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Yellow/Green Anemone

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  • SRC Member

I like to keep a Yellow/Green Anemone, Polyps, Hammer ,Goniapora, Sea Fan in my 2FT..possible??

I was informed that there are some Dyed versions of the Anemone that will die quicky?

Could an expert pls show me some pictures of the Natural ones that will last as well as recommend some of the other corals to me..in room temp...and 55 W PL lighting. 2Ft tank

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You could try the polyps and the hammer first. After a few months, you can add the seafan.

I would not recommend the goniopora as it needs an unknown trace element for survival and would not last for long. It is also damn POSIONOUS.

As for the anemone, I do not know what species you are talking about but as for a two feet tank, I would not recommend it as it will move around and sting your corals and topple your LR. (as quoted by Shiraz)

You can try to have some mushroom corals as they are hardy and look really nice.(If you know how to choose the nicer ones)

Another coral to choose from is the leather coral but be careful not to put too many into your tank as it will not look nice.

For buying corals, I recommend you go to Coralfarm as the corals there are REALLY cheap and they have A LOT of corals to choose from. Or you could go to LCK 110.

Gd Luck to keeping this hobby!!! :peace:

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You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

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AFAIAC goni needs less than clean water to survive :P .

Anemone wont really topple ur LRs.. its the walking sting effect that really puts some people off. but then again.. 90% of people who come into this hobby are almost guaranteed to have 2 nemos and a Nemo House. The list of cons for anemones goes on and on. u can do a search for detailed info.. personally i hate them :)

Dont buy stupid coloured anemones. and chances are they wont be dyed :) :)

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  • SRC Member

usually i guess only the long tentacles anemone are dyed leh

somemore got unnatural colours like yellow, purple, 'white'!!!!

rose carpet anemone its natural rite saw one costing like $40

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  • SRC Member
$40 is veri cheap liao...most of the time...pple quote me $60...can try LCK from time to time...they have nice ones :lol:

Yup...$40 is cheap but it also depends on the size. I got three roses with each more than palm size but in the range of $50-$60.

Two of them are still stuck to the rock of the lfs shop that I bought from...the guys refused to be violent with the mode of detachment so I'm still waiting... :(

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Yup...$40 is cheap but it also depends on the size. I got three roses with each more than palm size but in the range of $50-$60.

Two of them are still stuck to the rock of the lfs shop that I bought from...the guys refused to be violent with the mode of detachment so I'm still waiting... :(

buy it with the rock lohz..?

n goniopora is not poison leh.. poison meh..?

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Rose Anemone is Red??

I really want either a Yellow or Green Anemone....Please Advise!!!

some species

Goniapora -Poison? how?? by touching it??

no lah.. I sometimes also handle my anemone using bare hands..

same with bubbles.. oh. they do give u some stinging feelin.. oh..

shiok man.. ! wat's life w/o pain.

k, to play safe, never play with corals when u got wounds..

they love the blood.. give me.. give me.. blood..

so far only my bubbles sting me, in turn I wack it with two tight

flick of my fingers.

goniopora n anemone veri good, never sting. but make sure u

wash your hands with soap b4 eating that bak gua..!

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