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how do u no if your cycle has finished??

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hi bro/sis

i am new to this hobby. i jus started not long. i have a 2ft tank which cycled for around 3 weeks now. could u help me answer me this questions??

1:when is my tank ready for livestock??

2:i have bought 2 hermit crab for the first few days it was stil moving but after that

it jus stayed at a place not movig and cleaing at all. wads going on??

3:could my crabs be pregnant?? as the first few days they keep going to each other.

4:when i introduce live stock how strong should my current be??

5:how often should i clean my atman canister filter??

6:should i feed my crabs with pellet food??

7:i currently do not have a chiller could i keep any kind of fish??

8:wad kind of fish should i start with when the cycle is over??

9:if u rescape your life rock does it mean that u must recycle again??


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coulhi bro/sis

i am new to this hobby. i jus started not long. i have a 2ft tank which cycled for around 3 weeks now. could u help me answer me this questions??

1:when is my tank ready for livestock??

2:i have bought 2 hermit crab for the first few days it was stil moving but after that

it jus stayed at a place not movig and cleaing at all. wads going on??

3:could my crabs be pregnant?? as the first few days they keep going to each other.

4:when i introduce live stock how strong should my current be??

5:how often should i clean my atman canister filter??

6:should i feed my crabs with pellet food??

7:i currently do not have a chiller could i keep any kind of fish??

8:wad kind of fish should i start with when the cycle is over??

9:if u rescape your life rock does it mean that u must recycle again??


1. cycling normally take about a month with many factors involved. a reliable testkit will tell u when ur cycling is over. get ammonia, nitrite, nitrate.

2.i guess the ammonia might have killed the hermit.

3. no experience but i doubt so.

4.depending on ur tank size, a nano 6025 , or a seio 620 might be good.

talk to more reefers .

5.at least biweekly to prevent nitrate buildup

6.normally they will find food for themselves. but no harm feeding them pellets.

7.as long as ur temperature is not way too high. u might wanna consider fan.

8.as the tank is small, u might wanna try clownfishes, gobies, pygmy angels, dottyback,gramma.

9. as long as the time taken for the rock to be out of water is not too long, it is okie.


2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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  • 2 months later...
  • SRC Member

r u using di water to kick start ur tank.? if not i will recommend u to run a fluridise reactor with PO4 remover in the chamber.. :)

for testkit u can try getting salifert and tropic marine. this 2 are the reliable one which alot of reefers, including myself is using. and ya.. the price of salifert depends on wad type of testkit u getting.. price range from $20-$30++ :)

hope wad i provided will help u.. and do post a pic of ur tank in the member's showcase where lots of senior reefers, or new reefers can help u in any knowledge they know. :)

Reefing is like a Relationship, Once you fall in Love with it, You will Love it for Life... :wub:


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  • SRC Member
hi bro/sis

i am new to this hobby. i jus started not long. i have a 2ft tank which cycled for around 3 weeks now. could u help me answer me this questions??

1:when is my tank ready for livestock??

2:i have bought 2 hermit crab for the first few days it was stil moving but after that

it jus stayed at a place not movig and cleaing at all. wads going on??

3:could my crabs be pregnant?? as the first few days they keep going to each other.

4:when i introduce live stock how strong should my current be??

5:how often should i clean my atman canister filter??

6:should i feed my crabs with pellet food??

7:i currently do not have a chiller could i keep any kind of fish??

8:wad kind of fish should i start with when the cycle is over??

9:if u rescape your life rock does it mean that u must recycle again??


first is that ur hermit if not died then they are stressed. can't be pregnant.

and they getting to each other is not becos they are mating.

it's becos they are fighting for shell..

it's a common sight for hermits. :lol:

u can try to let them acclimate for a longer time and if they are still like that.

check ur nitrite. might be high.

for chiller...u can keep many types of fishes as long as the temerature dun kepp changing.

a fan is good but may increase ur rate of evapourate. i suggest that u get a chiller for a long term plan. 2ft chiller ain't ex.

and rescaping...

exposing ur rocks to the air will eventually caused ur anaerobis bacteria to die. but aerobic bacteria wun get affected.

u may need a short recycle for that. becos when anaerobic bacteria starts to colony back again, NNR will occur removing nitrate and can caused a spike in nitrite.

normally in a week time, things will be stablised. :lol:

and for circulation, it depends on wat corals u wanna keep...:)

LPS or SPS ??

for fishes...it's not abt wat u can keep but it's abt wat u should not try now...

no-no list:

powder blue. powder black. achilies. blue tang.

try not to get any tang for a start.

moorish idol.





reason is that tangs, angel and moorish idols have high chances of getting ich.

and as a starter, they can be discouraging and very unstable as ur tank is only 3weeks old.

any disease will result in u having to change water so save the trouble now.

eel, shark and pufferfish need a lot of spaces.

try to gain some experience by getting other fishes before trying these. :lol:

and strong circulation will prevent algae growth.

it's true becos:

it increases amount of water turnover and that removes nutrients from the tank before algae can grow.

and increases oxygen level as algae loves places with nutrients and carbon dioxide as these are the essential things for their living.

and the way they reproduce. they reproduce by budding and spores so current can caused these spores to be remove by filtration.

but it's will be useless to use current to prevent algae growth becos u need very strong current and there will somehow be a deadspot. so focus on nutrient export.

good luck.


. X-Nature . Something Xtravagant for everyone .

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