bottle. Just make a holder and invert the water bottle. It will auto top up the water after e water lvl falls below the inverted mineral water bottle top.

Okay thx bro I will try it

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  • SRC Member

U search bro kenyee 60L nano thread under e nano section. He got diy one on his own.

But his is a IOS tank. 

OHF u got to think of where to put. 

But frankly speaking if its a fish only tank. Every morn or nite top up once can liao. Won't affect much i felt. At least for mine.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • SRC Member
5 hours ago, Ref00 said:


looks great! love your angels man.. how big is this tank size? im looking to keep some large angels too.. any aggresion between your blue face and emperor?

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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  • SRC Member
6 hours ago, Evolutionz said:

looks great! love your angels man.. how big is this tank size? im looking to keep some large angels too.. any aggresion between your blue face and emperor?


Emperor is e KING among e angels. Bought it when it is still a "young kid". Now semi change liao. No aggresion bet them as i put all my angels in tog. When it was in my 3ft tank i cant put my magestic and blue face in as e regel n emperor will chase aft them. So i partition them out for months till i get this tank. If not no chance to put them in tog.:lol:

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