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Question on Phytoplankton 'fertilizer'


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Am looking for the Micro Algae Grower for culturing Phytoplankton but was not able to find it at Reborn (the last time I bought it from there). Wonder anyone here know where to get it?

Wonder if there is any replacement for Micro Algae Grower?

Am thinking of using those Live Plankton sold at Pasir Ris fish farm as the starting culture - wonder if this is viable or are they just dead cells?

Any one willing to sell some starting culture?

I stopped culturing phytoplankton for a while and all my previous cultures are no longer viable... :blink: am thinking of restarting my own culture... :lol:



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raiden u can contact me at 93840450 west side

i have some plankton disc and micro algae grower to spare

6x2x2.5 FOWLR

Skimmer - Recirculating Custom Beckett Fr - Skimz Fr Return - OR6500/1262 Wavemaker - Tunze 6060 x 2 Light - 2x5ft FL Blue+White

Chiller - CL650

4x4x2 SPS

Skimmer - DeltecAP851 Fr - Skimz FR Return - OR6500 Wavemaker - 2xTunze wavebox +Ts24 Light - 3x250w MH + 8 ATi t5

CR - Deltec pF601s Chiller - Arctica Titanium Commercial Chiller

3.5x2x2 REEF

Skimmer - HnS150-2001 Fr - Skimz Fr Wavemaker - Tunze Ts 24 Return - 1262 Lights - Solite 2x150W MH + 4 Ati T5 CR - Skimz CR NR - Nr1000 Chiller - Arctica Titanium 1/5

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have previously bought my culture disc from "florida farm" but then I do find the live phytoplankton you buy from LFS equally good.Theres a lot of information free off the internet if you google it---(maybe you will find relevant info from my previos posts on this subject) I have since stopped my culture due to lack of time maintaining it...also cannot resolve the phostphates issues from the fertilizers I was using (initially the plankton growth formula from florida farm, then "miracle grow" brand....

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I have previously bought my culture disc from "florida farm" but then I do find the live phytoplankton you buy from LFS equally good.Theres a lot of information free off the internet if you google it---(maybe you will find relevant info from my previos posts on this subject) I have since stopped my culture due to lack of time maintaining it...also cannot resolve the phostphates issues from the fertilizers I was using (initially the plankton growth formula from florida farm, then "miracle grow" brand...garden plants fertilizer as subsitute

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aiyo...no need la...what culture disc and stuffs.u can get those phytoplankton dry around and use that to culture. the only thing is that u need more work.

u can get those bottled ones from LFS also but if u are seriously thinking of culturing ur own and raising it...then go for the dry ones.. :lol: or else known as starter...

u can get plenty around. just need to go search. if really cannot find, then contact me. see when i am free, bring u go find. :lol:

nitrate and phosphate prob cannot avoid one. becos plankton is a form of microalgae and they need these nutrients too. i dun really support idea of using farming and planting fertilisers due to the fact that they contains alot of metals for these plants.

u will be seriously polluting the water. instead, just use trace elements and vitamins for these plankton. when they consumed ur vitamins, ur fishes will get them when u feed ur fishes with planktons.

u can feed them with yeast too but yeast is not nutritional. :lol:

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