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Elegance Coral


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  • SRC Member

The Elegance coral is a common coral that normally rests in the substrate. This coral is probably the most popular stony coral. It comes in several different colors, and usually has bright pink tips that glow under blue or ultraviolet light.

Lighting - Water flow:

Although strong currents are not appreciated, some water movement is required. It requires medium to strong light. They can be fed occasionally.

Difficulty of Care:

This coral is NOT easy to care for, NOT recommended to beginners.


This coral sends out sweeper tentacles that can be quite strong. They will expand a surprising amount so leave plenty of room (at least 6 inches) around this coral.

Temp: 25-27......

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  • SRC Member

it's a coral that's very difficult to keep and maintain. once the elegance detaches from it's skeletal frame, it's byebye. no offence, but it's kinda hard keeping these beauties.

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Elegance coral is not an easy coral to maintain.

Not recommended for the newbies and also they are relatively expensive.

Getting a good specimen is important.....must not be damage or they will turn to brown jelly in your tank and pollute the water.

As for requirement (from my experience)

Good water parameter (kept together with my sps)

Temperature must not exceed 29C best if can provide lower in the range of 26C ~ 27C

Moderate current and good lighting

Feed with small pc of shrimp meat will be good but take care not to pollute the water.

Elegance are aggressive but seem to be sensitive to stinging by other lps so take care in choosing a place for it

DONOT damage the flesh (polyp) when handling

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